The Findings of the Junior KYM Sisters’ Questionnaire

44 Sisters disliked speaking. The next statement was about whether the Sisters were accustomed to using English in their daily life or not. The data showed that three 30 of the Sisters were accustomed to speaking in English with their friends. However, there were seven 70 of the Sisters were not accustomed to speaking in English. The next statement was about learners’ habit. The data showed that five 50 of the Sisters liked to watch English language- movies and the rest stated that they disliked watching English language-movies. Based on statement number 6, it can be seen that seven 70 of the Sisters were accustomed to listening to songs in English and three 30 of the Sisters stated that they were not accustomed to listening to songs in English. In last statement, it was found that eight 80 of the Sisters enjoyed reading short stories in English and two 20 of the Sisters did not enjoy reading short stories in English. It could be inferred that the Sisters actually like to learn English. The data showed that the Sisters were accustomed to watching movies in English-language, listening to songs in English, and reading short stories in English. The Sisters also tended to learn English passively receptive skill. It can be seen from statement number 4 and 7. In statement number 4, it was found that most of the Sisters were not accustomed to speaking in English, but the Sisters enjoyed reading short stories in English as stated in statement number 7. Based on the writer’s observation so far, most of the Sisters rarely practiced speaking in English but they enjoyed reading skill particular short stories. 45 Table 4.3. The Findings of Learners’ Competences No Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 8. I can understand the content of English-articles easily. 1 10 2 20 7 70 0 0 9. I can speak in English fluently. 1 10 3 30 6 60 10. Speaking skill is difficult to be learned. 1 10 6 60 3 30 0 0 No Questions Options Number and percentage 22. Among the following English skills, What is the competency you comprehend the most? A. Speaking skill 0 0 B. Reading skill 8 80 C. Listening skill 0 0 D. Writing skill 2 20 23. What problem do you face in learning speaking skill? A. Lack of vocabularies 9 90 B. Less interested in learning English 0 0 C. No time to practice 0 0 D. The grammar is difficult 0 0 E. Having no friend to practice 1 10 24. What English level do you have most? A. Beginner 3 30 B. Elementary 3 30 C. Intermediate 4 40 D. Advanced 0 0 The following part presented the explanation of le arners’ competences on English. Statement number 8 showed that three 30 of the Sisters could understand the content of the English-articles easily, but seven 70 of the Sisters could not understand the content of the English-articles easily. Statement number 9 was about the ability to speak in English. It was found that one 10 of the Sisters could speak in English fluently but, unfortunately nine 90 of the Sisters could not speak in English fluently. In statement number 10, it can be seen 46 that three 30 of the Sisters stated that speaking was not difficult to be learnt, but seven 70 of the Sisters assumed that speaking was difficult to be learnt. Question number 22 was about English skills that learners comprehended the most. In question number 22, the writer provided four skills to be chosen by the Sisters. The Sisters answered that eight 80 of the Sisters mastered the reading skill. The writing skill was chosen by two 20 of the Sisters. Unfortunately, none of them chose the listening and speaking skills. Question number 23 was about the problems faced by the Sisters in learning speaking. Nine 90 of the Sisters stated that the first problem was about vocabulary. Most of the Sisters were lack of vocabulary while one 10 of the Sisters stated that having no friend to practice. L ast question in the learners’ competences part was about English level. The findings showed that the English levels of the Sisters are varied. It was found that three 30 of the Sisters belongs to beginner level, three 30 of them belongs to elementary level, and four 40 of the Sisters belongs to intermediate level. Unfortunately, none of them belongs to advanced level. To sum up, most of the Sisters could not speak in English fluently and it was hard for them. The main reason is because the Sisters had limited vocabulary. That is why, none of the Sisters choose speaking as a skill they comprehend the most. Therefore, all of the Sisters need to be encouraged to learn and to speak in English. 47 Table 4.4. The Findings of Learners’ Expectations No Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 11. Junior Sisters need to be trained to speak in English. 6 60 4 40 0 0 0 0 12. I am interested to learn English especially speaking skill. 2 20 8 80 0 0 0 0 13. I want to speak English fluently and bravely. 7 70 3 30 0 0 0 0 14. I want to learn English, especially speaking that topics are relevant to the work field of KYM Congregation. 3 30 6 60 1 10 0 0 15. The ability to speak in English is important to be owned by the Junior Sisters. 5 50 5 50 0 0 0 0 16. The ability to speak in English can help me to carry out the mission. 3 30 5 50 2 20 0 0 17. Speaking skill will help me to be more expressive in communication. 4 40 6 60 0 0 0 0 20. I am interested to learn speaking skill using role play. 3 30 5 50 1 10 1 10 21. Role play technique can help me to practice in speaking. 4 40 4 40 1 10 1 10 Statements Options Number percentage 25. What technique you like in learning speaking? A. Role Play 1 10 B. Game 1 10 C. Dialogue 6 60 D. Discussion 1 10 E. Simulation 1 10 F. Others… 0 0 48 Table 4. 4.1. The Findings of Learners’ Expectations No. Statement Language functional Topical Rank Number percentage 6. Choose four topics among the eight topics that you need most in learning speaking related to the work field of the KYM Congregation Introducing self New place, new friends 1 9 90 Asking for and offering help Helping other Sisters in nunnery 3 6 60 Taking care of students in dormitory My tidy bedroom 5 4 40 Doing some shopping at the traditional market How much does it price and quantity? 8 1 10 Asking someone’s condition Serving in the clinic 7 2 20 Visiting sick people Pastoral care in parish 4 6 60 Promoting KYM Congregation The review of KYM profile 2 8 80 Making report in general meeting annually Attending and making report in general 6 4 40 This part presented the explanation of learners’ expectations on speaking. Statement number 11 showed that ten 100 of the Sisters agreed that Junior KYM Sisters need to be trained to speak in English. Statement number 12 was about learners’ interest to learn speaking skill. It was found that ten 100 of the Sisters was interested in learning English, especially speaking skill. Statement number 13 was proven that all the Sisters wanted to speak in English fluently and bravely. Statement number 14 was about speaking topics. Most of the Sisters or nine 90 Sisters agreed to learn speaking in which the topics are relevant to the 49 work field of the KYM Congregation. However, one 10 of the Sisters did not agree to learn speaking if the topics are relevant to the work field of the KYM Congregation. Statement number 15 showed that ten 100 of the Sisters agreed that the ability to speak in English is important for the Junior KYM Sisters. In statement number 16, it was proven that eight 80 of the Sisters agreed that the ability to speak in English could help them to carry out the mission of the KYM Congregation. Nevertheless, two 20 of the Sisters did not agree that the speaking ability could help them to carry out the mission of the KYM Congregation. Statement number 17 showed that ten 100 of the Sisters agreed that speaking skill could help them to be more expressive in communication. Statement number 20 was about technique in learning speaking. It was found that eight 80 of the Sisters were interested in learning speaking skill using role play technique. However, two 20 of Sisters were not interested in learning speaking using role play technique. Statement number 21 showed that eight 80 of the Sisters agreed that role play technique could help them practice in speaking. Meanwhile, two 20 of the Sisters disagreed that role play technique could help them practice in speaking. In order to identify more about techniques that could help Junior KYM Sisters learn speaking easily, the writer provided five options to be chosen by the Junior Sisters. The answers of the Sisters were varied. Question number 25 showed that six 60 of the Sisters enjoyed learning speaking through dialogue activity and one 10 of the Sisters enjoyed learning speaking using role play 50 technique. Discussion technique was chosen by one 10 of the Sisters and the simulation technique was chosen by one 10 of the Sisters. The last question was about speaking topics. The writer provided eight topics to be chosen by the Sisters. It was found that nine 90 of the Sisters agreed to learn language functional about Introducing self entitled “new places, new friends ”. The second language functional was about Asking for and offering help entitled “helping other Sisters in nunnery” was chosen by six 60 of the Sisters. The language functional about Taking care of students in dormitory entitled “My tidy bedroom” was chosen by four 40 of the Sisters. The language function about Doing some shopping at the traditional market entitled “How much does it price and quantity” was chosen by one 10 of the Sisters. The language function of Asking someone’s condition entitled “serving in the clinic ” was chosen by two 20 of the Sisters. The next language functional was about Visiting sick people entitled “pastoral care in parish” was chosen by six 60 of the Sisters. The language functional of Promoting KYM Congregation entitled “the review of KYM Congregation” was chosen by eight 80 of the Sisters. The last language functional was about Making report of general meeting annually entitled “attending and making report in general” was chosen by four 40 of the Sisters. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that Junior KYM Sisters were interested in learning speaking skill. The Sisters realized that English, especially speaking is important for them to support their work efficiently. Therefore, the 51 finding s of learners’ expectations became one of the strong reasons to design a set of instructional speaking materials for the Junior KYM Sisters.

b. The Findings of the Junior KYM Sisters’ Interview

After analyzing the questionnaires, the writer conducted an interview with the Junior KYM Sisters. The numbers of the participants were three Sisters from different areas. The areas were Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and Bekasi. The reason in choosing the participants from the different areas is that the writer wanted to know the influence of the areas and Sisters’ jobs toward their motivation in learning English. The interview was conducted in Yogyakarta in different times. The reason was because the Sisters could not follow the interview at the same day. The first time, a Sister who lives in Yogyakarta was interviewed on 21 April 2015. The second time, the interview was conducted for two Sisters from Surabaya and Bekasi on 24 April 2015. Furthermore, there were three reasons for conducting the interview. The first reason was the writer wanted to gain more information about Sist ers’ perceptions in learning English. The second reason was the writer wanted to make sure what techniques can help Sisters learn speaking easily, and the writer also wanted to know about Sist ers’ suggestions before the writer designs the materials. Therefore, the writer classified five basic questions in the interview into three themes. The blue print of the basic form of the interview can be depicted as follows: 52

4.5. The Blue Print of the Interview

Themes Questions Sister 1 Sister 2 Sister 3 Perception in learning speaking 1. Does Sister feel that speaking skill is difficult to be learnt? 2. What are the obstacles that Sister faced when learning English? 3. As a studentteacher, do you need to learn English intensively? Technique in learning speaking 4. What kind of model or technique that can help Sister to learn speaking easily? Suggestions 5. Before I am going to design the materials for the Junior Sisters, do you have any suggestions, Sister? The result of the interview findings can be seen as follows: The first question was about Sisters’ perceptions in learning speaking. Two of the Sisters whom the writer interviewed stated that speaking was not difficult to be learnt. They enjoyed learning speaking. The other Sister stated that English was difficult. The reason was because the Sister had got negative experience in learning English when she was in the junior high school and it made the Sister uninterested anymore in learning English. However, basically all of the Sisters had a willingness to learn English. The second question was about the problems or difficulties faced by the Sisters in learning speaking. Based on the findings, there were two basic difficulties faced by the Sisters. Firstly, the Sisters felt shy to speak in English. It happened because the grammar and pronunciation of the Sisters were still not 53 good. Also, the Sisters’ vocabulary was very limited. Secondly, the Sisters felt afraid of making mistakes. The Sisters had experience of inferiority to speak in English because there were other people around them who were able to speak well. The third question was about the influence of the Sist ers’ job on their motivation to learn English. All of the Sisters recognized that their jobs required them to learn English. In conclusion, generally the Sisters had positive perceptions on English. It means, the Sisters faced difficulties but they still wanted to learn speaking. It became a good sign for the writer to design the materials for the Junior KYM Sisters. The second theme was about the technique in learning speaking. The Sisters said that they wanted to learn speaking using dialogue in which the Sisters would act and speak like in a real life with their partners. The dialogue would help the Sisters practice more in speaking. The last theme was about Sist ers’ suggestions for the material would be designed. The Sisters stated that they needed a material in which the content of the materials was related to the Sisters ’ daily life. The Sisters also said that they needed a list of vocabulary or difficult words with the meaning and phonetic transcription to help them pronounce the words correctly. In addition, the Sisters said that the writer needs to make the module colorful, interesting, and the diction should be simple and easy to be understood.