Successful Actions Unsuccessful Actions

Figure 9: Chart of the Students’ Writing Scores in the Pretest, Cycle 1, and Cycle 2. Figure 9 shows that guided writing influenced students’ writing skills. Before the implementation of guided writing, there was no student in the excellent category. However, after the implementation, the frequency of excellent category increased. Meanwhile, after the implementation of guided writing, there was no student in the very poor category. It can be claimed that guided writing is able to improve students’ writing skills.

E. Discussion

Before the implementation of guided writing in the teaching and learning process, the students felt that writing was difficult. They got many difficulties in writing. Based on the data collected in the reconnaissance stage, it was found that students ’ writing skills were still low related to grammar, sentence structure, 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Pre-test Cycle 1 Cycle 2 excellent very good good fair poor very poor vocabulary and idea. Therefore, the researcher implemented guided writing to solve those problems. Guided writing facilitates the students to become better writers. They are given the model paragraphs to build their knowledge about a narrative text. The model paragraphs encourage them to recognize the organization of the text, vocabulary, sentence structure and also the language features used in a narrative text. It is in line with Holdich and Chung 2003 who state that guided writing offers greater opportunities for young writers to make valuable connections between text, sentence and word level decisions and help children shape and redraft texts with particular criteria in mind. Guided writing also encourage the students to improve their writing skills related to vocabulary and sentence structure. According to Cross in Reid 1993:26 ESL writing classes, particularly at the lower levels of language proficiency, successfully use guided writing techniques to build vocabulary and sentence structure knowledge. In guided writing, their vocabulary mastery is improved by exercises given by the teacher, such as comprehension questions related to the model paragraphs. They are also given language based exercises that enable them to practice their knowledge related to grammar and sentence structure. In guided writing the students are prepared to become better writers. They should write independently and individually at the end. Guided writing provides oral compositions which enable them to prepare their writing. They are actively involved in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the teaching and