Definitions of Guided Writing

c. Language based exercises In language based exercises, the teacher gives a series of exercises which focus on vocabulary building and sentence structure knowledge. Students do exercises in order to improve their ability in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. d. Oral compositions Oral compositions here mean discussions. The teacher and the students discuss what they are going to write. Shehe guides them to build up an outline or a list of key expressions on the board as a basis for students’ writing. e. Written compositions Students start to create their own writing. They use the knowledge they got within the teaching and learning process. They also may follow model paragraphs given by changing the information based on their topics.

3. Advantages of Guided Writing

According to Crown 2007:6, there are some advantages of guided writing. First, it enables the teacher to tailor the teaching to the need of the group. Second, it facilitates the teaching and learning of individual teacher. Third, it provides the teacher with the opportunity to extend and challenge more able groups of students. Fourth, it encourages the students to be active participants in discussing about writing. Fifth, it builds confidence. The groups are a grappling with the same issues. Last, it allows the teacher to give immediate feedback on success on the opportunity to discuss further areas for improvement.

C. Relevant Studies

Some relevant studies have demonstrated the implementation of guided writing to improve students’ writing skills and its effectiveness. Dyan 2010 conducted a study on guided writing to improve students’ writing skills. She concluded that guided writing c ould improve students’ writing skills, especially on the aspect of sentence construction which deals with structure and vocabulary. Another study on guided writing was conducted by Dani 2014. She tried to implement guided writing in order to improve students ’ writing skills at SMPN 2 Selat. It also showed similar results. She stated that the application of guided writing could improve students’ writing skills. The results of her study explained that the process of teaching writing by applying guided writing gave significant improvement to students’ writing skills. The students were happy and excited in learning writing. In addition, they became more creative and active in the teaching and learning process.

D. Conceptual Framework

Writing is one of the language skills that has to be mastered by the junior high school students. It plays an important role in their language learning mastery. It becomes more important because it can be used to make sure that they have covered all materials given by the teacher. However, some of them have the ideas of what they want to say but they cannot write them properly. They get difficulties in transferring their ideas into written language. Those problems are also found in SMPN 6 Magelang. The students’ writing is not satisfying yet . It can be seen from their writing performances and their responses toward writing. They got difficulty in transferring their ideas into written language. They lacked vocabulary. They got difficulty in applying the grammatical rule. During the observation, the researcher found that students were less motivated in writing. They felt that writing was difficult. From those problems, the researcher and the English teacher of SMPN 6 Magelang decided to implement guided writing to improve students’ writing skills. There are many advantages of implementing guided writing in the teaching and learning process. In guided writing, they get more support and guidance from the teacher while doing writing activities. They get models or examples that show what they have to do in writing. Their vocabulary mastery are involved in the process of writing preparation so that they might build their self-confidence in composing writing. They also get language based exercises. It may enhance their grammatical awareness and sentence structure knowledge of a second language. To conclude, in this research study, the researcher implemented guided writing to improve students’ writing skills in terms of content, organization, vocabulary and sentence structure. Guided writing also improved students’ motivation.