Delusions Paranoid Schizophrenia Reflected from the Characteristics

50 herhim like what Kawashima’s believe that all women that he likes will leave or ignore him.

2. Hallucinations

There are many events that show Kawashima’s hallucinations. In this novel, every time Kawashima became suspicious, anxious and fearful, he would suddenly get hallucinations. The hallucinations had already disturbed his senses. Hallucination is one of the symptoms that is enough to be put as the evidence to prove that someone has a paranoid schizophrenia. According to James D. Page in Abnormal Psychology: A Clinical Approach to Psychological Deviants, hallucination is “hallucinatory phenomena consisting of the perception of nonexistent external stimuli are more common in schizophrenia than in any other mental disease” 1947: 239. Here, Page tried to say that all quotations and all evidences that are already written above are enough to show and to decide whether Kawashima has a mental illness or not. This is reaffirmed by the existence of hallucination in Kawashima as a paranoid schizophrenic. In Piercing, there are some hallucinations. They are visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations and olfactory hallucinations. In this novel, the writer finds that the first time the visual and auditory hallucinations came when one night Kawashima went to the nearest shop to buy diaper for his daughter. He went there to calm himself because he was afraid he would stab his daughter. In the shop when he was looking for a diaper, he suddenly saw his other-self standing in front of him and pointed to the picture of a baby. There, he saw his other-self talking to 51 him and reminding him about Taku-Chan, his friend when he was in Home. Still in the same time he got auditory hallucinations too. Here, it said the same as what the visual hallucinations told him, that was, to stab someone else to overcome the fear p.30-31. What Kawashima saw and heard are concluded as hallucination because he was the only person who could see and hear it while other people could not. The auditory hallucination appeared very often to him. Auditory Hallucinations is “Hallucinations involving the sense of hearing: the individual may hear voices telling him what to do, commenting on or criticizing his actions” Coleman, 1976: 296. Coleman tried to say that people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia cannot control his thought. In this story, the auditory hallucination appeared twice. The first time he experienced the auditory hallucination was in the shop when he tried to calm himself from fear of stabbing his own daughter. The second auditory hallucination appeared when he was in Sanada Chiaki’s apartment after taking her to the hospital to get medical treatment after Sanada stabbed her own right thigh. In Sanada’s apartment, Sanada put two tablets of halcion medicine in Kawashima’s drink to turn Kawashima on. After Kawashima drank it, he suddenly lost control. The halcion had been working and made him more sensitive that he heard a voice in his head. At that time, he got hallucinations. At that time, in Sanada’s apartment, still under the effect of halcion, he heard a voice that he remembered very distinctly in his head, and this voice had been the same voice that had protected him when he was a kid. This voice tried to 52 convince Kawashima to continue his plan to stab Sanada, and it also commanded him to be strong and to not ask for forgiveness from Sanada. The effect of halcion that he drank had made him unable to control himself and hurt him. The voice that he heard in his head also tried to calm him down from the attack of halcion. The voice said that it would be over p.166. From this evidence, it is clear that the voice tried to give spirit and direction about things that Kawashima should do when the reaction of halcion was working on him. The evidence that the writer already mentioned in Sanada’s apartment when he heard a voice in his head is concluded as hallucination. Another hallucination that also appeared few times to Kawashima was when he smelt bizarre things while other people could not. That hallucinations is called olfactory hallucinations. He usually smelt something bizarre when he felt anxious, fearful and when he tried to do violence to overcome his fear. It is triggered when he thought that his daughter was a threat for him. It appeared because he was afraid he would lose Yoko; that is why when he thought that his daughter was a threat, he began smelling scents like a pungent whiff or something organic being burnt. The following shows his hallucination. “As he opened his eyes he found that his senses of sight and sound and smell were getting entangled with one another, and now came a snapping, crackling sensation and a pungent whiff of something like that. He moaned beneath his breath: not again. It always started with the sweating, followed by this smell of charred tissue, Then a sudden sense of utter exhaustion, and finally that indescribable pain” Murakami, 2007: 4. The above quotation shows that there is something wrong with Kawashima’s psychology. Everything that he thought to be real was actually only 53 a hallucination that appeared in his head. In short, the author concludes that he actually could not differentiate real thing from hallucination.

3. Egocentric Individual

Egocentric individuals is a person “whose lives revolve about the theme of persecution” Page, 1947: 254. It means that this person will imagine that someone is trying to offend and turn herhim down. Besides, the other side of this person also only focuses on herhim and thinks that shehe has the right to punish someone as one of the emotional aggressiveness. In the explanation before, it is stated that Kawashima had bad experiences when he was a kid. The abuses that he got when he was a kid had put him to stay in Home a place for children who get abuse from their parents for a while. During his over two years in Home, he grew into hating his mother and all parents who abused their children. According to Page, sensitive and egocentric are some symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia 1947: 254. It means that a sensitive feeling makes people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia think that they have the right to get revenge like what Kawashima thought when he remembered his friends in Home who had the same experience and pain as him. Usually, people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia will become violent or will commit suicide. But according to how Murakami described Kawashima Masayuki in his novel, Kawashima turned to be violent. People in Home usually thought that all abuses that they received from their parents were caused by their bad attitude, and that was why they assure themselves that it would be better hating themselves than their parents. That 54 feeling also happened to Kawashima when he was a kid and stayed in Home, but when he had already become an adult, he did not feel it anymore. He thought that it was the parents who did not deserve to be loved. In his anger, he thought that he must take revenge to all parents for the pain and the sadness that he and his friends had felt when they were in Home. He believed that he was the representative for all children that could avenge for all the bad things that parents had already done to him and his friends. Below is the evidence that will show the egocentric individual symptom. “Kawashima began to think of himself as a representative. A representative of all the children who’d become insignificant dots in that dark diorama; a martyr armed with only an ice pick, facing down the enemy hordes. Flushed with a sense of omnipotence he summoned up the faces of the children in the Home one by one and told them: just wait and see. His lips grazed the window-pane, and several drops of water ran down the glass like little bugs scattering. I’ll kill them all for you, Kawashima muttered again and again” Murakami, 2007: 58. From the above quotation, when he remembered all his friends in Home who had the same experience as him, Kawashima believed that he was the representative of people in Home to avenge all pain, sadness and disappointment that they had felt to the parents who ignored and abused their child. He thought that he had the power to do that. Other evidence that prove the egocentric individual symptom also appeared when he tried to stab Sanada. In his mind, he wanted to be feared by everyone. In this novel, He wanted Sanada to ask for his mercy to spare her life. “I need her to squeal and weep and plead for her life” p.153. From this quotation, it is clearly seen that he is really a sick person. He imagined himself as a great person who had power and must be feared. He wanted to be looked as a