Theory of Character Review of Related Theories


i. Mannerisms

Mannerisms are the last way that Murphy wants to share. Mannerisms hold an important role in understanding the character. “The author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies which may also tell us something about his character” Murphy, 1972: 173. So, mannerisms usually will show the reader a deeper understanding about the personality of the character itself.

3. The Relation between Literature and Psychology

In literature, people can learn about psychology, like they can in psychology. As already known, literature is a part of art. There are always meanings, reasons, moods and feeling of the artist or the authors, hidden behind all literary works. A good novelist can communicate the feelings of his fictional characters and make them seem more life-like than the real people whose behavior the psychologist attempts to describe. Writers can use the understanding provided by psychologists to enrich their stories, and psychologists can gain in their understanding of human behavior by drawing from the deep sensitivity of good authors Kalish, 1972: 8. The above quotation shows that psychology and literature are connected to each other. Both literature and psychology learn about phenomena happening in the past and nowadays. Usually, a work of literature can be analyzed from many points of view, which are, from the character, the situation that the author describes and also from the biography of the author himherself. Seeing literature from psychological aspect leads the writer to conclude that both literature and psychology have the same purpose, that is, as a mirror for the reader in understanding human behavior by increasing self-awareness and 14 learning to be wiser in facing the life and doing something. Besides, psychologists believe that people cannot be separated from the cause and effect.

4. Theory of Schizophrenia

Before the writer goes and explains further about the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, it is important to know what schizophrenia is. Schizophrenia is a disorder with a range of symptoms involving disturbances in content of thought, form of thought, perception, affect, sense of self, motivation, behavior, and interpersonal functioning Halgin, 1994: 276. From the above quotation, the writer found that schizophrenia is generally a type of mental illness that attacks emotion, thought and sense in general. Here, a person who suffers from schizophrenia usually has bizarre behavior every time she feels anxious or fear. It happens because the stimulation that comes to schizophrenic has already disturbed his thought until it makes herhim not able to think logically anymore. A person who suffers from schizophrenia does not realize that she is sick. In most cases, a schizophrenic person cannot control what just appears in herhis mind. To know whether someone gets schizophrenia or not, it is important to know the symptoms first. According to G. Terence Wilson, “delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior and negative symptoms” are classic symptoms of schizophrenia 1996, 416. Although he said there are five symptoms of schizophrenia, he also said that to identify that someone really suffers from schizophrenia or not, the writer only needs to identify two symptoms out of five.