Object of the Study

29 Writing About Literature by Mary Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods, Abnormal Psychology And Modern Life Fifth Edition by James C. Coleman Abnormal Psychology An Experimental Clinical Approach by Gerald C. Davison and John M. Neale, APA Dictionary of Psychology by Gary R Vandenbos Phd, Abnormal Psychology: The Human Experience of Psychological Disorders by Richard P Halgin and Susan K Whitbourne, Abnormal Psychology : Current Perspectives by Lauren B. Alloy, Joan Acocella and Richard R. Bootzin, The Psychology of Human Behavior Third Edition by Richard A Kalish, The Language of Literature: A Stylistic Introduction to the Study of Literature by Michael Cummings and Robert Simmons, Abnormal Psychology: Understanding Behavior Disorders by Jack Roy Strange, Abnormal Psychology Integrating Perspectives by G. Terence Wilson, Peter E. Nathan, K. Daniel O’Leary and Lee Anna Clark. 30


This chapter discusses the answer to the problems formulated in the first chapter. There are three main parts that are discussed. The first part is about the characteristics of the main character in Piercing. Here, the writer explains and give detail information about the characteristics of Kawashima Masayuki. The second part discusses how the characteristics of the main character can be categorized as having paranoid schizophrenia. This part presents the description of paranoid schizophrenia’s symptoms in Kawashima’s characteristics in order to reveal the details of this mental illness. The last part discusses the factors that influence the main character to suffer from paranoid schizophrenia. This part will observe some events that had happened to Kawashima Masayuki. Here, the writer will analyze it through his past life, environment and his psychological stance as the important factors that cause him to suffer from paranoid schizophrenia.

A. The Characteristics of Kawashima Masayuki

Kawashima Masayuki is the main character in Piercing. He is the central person in the story because from the beginning to the end of the story, the author described him in detail. Murakami wrote his story starting from Kawashima’s past life when he was a kid until he had became an adult. According to M.H Abrams, the most important or central person in the story is the major character, and it goes to Kawashima Masayuki. Kawashima is characterized as a twenty-nine-year-old 31 man with a normal life, but having bad childhood experiences. Here, he is described as a husband of Yoko, a father of a daughter named Little Rie and worked as a graphic designer. In this story, there are several characteristics of Kawashima Masayuki. The writer analyzes those characteristics using the theory of characterization by M. J. Murphy. In this theory, there are nine ways that can be used to find the characteristics of the main character. But, in this analysis, only four ways are used. They are speech, past life, reactions, and thoughts. These four ways are considered the most significant ones that will support the analysis of the characteristics of the main character. They will help to analyze the characteristics of the main character seen from the mental or personality point of view. Based on the analysis, there are six characteristics that are appropriate to describe Kawashima Masayuki. The six characteristics are suspicious, anxious, fearful, spiteful, violent and in doubt. To understand further about Kawashima Masayuki’s characteristics, the explanation is as follows.

1. Suspicious

In Piercing, Kawashima is described as a suspicious man. He became suspicious toward something that tried to hurt him, although it only appeared in his mind. Things that triggered his suspicion are feeling that someone knew his wicked plan to stab a woman, someone would ignore and leave him, and so on. Here, Kawashima’s feeling comes as a product of his childhood life, when his mother used to treat him badly. That is why when he felt comfortable with someone, he would easily get suspicious if he found that person was not like what