Egocentric Individual Paranoid Schizophrenia Reflected from the Characteristics

57 What Kawashima did and felt toward Little Rie can be summarized as violence because although Kawashima did not really stab Little Rie, his desire and thought to stab his daughter is still part of violence. Shortly, after he knew and realized that he could not stab his own daughter, he finally decided to stab someone else. In the story, he decided to stab someone else after he got hallucinations in the shop near his apartment. That was the last violence that Kawashima did in this story. Here, he tried to stab a prostitute named Sanada Chiaki. After he got hallucination in the shop, the next day he lied to his wife by saying that he had gone to Tokyo to learn how to be a true salaryman, that was why he must took that chance. But the fact was that he did not do that. In Tokyo he planned to kill someone. Below is a quotation that will prove his violence toward a prostitute named Sanada who he thought would be perfect for him to stab. This quotation happened when Kawashima realized that his notebook was opened near Sanada after he helped her. “His blood turned to ice. She must have read the notes, he thought, and a shiver emanating from his bitten finger rippled through every cell in his body. He experienced a surge of nausea and looked over at the girl, who had turned her back to him and was climbing into her slip. I have no choice now, he thought, and the chill and the nausea merged with a peculiar, bubbling excitement. I have no choice but to kill her” Murakami, 2007: 117. From the above quotation, the writer sees that Kawashima enjoyed doing violence. On the quotation above, the writer also finds that Kawashima felt an excitement in him every time he thought that he must stab Sanada. The reason that made him must stab her because he was afraid that Sanada had already read his plan to stab a woman then told someone about his plan. That situation really 58 agitated him and made him feel anxious. In short, delusions already controlled and convince him that Sanada was a big threat for him. Because Kawashima really wanted to kill Sanada, he finally tried to connect his desire to kill Sanada with Sanada’s abnormal behavior in committing suicide. In his bizarre thought, he believed that Sanada was a chronic suicide case and Sanada would need his help to kill her. Here, the situation that Kawashima was facing had already manipulated his life and his thought. It led him to think that violence would be the only solution to release his fear. People who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia are usually seen very likely as a matter of “kill or be killed” Strange, 1965: 313. It means that people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia are better to kill someone who are against them before that person kill or defeat them in every way.

C. Factors Affecting Kawashima Masayuki’s Paranoid Schizophrenia

Based on the theory that the writer already mentioned in the second chapter and in the introduction of chapter four, there are two factors that affect Kawashima Masayuki’s paranoid schizophrenia. They can be seen in psychological factor that focus on trauma and family theories that focus on environmental stressors. Before the writer shows and explains the factors deeper, it is important to know that psychology and literature are connected to each other. Literature also “holds the mirror up to man”. Writers can use the understanding provided by psychologists to enrich their stories, and 59 psychologists can gain in their understanding of human behavior by drawing from the deep sensitivity of good authors Kalish, 1972: 8. From the above quotation, the writer summarizes that the author persuaded people to be more sensitive and critical toward things and circumstances around them through herhis literary works. Otherwise, the psychologists usually attempt to describe someone’s behavior and try to find the cause in order to get the right treatment for the patient who has problem with hisher psychological stance. Piercing is one of the novels which genre is psycho-thriller. Here, the writer uses the psychological approach to understand the novel. To answer the last problem of this study, the writer will try to find some factors that caused Kawashima to suffer from paranoid schizophrenia.

1. Psychological Factors

Kawashima’s condition that had forced him to move from one place to other place made him want to get more to fulfill the needs of his psychology, the need that he did not get from his family. In Piercing the writer finds two abuses that Kawashima received during his childhood. They are mental abuse and physical abuse. Those abuses will answer the reason why Kawashima is categorized as person who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Paranoid schizophrenia does not appear suddenly without triggering factors; that is why abuse can be the factor that leads someone to be paranoid schizophrenic.

a. Mental Abuse

First that will be analyzed is mental abuse. Kawashima got mental abuse because his mother ignored him; he did not have a good communication with his