Hallucinations Auditory Hallucinations Theory of Schizophrenia

20 brave voice that makes them follow the direction of hallucinations that she sees or hears. “Some diagnosed schizophrenics often behave quite normally” Alloy, 1996: 355. It means that people who suffer from paranoid schizophrenia are sociable in herhis environment and community. Besides, “a paranoid person is usually capable of self-management in the community, but on occasion their persecutory ideas may render them dangerous” Page, 1947: 184. It means that while on one hand a paranoid person is capable of living a normal life with a good interaction and relationship, on the other hand she can hurt herhimself or hurt people around herhim. To give strong evidence to show that someone suffers from paranoid schizophrenia or not, below are some information that will help the writer in identifying this mental illness. In rare instances a paranoid patient may become dangerous and kill or injure someone. In such an instance the patient’s feelings connected with his delusions had probably become very intense so that the violent assault seemed to him the only solution to this person. To this person it was seen very likely as a matter of kill or be killed Strange, 1965: 313. From the above quotation, the writer concludes that paranoid schizophrenia patients become dangerous if they start to feel delusions or hallucinations in front of them. Besides, the delusions and hallucinations that appear in paranoid schizophrenics mind will make them do something inappropriate and illogical until those lead them to do violence. 21

6. Family Theory in Perspective of Schizophrenia

Family has an important role in the development of children psychology. Every single moment, situation and treat in family’s life, children usually can easily record all actions that they see and words that they hear. Therefore, all things that happened and learned from the family will influence the children’s psychological stance in the future. According to family theorists, psychological tensions in the home may also be a stress factor in schizophrenia, and not just for the children of schizophrenic mothers Alloy, 1996: 395 From the above quotation, it can be concluded that every condition and situation in the home will influence someone psychological stance in their social life. It also shows that family life is a main factor that can affect someone become schizophrenic. Not only is this condition faced by children of schizophrenic mothers, but also all people who have unstable family life. In family theories, there are two theories that will answer the reason why someone suffers from schizophrenia. First is expressed emotion EE. This factor is related to the relatives in the family. This theory tries to show that schizophrenogenic mother or schizophrenia-causing mother has a role to affect her children’s psychological stance until they suffer from schizophrenia. “Mothers who were cold, domineering, rejecting, and at the same time overprotective could induce schizophrenia in their children” Alloy, 1996: 395. Usually, most of schizophrenics who have schizophrenogenic mother become dependent toward something or someone because they are shadowed by their past life.