Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif Minat Mahasiswa Mengikuti PKM Pemahaman tentang PKM Kreativitas

169 Pemahaman ,242 ,021 ,471 11,341 ,000 Kreativitas ,226 ,031 ,302 7,260 ,000 IPK ,410 ,339 ,047 1,209 ,227 a. Dependent Variable: Minat Residuals Statistics a Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N Predicted Value 28,47 56,40 44,05 3,871 392 Residual -14,401 16,917 ,000 4,480 392 Std. Predicted Value -4,026 3,191 ,000 1,000 392 Std. Residual -3,202 3,762 ,000 ,996 392 a. Dependent Variable: Minat Npar Test One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Unstandardized Residual N 392 Normal Parameters a,b Mean ,0000000 Std. Deviation 4,48000478 Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,046 Positive ,046 Negative -,030 Test Statistic ,046 Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed ,045 c a. Test distribution is Normal. b. Calculated from data. c. Lilliefors Significance Correction. 170 UJI LINIERITAS

A. Pemahaman tentang PKM dengan Minat Mahasiswa Mengikuti PKM

ANOVA Total_Minat Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups Combined 6869.780 53 129.618 6.409 .000 Linear Term Weighted 4737.956 1 4737.956 234.254 .000 Deviation 2131.824 52 40.997 2.027 .000 Within Groups 6836.299 338 20.226 Total 13706.079 391

B. Kreativitas dengan Minat Mahasiswa mengikuti PKM

ANOVA Total_Minat Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups Combined 4299.895 39 110.254 4.126 .000 Linear Term Weighted 3230.261 1 3230.261 120.883 .000 Deviation 1069.633 38 28.148 1.053 .389 Within Groups 9406.184 352 26.722 Total 13706.079 391 171 LAMPIRAN 6 PERHITUNGAN DESKRRIPTIF 172 PERHITTUNGAN DESKRIPTIF CHI SQUARE Pengukuran Uji Hipotesis Tiga kategori Skor Kategori Rumus 3 Tinggi ≥ ẋ + 1s 2 Cukup Sedang ẋ - 1s sd ẋ + 1s 1 Rendah ≤ ẋ-1s Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Jml_K 392 28.00 80.00 62.2551 7.90424 Jml_P 392 24.00 96.00 63.2832 11.51998 Jml_M 392 31.00 64.00 44.0485 5.92063 Valid N listwise 392

A. Minat Mahasiswa mengikuti PKM Skor

Kategori Perhitungan Hasil 3 Tinggi ≥ 44,05+5,92 ≥ 50 2 Cukup Sedang 44,05-5,92 sd 44,05+5,92 38 sd 50 1 Rendah ≤ 44,05-5,92 ≤ 38

B. Pemahaman tentang PKM Skor

Kategori Perhitungan Hasil 3 Tinggi ≥ 63,28+11,52 ≥ 74,8 2 Cukup Sedang 63,28-11,52 sd 63,28+11,52 51,76 sd 74,8 1 Rendah ≤ 63,28-11,52 ≤ 51,76

C. Kreativitas Skor

Kategori Perhitungan Hasil 3 Tinggi ≥ 62,26+7,90 ≥ 70,16 2 Cukup Sedang 62,26-7,90 sd 62,26+7,90 54,26 sd 70,16 1 Rendah ≤ 62,26-7,90 ≤ 54,26 173 LAMPIRAN 7 UJI CII SQUARE 174

A. IPK dengan Minat Mahasiswa Mengikuti PKM

IPK Kategori_Minat Crosstabulation Kategori_Minat Total Rendah Cukup Tinggi IPK 2.00 Count 2 5 2 9 Expected Count 1.5 6.0 1.5 9.0 2.00-2.75 Count 7 40 12 59 Expected Count 10.1 39.1 9.8 59.0 2.76-3.50 Count 47 158 39 244 Expected Count 41.7 161.8 40.5 244.0 3.51-4.00 Count 11 57 12 80 Expected Count 13.7 53.1 13.3 80.0 Total Count 67 260 65 392 Expected Count 67.0 260.0 65.0 392.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. 2- sided Pearson Chi-Square 3.685 a 6 .719 Likelihood Ratio 3.755 6 .710 Linear-by-Linear Association .269 1 .604 N of Valid Cases 392 a. 2 cells 16.7 have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.49. Symmetric Measures Value Asymp. Std. Error a Approx. T b Approx. Sig. Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .097 .719 Interval by Interval Pearsons R -.026 .050 -.518 .605 c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.026 .049 -.516 .606 c N of Valid Cases 392 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. 175 Symmetric Measures Value Asymp. Std. Error a Approx. T b Approx. Sig. Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .097 .719 Interval by Interval Pearsons R -.026 .050 -.518 .605 c Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.026 .049 -.516 .606 c N of Valid Cases 392 a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c. Based on normal approximation.

B. Pemahaman tentang PKM dengan Minat Mahasiswa Mengikuti PKM

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