iv PENGEMBANGAN PENYALURAN KREDIT MELALUI KOPERASI DENGAN POLA SWAMITRA UNTUK PENINGKATAN EKONOMI DAERAH DAN MASYARAKAT DI KOTA PEKANBARU R. MOCHTAR. M SEKOLAH PASCASARJANA INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR BOGOR v 2008 PERNYATAN MENGENAI TUGAS AKHIR DAN SUMBER INFORMASI Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa Tugas Akhir Pengembangan Penyaluran Kredit Melalui Koperasi Dengan Pola Swamitra Untuk Peningkatan Ekonomi Daerah dan Masyarakat di Kota Pekanbaru adalah karya saya sendiri dan belum pernah diajukan dalam bentuk apa pun kepada perguruan tinggi manapun. Sumber informasi yang berasal atau dikutip dari karya yang diterbitkan maupun tidak diterbitkan dari penulis lain telah disebutkan dalam teks dan dicantumkan dalam Daftar Pustaka di bagian akhir Tugas Akhir ini, Bogor, Juli 2008

R. Mochtar M.



Development of Credit Disbursement by Cooperative trough Swamitra Arrangement to Increase the Region and People Economy in Pekanbaru City. Under supervision of LALA M. KOLOPAKING, and LUKMAN M. BAGA Local government of Riau Province through Cooperation and UKM Department of Riau Province in 2001 has allocated 18 billion rupiah to 36 units of credit cooperative in 15 regenciescities. This program aims to develop swamitra arrangement held in 2006. The objectives of this research is to analyze swamitra arrangement supporting credit cooperative and identify impacts and strategies of credit through swamitra arrangement for region and people economy. This research indicated that the implementation of credit through swamitra arrangement in Pekanbaru City worked well. The indications such as credit disbursement succeeds to strengthen cooperation capital, accelerate credit disbursement, and use professional worker to strengthen cooperation also technological expert to disburse credit trough computer. Besides, fund given by Riau Province government to increase swamitra arrangement has contributed to PAD. Generally, developing of credit disbursement of swamitra arrangement has positive impact for regonal economy. To develop swamitra arrangement further, some constraints have to be controlled such as requirements to have credit rent, condition of enterprises, interest rate of credit, and adjustment between time to return and amount of rent. Swamitra arrangement is a good program to support cooperative in disbursing credit as well. In the future, development of “exit strategy” program is required for cooperatives which are swamitra arrangement locations. Keywords: Cooperative, Credit, Swamitra vii RINGKASAN

R. MOCHTAR M. Pengembangan Penyaluran Kredit Melalui Koperasi Dengan Pola