Uji Diagnostik Pengolahan dan Analisa Data 1. Pengolahan Data


5.1. Simpulan

Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara skor Alvarado dengan hasil pemeriksaan patologi anatomi jaringan apendiks pada pasien apendisitis akut di RSUD Serang tahun 2013.

5.2. Saran

Pada penelitian ini, peneliti hanya melakukan analisis mengenai hubungan skor Alvarado dengan hasil pemeriksaan patologi anatomi pada jaringan apendiks, sedangkan temuan klinis pada skor Alvarado yang mungkin ada hubungannya dengan hasil pemeriksaan patologi anatomi pada jaringan apendiks tidak dilakukan. Maka, diharapkan adanya penelitian lebih lanjut yang melakukan dan menyajikan data lebih lengkap. 38 DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Sjamsuhidajat R, Karnadihardja W, Prasetyono TOH, Rudiman R. Apendiks. In: Riwanto I, editor. Buku ajar ilmu bedah sjamsuhidajat-dejong. Ed 3. Jakarta: EGC; 2010. h.755-60. 2. Dorland WAN. Kamus saku kedokteran dorland. Ed 28. Jakarta: EGC; 2012. Apendisitis; h.80. 3. Craig S. Appendicitis [Internet]. Medscape; 2012 [updated 2012 Oct 26; cited 2013 Aug 29]. Available from: http:emedicine.medscape.comarticle773895-overviewshowall. 4. Sulistiyawati, Hasneli Y, Novayelinda R. Evektifitas mobilisasi dini terhadap penyembuhan luka post operasi apendisitis [Internet]. Repository unri; 2013 [cited 2013 Agustus 27]. Available from: http:repository.unri.ac.idhandle1234567891895. 5. Kumar V, Cotran RS, Robbins SL. Apendisitis akut. In: Hartanto H, editor. Buku ajar patologi robbins. Ed 7. Jakarta: EGC; 2007. h. 660-61. 6. Tamanna Z, Eram U, Hussain AM, Khateeb SU, Buhary BM. Alvarado score in diagnosis of acute appendicities. Int J Appl Basic Med Res 2012; 21: 66- 70. 7. Olakolu S, Llyold C, Day G, Wellington P. Diagnosis of acute appendicitis at mandeville regional hospital clinical judgment versus alvarado score. Int J Emerg Surg 2010; 271: 1-5. 8. Junias RS M. Hubungan antara skor alvarado dan temuan operasi apenisitis akut di rumah sakit pendidikan fakultas kedokteran universitas sumatera utara. Repository USU 2009; 1: 1-61. 39 9. Ellis H. The appendix. In: Sugden M, editor. Clinical anatomy applied anatomy for students and junior doctor. 11 th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing; 2006. p.80-81. 10. Gusmara A. Data pasien rsud serang tahun 2013. Serang: RSUD Serang; 2013. 11. Marisa, Junaedi HI, Setiawan MR. Batas angka leukosit antara apendisitis perforasi di rumah sakit umum daerah tugurejo semarang selama januari 2009 - juli 2011. Jurnal unimus 2012; 11: 1-8. 12. Ivan. Apendisitis akut [Internet]. Repository USU; 2010 [cited 2013 Juli 3]. Available from: http:repository.usu.ac.idbitstream123456789219083Chapter20III- IV.pdf. 13. Soomro AG, Siddiqui FG, Abro AH, Abro S, Shaikh NA, Memon AS. Diagnosis accuracy of alvarado scoring system in acute appendicitis. Pak J Med Sci 2008; 1: 93-96. 14. Brahmachari S, Jajee AB. Alvarado score a valuable clinical tool for diagnosis of acute appendicitis-a retrospective study. J Med Allied Sci 2013; 32: 63- 66. 15. Norton J, Barie PS, Bollinger RR, Chang AE, Lowry S, Mulvihill SJ, et al. Surgery basic science and clinical evidence. 2 nd ed. New York: Springer Science Business Media; 2009. p. 994-96 16. Jaffe BM, Berger DH. The appendix in schwartzs principle of surgery. 9 th ed. New York: McGraw Hill Companies Inc; 2009. p. 1073. 17. Keyzer C, Geve PA. Clinical presentation of acute appendicitis. In: Humes DJ, Simpson J, editor. Imaging of acute apendicitis in adults and children. New York: Springer Science Business Media; 2011. p.17. 40 18. Al-Hashemy AM, Seleem MI. Appraisal of the modified alvarado score for acute appendicitis in adults. Saudi Med J 2004; 259: 229-1231. 19. Humes DJ, Simpson J. Acute appendicitis. Br Med J 2006; 333: 530-34. 20. Khan I, Rehman AU. Application of alvarado scoring system in diagnosis of acute appendicitis. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2005; 173: 1-4. 21. Dahlan MS. Besar sampel dan cara pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian kedokteran dan kesehatan. Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2010. h.82. 22. Lateef AU, Arshad AR, Misbah J, Hamayun M. Role of leucocyte count in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Pak J Med Sci 2009; 72: 140-42. 23. Tade AO. Evaluation of alvarado score as an admission criterion in patients with suspected diagnosis of acute appendicitis. West Afr J Med 2007; 263: 210-12. 24. Singh K, Gupta S, Pargal P. Application of alvarado scoring system in diagnosis of appendicitis. Indian J Med Surg 2008; 102: 84-86. 25. Lamparelli MJ, Hoque HM, Pogson CJ, Ball AB. A prospective evaluation of the combined use of the modified alvarado score with selective laparoscopy in adult females in the management of suspected appendicitis. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2000; 82: 192-95. 26. Gurav, Hombalkar, Dhandore P, Hamid M. Evaluation of right iliac fossa pain with reference to alvarado score- can we prevent unnecessary appendicectomies ?. Indian J Med Surg 2013; 22: 24-29. 27. Escriba A, Gamell AM, Fernandez Y, Quintilla JM, Cubells CL. Prospective validation of two systems of classification for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Pediatr Emer Care 2011; 273: 165-69.