Diplazium albido-squamatum Alderw. Diplazium angustipinna Holttum Holttum


4. Diplazium albido-squamatum Alderw.

Diplazium albido-squamatum Alderw., Bull. Buiten. II no. 23. 9. 1916. -- -TYPE: C.J. Brook 272S. holotype, BO, Soelit, Lebong, Bengkulu, Sumatra; C.J. Brook s.n. isotype, L, Lebong Tandai, Bengkulu, Sumatra. Stipes 38 cm long, 6 mm thick, grooved above, dark brown-blackish, scales throughout; scales lineary lanceolate or subulate, to 1 cm long, 1 mm wide, dark brown, margin toothed with thickening black strand. Lamina bipinnate, ca. 70 cm long, ? cm broad, lanceolate in outline, pinnated pinnae 5 pairs below ca. 5 pairs of pinnatifid pinnae, apical lamina ?; lower pinnae stalked, stalked to 17 mm long, 8-10 cm apart, ovate-lanceolate, 15-24.5 cm long, 8.5-9 cm broad, pinnulae 5-8 pairs; lower pinnulae shortly stalked to 1 mm long or adnate, 2.5-3 apart, upper pinnulae sessile with subequally broadly cuneate; larger pinnulae oblong-elliptical, 4.8 cm long, 1.9 cm broad, base subequally subtruncates, apex acute, margin lobed ¼-13 way to costule; lobus 4-6.5 mm wide, ends rounded- subtruncate; texture subherbaceous, upper surface glabrous, to apex vein whitish-limy, dot-like; rachise obscurely dark brown, minutely scales, at length base persistent scales fallen away rugged; veins free, pinnate, mid-veins forming angle ca. 60º to costule; veinlets 4-6 pairs, length base persistent scales fallen away rugged all simple, forming angle about 20-25° to costule. Sori elongate along veinlets, cover ½-23 of its length, acroscopic basal diplazioid, others asplenoid; ndusia dark brown, stiff, margin entire, opening when mature. DISTRIBUTION. Sumatra. ECOLOGY. Grown in limestone. SPECIMENS EXAMINED. --- SUMATRA: C.J. Brooks 272S. NOTES. young plants simply pinnate, with the fronds similars to the largest pinnae of the adult ones but less copiously soriferous. 193

5. Diplazium angustipinna Holttum Holttum

Diplazium angustipinna Holttum Holttum, Rev. Fl. Malaya 2. Appendix II: 637. 1966. Athyrium angustipinna Holttum, Gard. Bull. S.S. 14: 8. 1953; Rev. Fl. Malaya 2: 549. 1966. --- TYPE: R.E. Holttum SFN 39416 holotype, SING, Frasser’s Hill, Pahang, Malay Peninsula. Rhizome short, erect. Stipe to 36 cm long, 3 mm thick, scales at base; scales narrow, to 8 mm long, 1 mm broad, medium margin entire, some larger ones with black firm edges. Lamina simply pinnate, fertile ones to 41 cm long, lateral pinnae 4-6 pairs below a terminal leaflet of similar shape; largest fertile pinnae on different fronds 10-18 cm long, 1.6-2.8 cm broad, widest 13 from the base, tapered evenly to the narrow apex and to the base which is truncate on a stalk 1 mm. long, margin slightly and irregularly sinuous; frond and rachis glabrous except for very short hairs in groove of upper surface of rachis and small scales on bases of costae; rachise not proliferous; veins anastomousing freely in outer 13 of each half of the lamina, forking 2 or 3 times before anastomousing. Sori long, diplazioid on acroscopic branch of each first forking, reaching from costa 23 towards the margin, also 1-3 short sori on distal anastomousing vein- branches; indusia narrow, firm, perisistent, margin entire. ANATOMY. Transverse section of stipe near lamina: Vascular bundle form uninterrupted V-shaped, with an angle 70º, ends simple, not forming a ridge. CHROMOSOMES. 2n = 123 Cytotype: T.Ng. Praptosuwiryo 1904, BO, 164 T.Ng. Praptosuwiryo 1905b, BO. DISTRIBUTION --- Malay Peninsula, Borneo. ECOLOGY --- Terrestrially on humus rich soil or rock soil in dense jungle. 400-900 m. SPECIMENS EXAMINED --- BORNEO: T.Ng. Praptosuwiryo 1904, 1905b. --- MALAY PENINSULA: R.E. Holttum SFN 3946; King’s 8026. 194

6. Diplazium asymmetricum Praptosuwiryo, sp. nov. Plate 1.