The Role of Media

Pictures are really useful ways to prompt students into writing stories Harmer, 2004:69. Pictures series can attract the students’ eagerness to start writing and develop their ideas. According to Wright 1989: 3, there are some criteria in using pictures as a media, 1they should be easy to prepared, 2they should be easy to organize in classroom, 3they should be interesting, 4the activity have to be meaningful and authentic, 5the activity should give rise to a sufficient amount of language. According to Wright 1989, pictures contribute to increase the studen ts’ interest and motivation, make the students’ have sense of the context of the language and pictures can be a specific reference point or stimulus to the students.

c. Bulletin board

Menurut Mulyoto 2007, ada tujuh manfaat adanya majalah sekolah. Pertama, sebagai media penyalur potensi menulis. Siswa dapat menyalurkan bakat serta minat menulis. Kedua, penyalur aspirasi. Siswa mengungkapkan perasaannya dengan tulisan, baik berupa gambar, cerpen, artikel, atau puisi yang nantinya akan dimuat di majalah sekolah. Ketiga, media komunikasi. Tulisan yang dimuat —baik dari siswa, guru atau karyawan— akan dibaca seluruh keluarga besar sekolah. Hal ini secara tidak langsung akan terjadi komunikasi antarpembaca. Keempat, media pembelajaran berbasis baca-tulis. Belajar tidak cukup dengan hanya mendengarkan penjelasan guru, mencatat, dan menghafalkan. Tetapi juga mau membaca masalah-masalah di sekitarnya dan menuangkan dalam bentuk tulisan. Keberadaan majalah sekolah memberi ruang kepada siswa untuk mempublikasikan idenya. Kelima, media belajar organisasi. Dalam pembuatan majalah sekolah diperlukan pengelola majalah, mulai dari pemimpin redaksi, sekretaris, bendahara, redaktur, wartawan, fotografer, dan lain-lain. Secara langsung, siswa belajar bagaimana membagi pekerjaan untuk membuat majalah sekolah.Keenam, penyemai demokrasi. Dengan adanya majalah sekolah, siswa bisa menuliskan uneg-unegnya dalam bentuk tulisan. Uneg-uneg bisa berbentuk masukan untuk perbaikan sekolah. Ketujuh, media promosi. Tulisan yang ada dalam majalah sekolah sekaligus dapat diketahui orang lain. Selagi majalah itu masih ada, sampai kapan pun orang lain akan dapat membacanya. Dengan kata lain, penerbitan majalah sekaligus bisa menjadi media promosi sekolah tersebut. http:medanquindah.blogspot.com201102majalah-dinding.html The Benefits of the Bulletin Board  There are many benefits that can be derived from the bulletin board. It can be used as communication media. Posts on it are a particular form of communication between certain parties. They present information or events that occur within a certain scope. For example, bulletin board in schools; it writes news or information regarding the activities of the school, it will not be obtained from newspapers or magazines in general. Readers who are concerned with the news is probably not just read, but also respond or react. This is where communication will occur between the editorial with the readers, and the readers with other readers  The bulletin board was also important in honing students ability to involve in an organization, to train the discipline since they have to work on schedule, to learn to be more creative in finding new ideas for themes and display of the billetin board, and to train students to be more responsible for the task to be done.  The bulletin board also can be used as a place to patch creativity. It not only shows articles in its colums, but also the creation of visual arts and crafts. Creativity art not only brings beauty, but also consider the economic aspect and the use of objects around. The editor must be smart to choose the news exists in the environment and then process them into an interesting story.  From the bulletin board, editors and readers will learn a lot. Editor in preparing for the birth of the bulletin board in each edition would require a lot of knowledge or information. Indirectly, the students who are assigned to write one article will read a lot. After all, they have to be equipped with knowledge the writing skills. While for the readers of the bulletin board, instead of getting information, they will be motivated to dig further knowledge. All of the articles in the bulletin board are brief because of the limitation of the space. For more information the readers can find it through other media newspapers, internet, etc..  Because school bulletin board has great significance for both students and teachers, it should be well managed in order to keep its continuity. With a good