Type of Study Research Subject Research Procedure


In this chapter, there are discussions about the methodological steps which underlie this study. It covers the research design, research subject, research setting, research instrument, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, and research procedure.

A. Type of Study

The objective of this research is to develop appropriate model of English learning materials for students of Beauty Study Program. Therefore, this research is classified as Research and Development since it aims to develop a finished product that can be used appropriately in an educational program Borg, 2002:772. B. Research Setting The research was conducted in September 2014 at SMK N 3 Magelang which is located at Jalan Pierre Tendean 1 Magelang. There are four Study Programs in this Vocational High School. They are Tata Busana, Tata Boga, Tata Kecantikan, and Akomodasi Perhotelan.

C. Research Subject

The subjects of this research were Grade X students of Beauty Study Program at SMK N 3 Magelang. There are two classes of Grade X students of Beauty Study Program. Each class consists of 34 students. All of the students are female. The research subjects were limited for only one class.

D. Research Procedure

The procedure of this research refers to the system approach model proposed by Dick and Carey in Borg, Gall and Gall 2003. However, the system approach model has been adapted by the researcher to meet the condition of the research. Figure 3.1 The Organization of the Research Procedure Step 1 Needs analysis Step 2 Planning Writing a syllabus Step 3 Designing the materials Writing the first Step 4 Materials Evaluation Step 5 Revising Writing the final draft The procedures of the research are described as follows: 1. Needs analysis The purpose of the needs analysis is to gather the information of learners ’ needs and learning needs. The data were analyzed as the basis for developing English learning materials for the Grade X students of Beauty Study Program. 2. Planning In this stage, the syllabus was developed based o n the students’ needs analysis questionnaire. There is also a consideration about the core competence and basic competences which underlie the English teaching at Vocational High School. The syllabus consists of core competence and basic competence, topics, unit titles, indicators, input texts, language focus that cover vocabulary and grammar, and learning procedureactivities. 3. Developing the materials The developed materials were based on the syllabus. There were three units. Each unit consists of 25 tasks. Each unit is divided into two sections; spoken listening and speaking and written reading and writing. Each section follows the scientific method, which are; observing, questioning, experimentingcollecting datainformation, associatinganalyzing datainformation, communicating, and creating. 4. Materials Evaluation The materials were evaluated by an expert to assess the appropriateness of the materials. The process of assessment uses expert judgment questionnaire. The questionnaire is adapted from the criteria of materials development proposed by BNSP 2011. The experts are also provided with some open-ended questions to write their opinions or suggestions. 5. Revising The results of the expert judgment questionnaire were analyzed and then used as the basis to rewrite the final draft of the materials. The revisions are based on some categories such as the content, the language, the presentation, and the layout. After being revised, the materials are considered as appropriate English learning materials for the Grade X students of Beauty Study Program.

E. Data Collection Techniques