Asetliabilitas pajak tangguhan lanjutan

Lampiran 5102 Schedule CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN INTERIM 30 JUNI 2014, 31 DESEMBER 2013, DAN 30 JUNI 2013 Dinyatakan dalam ribuan Dolar AS, kecuali dinyatakan lain NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 30 JUNE 2014, 31 DECEMBER 2013 AND 30 JUNE 2013 Expressed in thousands of US Dollars, unless otherwise stated


DAN SALDO DENGAN PIHAK BERELASI lanjutan 35. TRANSACTIONS AND BALANCES WITH RELATED PARTIES continued c. Kompensasi manajemen kunci c. Key management compensation Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan dan entitas anak merupakan personil manajemen kunci. The Board of Commissioners and Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries are considered key management personnel. Remunerasi untuk Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perusahaan dan entitas anak, untuk periode enam bulan yang berakhir pada tanggal 30 Juni 2014 dan 2013, adalah sebagai berikut: Remuneration for the Board of Commissioners and Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries for the six-month periods ended 30 June 2014 and 2013, was as follows: 30 JuniJune 2014 2013 Remunerasi 11,580 8,781 Remuneration Imbalan pasca kerja 832 855 Post employment benefit 12,412 9,636 Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi tidak menerima manfaat lain seperti rencana opsi saham manajemen. The Boards of Commissioners and Directors do not receive any other benefits such as management stock options.



30 JuniJune 2014 2013 Laba konsolidasian periode berjalan Consolidated profit for the period yang dapat diatribusikan kepada attributable to the owners pemilik entitas induk 167,903 247,956 of the parent Rata-rata tertimbang jumlah Weighted average number of saham biasa yang beredar ordinary shares outstanding dalam ribuan lembar saham 31,985,962 31,985,962 in thousands of shares Laba bersih per saham dasar Basic earnings per share nilai penuh 0.00525 0.00775 full amount Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham yang digunakan sebagai Weighted average number of ordinary penyebut dalam perhitungan shares used as the denominator in laba per saham dasar calculating basic earnings per dalam ribuan lembar saham 31,985,962 31,985,962 share in thousands of shares Penyesuaian untuk perhitungan Adjustments for calculation of laba per saham dilusian dalam diluted earnings per share ribuan lembar saham: in thousands of shares: - Opsi saham Catatan 40v 2,381,730 2,381,730 Share options Note 40v - Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham yang digunakan sebagai Weighted average number of ordinary penyebut dalam perhitungan shares used as the denominator in laba per saham dilusian calculating diluted earnings per dalam ribuan lembar saham 34,367,692 34,367,692 share in thousands of shares Laba per saham dilusian Diluted earnings per share nilai penuh 0.00489 0.00721 full amount Disajikan kembali lihat Catatan 3 As restated refer to Note 3