EXPLORATION FS AE 30 June 2014 Final2

Lampiran 565 Schedule CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN INTERIM 30 JUNI 2014, 31 DESEMBER 2013, DAN 30 JUNI 2013 Dinyatakan dalam ribuan Dolar AS, kecuali dinyatakan lain NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 30 JUNE 2014, 31 DECEMBER 2013 AND 30 JUNE 2013 Expressed in thousands of US Dollars, unless otherwise stated



Penambahan selama periode berjalan merupakan setoran modal yang dilakukan secara proporsional oleh seluruh pemodal tanpa mengubah persentase kepemilikan entitas asosiasi. Additions during the period represented capital contributions which were made proportionately by all investors without changing the relative percentage of ownership of the associates. Pada tanggal 21 Februari 2014, ATA, PT Energi Karya Persada EKP dan PT Perusahaan Palembang Investama PPI menandatangani akta jual beli dimana ATA menjual kepemilikan saham pada SMS kepada EKP dan PPI masing-masing sejumlah 144.200 lembar saham dan 216.300 lembar saham dengan harga AS10.052 dan AS15.078. Keuntungan dari penjualan investasi pada SMS senilai AS11.434 diakui pada pendapatan lain-lain, neto Catatan 33. On 21 February 2014, ATA, PT Energi Karya Persada EKP and PT Perusahaan Palembang Investama PPI signed interest share sale and purchase agreements, whereby ATA sold its interest in SMS to EKP as to 144,200 shares and to PPI as to 216,300 shares for US10,052 and US15,078 respectively. The gain from sale of investments in SMS amounting to US11,434 was recognised in other income, net Note 33. Ringkasan informasi keuangan entitas asosiasi Grup, dimana semuanya tidak diperdagangkan di bursa, adalah sebagai berikut: The summary of the Group’s associates financial information, all of which are unlisted, is as follows: Negara domisili Kepemilikan Country of Aset Liabilitas Pendapatan Labarugi Interest held domicile Assets Liabilities Revenues Profitloss 30 JuniJune 2014 PT Juloi Coal Indonesia 9,217 8,668 - 4,110 25.00 PT Kalteng Coal Indonesia 1,346 741 - 406 25.00 PT Maruwai Coal Indonesia 165,809 14,063 - 1,721 25.00 PT Lahai Coal Indonesia 148,168 12,100 - 9,267 25.00 PT Sumber Barito Coal Indonesia 1,064 528 - 282 25.00 PT Ratah Coal Indonesia 258 271 - 173 25.00 PT Pari Coal Indonesia 475 287 - 191 25.00 BPI Indonesia 216,325 200,820 57,602 3,279 34.00 31 DesemberDecember 2013 PT Juloi Coal Indonesia 8,722 8,914 - 10,167 25.00 PT Kalteng Coal Indonesia 1,281 1,171 - 1,577 25.00 PT Maruwai Coal Indonesia 152,718 2,692 - 682 25.00 PT Lahai Coal Indonesia 146,440 33,655 - 24,125 25.00 PT Sumber Barito Coal Indonesia 1,034 716 - 1,088 25.00 PT Ratah Coal Indonesia 374 414 - 524 25.00 PT Pari Coal Indonesia 443 64 - 668 25.00 SMS Indonesia 55,515 68,492 356 16,249 35.00 BPI Indonesia 170,188 157,962 38,587 1,459 34.00 Grup memiliki wakil dalam Direksi pada entitas asosiasi di atas. The Group has representation on the Board of Directors in the above associates. Seperti yang dijelaskan pada Catatan 40r, Grup berpendapat bahwa investasi Grup dalam BPI tidak mengalami penurunan nilai. As discussed in Note 40r, the Group believes that the Group’s investment in BPI is not impaired.