Perjanjian Fasilitas AS750.000 lanjutan

Lampiran 581 Schedule CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN INTERIM 30 JUNI 2014, 31 DESEMBER 2013, DAN 30 JUNI 2013 Dinyatakan dalam ribuan Dolar AS, kecuali dinyatakan lain NOTES TO THE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 30 JUNE 2014, 31 DECEMBER 2013 AND 30 JUNE 2013 Expressed in thousands of US Dollars, unless otherwise stated


21. LONG-TERM BANK LOANS continued

g. Perjanjian Fasilitas AS40.000 lanjutan

g. US40,000 Facility Agreement continued

Pada tanggal 30 Juni 2014, MBP belum melakukan penarikan atas fasilitas pinjaman ini. As at 30 June 2014, MBP has not yet drawn down on this loan facility.



30 Juni 31 Desember June 2014 December 2013 Nilai muka 800,000 800,000 Face value Diskonto dan biaya penerbitan 15,161 15,161 Discount and issuance cost Amortisasi diskonto dan biaya Amortisation of discount and penerbitan 5,741 5,031 issuance cost 790,580 789,870 Pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2009, Adaro menerbitkan Guaranteed Senior Notes “Senior Notes” sebesar AS800.000, dengan harga jual 99,141. Senior Notes tersebut akan jatuh tempo pada tahun 2019. Senior Notes tersebut dikenakan suku bunga tetap sebesar 7,625 dan dibayarkan secara semi-annual pada tanggal 22 April dan 22 Oktober setiap tahun, yang dimulai pada tanggal 22 April 2010. Senior Notes tersebut dijamin oleh Perusahaan, tanpa syarat dan tidak dapat dibatalkan. On 22 October 2009, Adaro issued Guaranteed Senior Notes the “Senior Notes” amounting to US800,000, with a selling price of 99.141. The Senior Notes will mature in 2019. The Senior Notes bear a fixed interest rate of 7.625, which is payable semi-annually in arrears on 22 April and 22 October of each year commencing on 22 April 2010. The Senior Notes are unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the Company. Senior Notes tersebut diterbitkan berdasarkan perjanjian antara Adaro, Perusahaan, dan The Bank of New York Mellon, sebagai wali amanat. The Senior Notes were issued under an indenture between Adaro, the Company and The Bank of New York Mellon, as the trustee. Senior Notes tersebut saat ini mendapatkan peringkat “Ba1” dari Moody’s dan “BB+” dari Fitch. Peringkat tersebut menunjukkan penilaian agen pemeringkat atas kemungkinan pembayaran tepat waktu atas jumlah pokok dan bunga atas Senior Notes. The Senior Notes are currently rated “Ba1” by Moody’s and “BB+” by Fitch. The ratings reflect the rating agencies’ assessments of the likelihood of timely payment of the principal and interest on the Senior Notes. Hasil dari Senior Notes digunakan terutama untuk membiayai ekspansi atas infrastruktur Grup, dalam rangka mendukung peningkatan kapasitas produksi batubara Adaro. The proceeds of the Senior Notes were used primarily to finance the expansion of the Group’s infrastructure in support of the expansion of Adaro’s coal production capacity.