3. Procedure : Siswa secara berpasangan melakukan percakapan yang melibatkan ungkapan kepastian dan keraguan di depan kelas. Indikator Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk Instrumen 1. Menggunakan ungkapan meminta dan memberi kepastian untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. 2. Menggunakan ungkapan yang menyatakan mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan. lisan Lisan performance Dialog Dialog Card Practise the dialogue with your partner. Make a short dialogue using expression of certainty and uncertainty based on given situation RUBRIK PENILAIAN Kriteria Score 1. Pronunciation pengucapan 2. Clarity kejelasan 3. Performance penampilan 4. Intonation Intonasi 5 5 5 5 Jumlah 20 x 5 = 100 Standar setiap kriteria  Excellent : 5  Very good : 4  Good : 3  Average : 2  Poor : 1


Card for role play  Script dialog  Oxford Dictionary  English dictionary, Hasan Sadely.  Buku English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High School, Artono Wardiman, Masduki B. Jahur, dan M. Sukirman Djusma, BSE page 2 - 4. Pulokulon, 4 Juli 2011 Mengetahui, Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran Muhamad Safi’i, S.Pd. M.Pd. Hartono, S.Pd. NIP. 19661208 199403 1 010 NIP. 19750417 200604 1 005 WORK SHEET Practice 1. Read the dialogue with your seat mate. Study the italicised sentences phrases carefully. Ocha : Today is so bright. What do you think if we go for a walk? Rina : This afternoon? Ocha : Yup. Rina : Are you sure that it’s not going to rain? Ocha : Well… there is no cloud and the air is not so windy. Rina : I know… but the weather nowadays is unpredictable. I am not to sure that the weather will bright all day. Ocha : Well, you’re right. But there is nothing wrong to go for a walk, isn’t it? Rina : Yeah, what about the weather forecast for today. Ocha : It’s said that the weather will bright all day long. So, I am pretty sure that it is not going to rain. Rina : Okay, but we should prepare rain coat or umbrella in case of rain. Ocha : Okay. Let’s go then. Practice 2. Answer these questions according to the situation around you 1. Are you sure you will be accepted in SMA 1 Gubug? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Are you sure a tractor is more effective than wooden plough? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Are you sure the farmers always have good crops every year? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Are you certain all your classmates will come to your birthday party? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Are you sure your basket ball team will win the competition? Answer: _______________________________________________________________________ Practice 3. Make a dialoque in pairs based on the situations given Then practice with your seatmate 1. Your friend is bringing umbrella with her and she is wearing a rain coat. You are very sure today is sunny. 2. Ridho asks and thinks that people will stop cutting down trees in the forest. Arif, his friend is not sure because there are many people living near the forest. 3. It is cloudy. You cancel your outing program because you are sure it will rain. Your friend agrees. 4. Anita never studies for the final exam, you are not sure that she will pass the exam. Your friend has the same idea with you. KEY ANSWER Practice 1. Students’ performance Practice 2 1. Yes, I am sure. Because I am clever student. 2. No doubt about it, I think that tractor is a modern tool for agriculture. 3. I doubt that. The weather nowadays is unpredictable. It is very important for the farmers. 4. I am certain. They have said it to me. 5. I’ve no doubt about it. Our basketball team practiced three times in a week. Practice 3 Student’s product and student’s performance. RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN KD 3.2 No.1 SMP : SMP Negeri 3 Pulokulon Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas Semester : IX Gasal Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40’