Panjang baffle = H L,s – Offset 1 + Offset 2 = 37,2836 in – 6,1514 + 0,5126 in = 30,2445 in

b. Daya Motor

Densitas cairan, ρ mix = 887,9344 kgm³ = 55,4301 lbft 3 Viskositas campuran diprediksi dengan persamaan Arrhenius Viswanath, et all; 2007, viscosity of liquids theory, Estimation, Experiment, and data; hal 428 eq.5.28. Viskositas campuran menggunakan persamaan Arrhenius : log μ campuran = x 1 .log μ 1 + x 2 .log μ 2 + ... + x i log μ i Tabel C.12.2 Komponen masuk Netralizer Komponen Laju Alir Massa kgjam Fraksi mol, x i Viskositas, μ i cP xi x log μ i Propanol 241.8388 0.0545 0.93154 -0.001680043 As.Asetat 241.8388 0.0545 1.395324 0.007891961 Propil Asetat 3326.3834 0.7503 0.446022 -0.263089826 H 2 SO 4 4.3971 0.0010 14.13464 0.001140865 Air 613.7119 0.1384 0.663454 -0.02466675 NaOH 3.5894 0.0008 2.804509 0.000362604 Total 4433,3748 1,0000 0,9168 log μ mix = Σ x i . log μ mix = -0,2801 μ mix = 0,5247 cp = 5,2468 x 10 -4 kgm .s Jumlah pengaduk yang dibutuhkan Rase, 1977 : n = WELH ID WELH = water equivalent liquid height. WELH = tinggi cairan x sp.gr densitas air pada 4 o C = 1046,397238 kgm3 densitas larutan = 1122,4554 kgm 3 spesifik gravity = ρ larutan ρ air = 887,9344 1046,397 = 0,8486 WELH = 0,8486 ft x 3,0757 = 2,6099 ft Jumlah pengaduk, n = 2,6099 ft 3,0757 ft = 0,8486 ≈ 1 diperlukan 1 buah pengaduk. 2 600 . . 14 , 3 . 2 N Di Di WELH Rase 8.8 600 . . 14 , 3 . 2 5 , Di Di WELH N 600 . 1,0252 14 , 3 1,0252 . 2 6099 , 2 5 , x N = 210,274 rpm = 3,5045 rps Keterangan : WELH = Water Equivalent Liquid Height, ft WELH = ZL x specific gravity of liquid Di = Diameter pengaduk, ft N = Kecepatan pengadukan, rpm Kecepatan putar pengaduk, N, Rase, 1977 : Bilangan reynold, N Re = mix I mix N D 2 = s m kg x rps m . 10 5,2468 5046 , 3 3125 , kgm 887,9344 4 2 3 = 5,7916 x 10 5 Angka daya, N p = 3 gambar 10.6 Walas, 1988 Kebutuhan daya teoritis : P = 5 3 . . . I mix p D N N = 5 3 3 3125 , x 5046 , 3 x kgm 9344 , 887 x 3 m = 341,6654 Js = 0,4582 hp Hilang gland loss = 10 x 0,4582 hp = 0, 0458 hp M.V. Joshi, gland loss 10 dari daya teoritis Daya input = 0,4582 hp + 0,0458 hp = 0,5040 hp Hilang sistem transmisi = 20 x 0,5040 hp = 0,1008 hp Daya total = 0,1008 hp + 0,5040 hp = 0,6048 hp Efisiensi motor = 80 Motor yang digunakan = 0,7560 hp