The Effect of Parents Concern toward Accounting Learning


3. The Effect of Parents Concern toward Accounting Learning

Achievement The results of this research show that there is a positive effect of Parents Concern toward the Accounting Learning Achievement. Through simple regression analysis obtained r x3y is 0.394. The price of r table is 0.252 with N-59 at 5 significance level. It means r value is higher than r table 0.3940.252. In addtion the results r 2 x3y is 0.168 and t value is 3.510 and t table 2.001 with 5 significance level so it can be inferred that the Parents Concern gives a positive influence towards the Accounting Learning Achievement. Thus, it can be said the higher the Parents Concern will be increasingly higher Accounting Learning Achievement. The research was supported by the theory of Parents Attention according to Slameto 2013:61 that parents are less or not paying attention to the education of his son, for example, they are indifferent to learn his son was not noticed at all would be his sons interests and needs in learning, can cause a child not or less successful in achieving good learning achievements. Parents who give her attention more intensively on the development of childrens learning and progress will appear to look at the achievements of the study reached the child. Parents Concern to their children in terms of learning can be provided in the form of meeting the needs of education, give freedom to the growing in accordance with its potential, giving awards and penalties, 104 help the difficulty in terms of learning and provide direction and role model. The results of this research are consistent with research conducted by Erisa Fitri Wijayanti 2013 entitled “Pengaruh Perhatian Orang Tua dan Locus of Control terhadap Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Siswa Kelas XI AK SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo Tahun Ajaran 20122013”. The result is that there is a positive influence Parents Concern towards Accounting Learning Achievement r x1y = 0.352; r 2 x1y = 0.124; t value = 3.940; t table = 1.987 on 5 significance level.

4. The Effect of Locus of Control, Student Perceptions of Teacher