Sumber Ketidakpastian Estimasi dan

PT WINTERMAR OFFSHORE MARINE Tbk PT WINTERMAR OFFSHORE MARINE Tbk DAN ENTITAS ANAK AND SUBSIDIARIES CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED KONSOLIDASIAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir For the Years Ended pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2016 dan 2015 December 31, 2016 and 2015 Dalam US Dolar Penuh In Full US Dollar Lanjutan Continued 33 2016 2015 USD USD Deposito Berjangka - Pihak Ketiga Time Deposits - Third Parties US Do lar US Dollar PT Ban k QNB Kesaw an Tb k 2,400,000 3,449,790 PT Ban k Neg ar a In d o n esia Per ser o Tb k 2,000,000 1,700,000 PT Ban k OCBC NISP Tb k 1,000,000 1,500,000 PT Ban k Man d ir i Per ser o Tb k -- 373,000 Ru p iah PT Ban k Neg ar a In d o n esia Per ser o Tb k 2015: Rp 13,000,000,000 -- 942,370 PT Ban k Man d ir i Per ser o Tb k 2015: Rp 5,500,000,000 -- 398,695 Su b To t al 5,400,000 8,363,855 Total 15,413,079 16,205,162 Tin g kat Bu n g a Ko n t r akt u al Dep o sit o Contractual Interest Rates on Time Deposits US Do lar US Dollar 0.5 - 1.75 0.75 - 2.5 Ru p iah -- 6.00 - 7.25 Per io d e Jat u h Tem p o Dep o sit o Maturity Period of Time Deposits 1 b u lan month 1 b u lan month 5. Piutang Usaha 5. Accounts Receivable a. Berdasarkan Pelanggan a. By Customers 2016 2015 USD USD Pihak Berelasi Cat at an 9 3,871,991 4,299,721 Related Parties Note 9 Pihak Ketiga Third Parties In d u st r i Min yak d an Gas 12,205,348 17,075,635 Oil and Gas Industry In d u st r i No n Min yak d an Gas 11,532,048 12,092,550 Non Oil and Gas Industry To t al 23,737,396 29,168,185 Total Dikurangi : Pen yisih an Pen u r u n an Nilai 2,514,412 9,472,562 Less: Allowances for Impairment Su b To t al Pih ak Ket ig a 21,222,984 19,695,623 Sub Total Third Parties Total Bersih 25,094,975 23,995,344 Net b. Berdasarkan Umur b. By Aging Categories 2016 2015 USD USD Belu m Jat u h Tem p o 14,260,351 13,458,890 Not Yet Due Telah Jat u h Tem p o Over Due 1 - 30 Har i 3,888,282 4,161,086 1 - 30 Days 31 - 90 Har i 1,681,393 2,727,539 31 - 90 Days Leb ih d ar i 90 h ar i 7,779,361 13,120,391 Over 90 Days To t al 27,609,387 33,467,906 Total Dikurangi : Pen yisih an Pen u r u n an Nilai 2,514,412 9,472,562 Less: Allowances for Impairment Total Bersih 25,094,975 23,995,344 Net

c. Berdasarkan Mata Uang

c. By Currencies

2016 2015 USD USD US Do lar 22,784,857 31,759,457 US Dollar Ru p iah 2016: Rp 64,822,382,293; Rupiah 2016: Rp64,822,382,293; 2015: Rp 23,504,933,589 4,824,530 1,703,873 2015: Rp23,504,933,589 Do lar Sin g ap u r a 2015: SGD6,474 -- 4,576 Singapore Dollar 2015: SGD6,474 To t al 27,609,387 33,467,906 Total Dikurangi : Pen yisih an Pen u r u n an Nilai 2,514,412 9,472,562 Less: Allowances for Impairment Total Bersih 25,094,975 23,995,344 Net