Suggestions for English Teacher Suggestions for Future Researchers


B. Suggestions

The writer has some suggestions for Elementary School English teachers and their students, especially for the students and English teachers of SD Kanisius Kanutan. The writer also provides suggestions for future researchers who are interested in conducting research of similar topic.

1. Suggestions for English Teacher

The English teachers should understand and comprehend Cooperative Learning theory. The teachers are suggested to read some books and articles about Cooperative Learning theory. By understanding about Cooperative Learning theory, hopefully the teachers can apply the designed materials. The teachers should also give a clear description to the students on Cooperative Learning theory because it will be easier for the students to participate in the teaching- learning process when they had already understood what to do. The teachers should make creative and interesting activities so the students are motivated and interested in learning English in the classroom. The writer also suggests adding more exercises in Let’s Do It Together if necessary. 2. Suggestions for Students The students are expected to participate actively in the teaching-learning processes since Cooperative Learning required learners to be active in every activity. The students should participate in every group work and pairs work because every group member determines the group achievement. Through cooperation in group, the students can also achieve the individual objectives, such as in doing the quiz. The students also should be proactive by asking what they do not know to their friends and the teacher. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 77

3. Suggestions for Future Researchers

The writer suggests future researchers to implement the materials because the writer only designed the materials and did not implement them. The future researchers can make some improvements of the teaching learning activities of the designed materials. The writer also suggests that it would be better if the future researchers make useful media and create comfortable atmosphere to support teaching learning process. 78 REFERENCES Ary, Donald; Jacobs, Lucy Cheser; Razavieh, Asghar. 1972. Introduction to Research in education. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Ary, Donald; Jacobs, Lucy Cheser; Razavieh, Asghar. 2002. Introduction to Research in education Sixth edition. Calofornia: Wadsworth Group. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan. 2006. Panduan Penyusunan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta: BSNP. Borg, Walter R. and Gall, Meredith D. 1983. Educational Reseach: An Introduction. New York: Longman, Inc. Brown, James and Rodgers, Theodore S. 2004. Doing Second language Reseach. New York: Oxford University Press. Gagne, Robert M. 1979. Principles of Instructional Design. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Kemp, Jerrold E. 1977. Instructional Design. Belmont: Fearon Pitman Publisher, Inc. Kessler, Carolyn. 1992. Cooperative Language Learning: A Teacher Resource Book. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press. McCloskey, Mary Lou. 2005. Developing Integrated Language Learning: Teaching Curricula with MiddleHigh School ESOL Programs: Third National Research Symposium on Limited English Proficient Student Issue: Focus on Middle and High School Issues. http:www.ncela.gwu.edupubssymposiumthirdindext.html. accessed on August 16, 2006. McDonell, Wendy. The Role of the Teacher in Cooperative Learning Classroom. In Kessler, Carolyn ed. 1992. Cooperative Learning: A Teacher’s Resource Book. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc. 79 Olsen, Roger E. W-B and Kagan, Spencer. About Cooperative Learning. In Kessler, Carolyn ed. 1992. Cooperative Learning: A Teacher’s Resource Book. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. Oxford, Rebecca L. 2001. Integrated Skills in the ESLEFL Classroom. accessed on August, 2006. Oxford, Rebecca L. 2001. Integrated Skills in the ESLEFL Classroom. ESL Magazine Vol 6, No 1, JanuaryFebruary 2001. accessed on April 21, 2006. Richard, Jack. C. and Rodgers, Theodore. S. 2001. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Savignon, Sandra J. 1997. Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice Second Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Slavin, R. F. 1995. Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice Second Edition. Massachusetts: Allyn Bacon. Wallace, Michael J. 1998. Action Reseach for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Yalden, Janice. 1987. The Communicative Syllabus: Evolution, Design, and Implementation. New York: Prentice-Hall International. APPENDICES APPENDIX A Surat Permohonan Ijin Penelitian 80 Appendix A: Surat Permohonan Ijin Penelitian APPENDIX B Surat Keterangan 81 Appendix B: Surat Keterangan APPENDIX C The Results of the Interview on the Needs Survey 82 Appendix C: The Results of the Interview on the Needs Survey No Need Information Participant’s Answers 1 Are the students interested in English? Yes, they are interested in English. 2 If the answer of number one is “no”, give me the reasons - 3 What are the solutions for number 2? - 4 Generally, how about the sixth grade students’ English competence? They are in average level. 5 Are the students on the same level of proficiency? Yes, they are. There are many smart students and only a few students who are less smart. 6 What kinds of activities do you use to improve students’ skills in English? Are those activities effective? Singing Translating Praying in English Greeting, asking permission, and simple order in English in class Vocabulary weekly test So far, these activities are effective enough. 7 Do the school need teaching- learning materials? Yes, we need. 8 In your opinion, what kinds of activities and materials can help them to improve their skills in English? Materials that can be practiced directly in classroom including the availability media used. Materials that have direct relation in the classroom. 9 Are the integrated materials which are proposed to enhance the students’ four skills effective to help students in learning English? Yes, they are effective. The integrated materials help the students in learning English. 10 What do you think about integrated materials? Main materials that can refer to 4 skills; for example: from “fruit” topic can be referred to the four skills. 11 In learning English, can the students only learn one English skill e.g. reading or the students should learn all English skills in the same time integrated? Why? The students cannot learn one skill only, but all of the skills, because those all skills are integrated in learning English; the students also have to learn all of those skills. However, teacher feels difficult to apply all the 4 skills in one meeting Continued to page 83 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 83 Continued from page 82 80-minute meeting; at least there are two skills used in one meeting because of this limited time. 12 Are the students accustomed to use English in the classroom during the English lesson? Yes, they are. This is in case of praying, greeting, asking permissions, and simple orders. 13 Are the students able to understand the teacher’s explanation in English? No, they are not able to understand all explanation in English; Bahasa Indonesia is commonly used. 14 Do you always use English in the classroom during English lesson? Why? Not always because most of the students are still difficult to understand all the explanation in English. 15 Are the students accustomed to work in group? No, they are not accustomed to work in group. However, the students are often discussing a lesson in groups without teacher’s order. 16 Do the students like study in group? Yes, they do. 17 What are the advantages and disadvantages of group work? The advantages: They can complete each other. Promote to do discussion. Enhance social aspect. Promote the passive students to be more active. The disadvantages: Students whose have passive character are usually as followers. 18 What are the difficulties and also obstacles when the students work in group? The difficulties and obstacles are: The teacher must give extra explanation in each group. The teacher must check groups frequently. 19 Do the students work better in group? Why? It depends on the materials and aspects that want to be achieved. For the productive skills speaking and writing are more appropriate in groups while for receptive skills listening and reading are more relevant working individually. 20 What do you think about Cooperative Learning theory? Cooperative learning is a method that focusing on group base learning and there is cooperation among the students to achieve the goals Continued to page 84 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 84 Continued from page 83 together. 21 In your opinion, can materials design based on Cooperative Learning be used in learning English for the sixth grade students of SD Kanisius Kanutan? Yes, it can. Because its materials are possible for discussion, the students can discuss and debate in groups in order to find the answer. This materials design can be applied if there is a good guidance. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI APPENDIX D Questionnaire on the Needs Survey 85 Appendix D: Questionnaire on the Needs Survey K UE SI ON E R Nama : Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki Perempuan Petunjuk: Petunjuk: Petunjuk: Petunjuk: Adik-adik, jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan melingkari jawaban yang telah disediakan. Jika diperlukan, jawablah pula di bagian titik-titik. 1. Apakah adik-adik mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? a. Ya b. Tidak 2. Menurut adik-adik pribadi, adik-adik termasuk siswa yang aktif atau pasif? a. Aktif b. Pasif 86 3. Apakah adik-adik tertarik belajar bahasa Inggris dalam kelompok di kelas? a. Ya b. Tidak 4. Jika jawaban adik-adik pada nomor 4 adalah “Ya”, mengapa? boleh memilih lebih dari satu a. Karena bisa belajar dari teman yang lebih pandai. b. Kalau belajar secara kelompok dapat mengurangi rasa minder karena tidak ada persaingan antar siswa. c. Belajar dalam kelompok akan membantu saya untuk lebih percaya diri dalam berinteraksi karena mendapat dukungan dari teman-teman. d. Adanya kerjasama dalam kelompok akan membuat pelajaran menjadi lebih menyenangkan. e. Teman akan membantu mengoreksi kesalahan yang dilakukan. f. Tidak takut melakukan kesalahan dalam belajar karena saya bersama dalam kelompok dengan teman-teman. g. Lainnya ……………………………………………………………………… h. Lainnya ……………………………………………………………………… 87 5. Apakah adik-adik tertarik belajar bahasa Inggris dalam kelompok yang beranggotakan teman-teman yang beragam? a. Ya b. Tidak 6. Menurut adik-adik, dalam satu kelompok itu sebaikknya terdiri dari teman-teman yang bagaimana? boleh memilih lebih dari satu a. Kelompok yang terdiri dari teman-teman yang pandai dan kurang pandai. b. Kelompok yang terdiri dari 4 orang teman saja karena lebih efektif. c. Kelompok yang terdiri dari teman laki-laki dan perempuan d. Kelompok yang terdiri dari teman-teman yang pandai saja atau yang kurang pandai saja. e. Lainnya …………………………………………………. 7. Apakah adik-adik ingin menguasai semua kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris berbicara, menulis, membaca, dan mendengarkan secara bersamaan dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas? a. Ya b. Tidak 88 8. Jika jawaban adik-adik pada nomor 7 adalah “Ya”, mengapa? boleh memilih lebih dari satu a. Karena dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, semua kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut harus saya kuasai. b. Karena semuanya itu sama pentingnya dalam bahasa Inggris. c. Karena antara “mendengarkan”, “membaca”, “menulis”, dan “berbicara” tidak dapat dipisahkan d. Karena di sekolah tidak ada pelajaran yang hanya mengkhususkan pada “mendengarkan”, “membaca”, “menulis”, atau “berbicara” saja, tetapi semuanya itu menjadi satu mata pelajaran, yaitu Pelajaran ahasa Inggris. e. Lainnya ……………………………………………………………………. 9. Situasi belajar bahasa Inggris seperti apa yang adik-adik inginkan di kelas? boleh memilih lebih dari satu a. Serius b. Santai c. Menyenangkan 10. Pilihlah 8 topik yang menurut adik-adik menarik untuk dipelajari a. Greeting and Introducing salam dan perkenalan b. Our Health kesehatan kita c. At Home di rumah 89 d. Fairy Tales dongeng e. Family Profession keluarga f. Animals hewan-hewan g. Sport olah raga h. Food and Drink makanan dan minuman i. Transportation transportasi j. Daily Activities kegiatan sehari-hari k. Recreation rekreasi l. Direction arah m. Part of the body bagian-bagian tubuh n. Our heroes pahlawan-pahlawan kita o. lainnya …………………………………………… T E R I M A K A S I H APPENDIX E Basic Competencies in Each Topic 90 Appendix E: Basic Competencies in Each Topic No Topic Basic Competence 1 Greeting and Introduction Listening At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the instructions and information correctly. - complete the texts by listening to the teacher. Speaking At the end of the course, the students are able to: - apply the expressions on greeting and introduction correctly. Reading At the end of the course, the students are able to: - read the short texts using correct pronunciation and intonation. - find the meaning of the texts correctly. Writing At the end of the course, the students are able to: - write words, phrases, and simple sentences correctly. - write the words, phrases, and sentences using correct spelling. 2 Family Professions Listening At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the instructions and information correctly. - complete the texts by listening to the teacher. Speaking At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the simple instruction and information correctly. - express simple instructions and information correctly. Reading At the end of the course, the students are able to: - read the short texts using correct pronunciation and intonation. - find the meaning of the texts correctly. Writing At the end of the course, the students are able to: - write words, phrases, and simple sentences correctly. Continued to page 91 91 Continued from page 90 No Topic Basic Competence - write the words, phrases, and sentences using correct spelling. 3 Animals Listening At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the instructions and information correctly. - complete the texts by listening to the teacher. Speaking At the end of the course, the students are able to: - apply the expressions on describing things correctly. - apply the expressions of ability using “can” and “can’t”. - apply the expressions on describing things correctly. Reading At the end of the course, the students are able to: - read the short texts using correct pronunciation and intonation. - find the meaning of the texts correctly. Writing At the end of the course, the students are able to: - write words, phrases, and simple sentences correctly. - write the words, phrases, and sentences in correct spelling. 4 Sport Listening At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the instructions and information correctly. - complete the texts by listening to the teacher. Speaking At the end of the course, the students are able to: - apply the expressions of like and dislike. Reading At the end of the course, the students are able to: - read the short texts using correct pronunciation and intonation. - find the meaning of the texts correctly. Writing At the end of the course, the students are able to: write words, phrases, and simple sentences Continued to page 92 92 Continued from page 91 No Topic Basic Competence correctly. - write the words, phrases, and sentences using correct spelling. 5 Transportation Listening At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the instructions and information correctly. - complete the texts by listening to the teacher. Speaking At the end of the course, the students are able to: - apply “How do you go…?” and “I go to…by…” expressions. - apply the expressions on describing things correctly. - Reading At the end of the course, the students are able to: - read the short texts using correct pronunciation and intonation. - find the meaning of the texts correctly. Writing At the end of the course, the students are able to: - write words, phrases, and simple sentences correctly. - write the words, phrases, and sentences using correct spelling. 6 Direction Listening At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the instructions and information correctly. - complete the texts by listening to the teacher. Speaking At the end of the course, the students are able to: - apply the expressions on asking and giving direction correctly. - Reading At the end of the course, the students are able to: - read the short texts using correct pronunciation and intonation. - find the meaning of the texts correctly. Writing At the end of the course, the students are able to: - write words, phrases, and simple sentences Continued to page 93 93 Continued from page 92 No Topic Basic Competence correctly. - write the words, phrases, and sentences using correct spelling. 7 Story Listening At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the instructions and information correctly. - complete the texts by listening to the teacher. Speaking At the end of the course, the students are able to: - apply the expressions of adverbs of frequency “always, usually, often, sometimes…”. - Reading At the end of the course, the students are able to: - read the short texts using correct pronunciation and intonation. - find the meaning of the texts correctly. Writing At the end of the course, the students are able to: - write words, phrases, and simple sentences correctly. - write the words, phrases, and sentences using correct spelling. 8 Our Heroes Listening At the end of the course, the students are able to: - respond to the instructions and information correctly. - complete the texts by listening to the teacher. Speaking At the end of the course, the students are able to: - express patterns “anybody, nobody, everybody, somebody” correctly. - Reading At the end of the course, the students are able to: - read the short texts using correct pronunciation and intonation. - find the meaning of the texts correctly. Writing At the end of the course, the students are able to: - write words, phrases, and simple sentences correctly. - write the words, phrases, and sentences using correct spelling. APPENDIX F The Results of the Questionnaire on the Needs Survey 94 Appendix F: The Results of the Questionnaire on the Needs Survey No Questions Responses Number Percentage 1 Do you find difficulties in learning English, especially speaking, writing, reading, and listening? a. Yes b. No 22 1 96 4 2 Are you a passive student or an active student? a. Active b. Passive 23 100 3 Are you interested in learning English in groups? a. Yes b. No 21 2 91 9 4 If your answer on number 3 is “yes”, why? you can choose more than one answer a. Because I can learn from smarter friends. b. Learning in groups can reduce sense inferior because there is no competition among students. c. Learning in group will help me to be more confident in the interaction because I get support from friends. d. Cooperation in groups will make the lessons are more enjoyable. e. Friends will help to correct mistakes done. f. I am not afraid to make mistakes in learning because I am with friends in a group. g. Other…… h. Other…… 15 4 15 12 7 6 65 17 65 52 30 26 Continued to page 95 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 95 Continued from page 94 No Questions Responses Number Percentage 5 Are you interested in learning English in groups which consist of various friends? a. Yes b. No 14 9 61 39 6 In your opinion, how to make a group of learning? a. A group which consists of clever friends and less clever friends. b. A group which consists of 4 friends because it is more effective. c. A group which consists of male and female friends. d. A group which consists of clever friends only or less clever friends only. e. Other…. 14 10 9 3 61 43 39 13 7 Do you want to master all English skills speaking, writing, reading, and listening in the same time in English lesson in the classroom? a. Yes b. No 22 1 96 4 8 If your answer on number 7 is “yes”, why? you can choose more than one answer a. Because all English skills must be mastered in learning English. b. Because those all English skills have the same level of importance. c. Because among “listening”, “reading”, “writing”, and “speaking” cannot be separated. 9 17 8 39 74 35 Continued to page 96 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 96 Continued from page 95 No Questions Responses Number Percentage d. Because at the school there is no subject that specify only on “listening”, “reading”, “writing”, or “speaking”, but those all become one subject in English subject. e. Other…… 9 39 9 What kind of situations you want in learning English in the classroom? you can choose more than one answer a. Serious b. Relaxing c. Enjoyable 13 7 19 57 30 83 10 Choose 8 eight topics that you think interesting and important to be learnt a. Greeting and Introducing b. Our Health c. At School d. Fairy Tales e. Family Profession f. Animals g. Sport h. Foods and Drinks i. Transportation j. Daily Activities k. Recreation l. Direction m.Part of the Body n. Our Heroes o. Other Space 13 12 9 13 13 16 17 12 14 12 12 13 10 17 1 57 52 39 57 57 70 74 52 61 52 52 57 43 74 4 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI APPENDIX G Indicators in Each Topic 97 Appendix G: Indicators in Each Topic Unit Topic Indicators 1 Greeting and Introduction Listening The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to listen to the teacher. 2. Complete the text based on the recording correctly. 3. Respond to the instruction to do the quiz of unit 1 correctly. 4. Respond to the instruction to discuss the expressions of greeting and introduction in group. Reading The students are able to: 1. Read conversation about greeting and introduction using correct intonation. 2. Answer the questions based on the text about greeting and introduction using correct intonation. Speaking The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to sing a song. 2. Respond to the instruction to repeat the teacher about dialogue of greeting and introduction. 3. Respond to the instruction to discuss the expressions of greeting and introduction in groups. 4. Present a short conversation about introduction in front of the class in the form of group. 5. Introduce himselfherself to others using correct expressions. 6. Apply the expressions of greeting and introduction correctly. Writing The students are able to: 1. Mention expressions that are commonly used in greeting and introduction correctly. 2. Write a script of dialogue about greeting and introducing people using correct alphabet and structure in group. 3. Write phrases or sentences about what the students have learnt using correct grammar and spelling. Continued to page 98 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 98 Continued from page 97 Unit Topic Indicators 2 Family Professions Listening The students are able to: 1. Complete the family tree using correct words. 2. Respond to the instruction to do the quiz of unit 2 correctly. 3. Respond to the instruction to play the game about finding family members. Reading The students are able to: 1. Read the text about family professions using correct intonation and spelling. 2. Answer the question by filling the family tree using correct words. 3. Answer the question about what the students have learnt by drawing a star. Speaking The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to repeat the teacher about pronouns using correct intonation. 2. Respond to the instruction to discuss pronouns in group. 3. Respond to the instruction to repeat the teacher about pronouncing professions correctly. 4. Interview the classmates about the professions of the students’ parents. 5. Respond to the instruction to tell the result of the interview to the group members. 6. Respond to the instruction to ask information about family occupations correctly. 7. Give information about family occupations correctly. 8. Present the group’s family tree in front of the class. Writing The students are able to: 1. Write the name of the family tree correctly. 2. Answer the questions about family tree correctly. 3. Write correct pronouns. 4. Rearrange the words into correct sentences. 5. Write the students’ own family tree including the professions of the family members using correct spelling. 6. Write the group’s family tree including the Continued to page 99 99 Continued from page 98 Unit Topic Indicators professions using correct spelling. 3 Animals Listening The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to classify the animals correctly. 2. Respond to the instruction to do the quiz of unit 3 correctly. 3. Complete the poem based on the recording using correct spelling. 4. Respond to the instruction to play the game about animals in group. Reading The students are able to: 1. Read simple text about the classification of animals using correct intonation and spelling. 2. Read the sentences about animals using correct pronunciation. 3. Answer the question of the meaning of the sentences about animals correctly. Speaking The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to repeat the teacher pronounces words using correct pronunciation. 2. Respond to the instruction to discuss the patterns of ability using “can” or “can’t” in group. 3. Guess the name of the animal in playing the game in group correctly. 4. Give clues of the animal description in playing the game using correct description. Writing The students are able to: 1. Write the classification of animals using correct alphabet. 2. Complete the sentences about what animals can do using correct words. 3. Complete the table about what animals can do correctly. 4. Complete the sentences using ability patterns correctly. 5. Write phrases or sentences about what the students have learnt using correct alphabet. Continued to page 100 100 Continued from page 99 Unit Topic Indicators 4 Sport Listening The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to listen to the dialogue read by the teacher. 2. Answer the question based on the dialogue read by the teacher correctly. 3. Respond to the instruction to discuss the expressions of like and dislike in the group. 4. Respond to the instruction to do the quiz of unit 4 correctly. 5. Respond to the instruction to play the game in group. Reading The students are able to: 1. Read the text about running race using correct intonation and spelling. 2. Answer the questions based on the text about running race correctly. Speaking The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to discuss the expressions of like and dislike in the group. 2. Respond to the instruction to tell to the other students about like and dislike activities including its reason. 3. Present a simple story based on the group’s script using correct intonation. 4. Respond to the instruction to ask friends to show, collect and complete the picture correctly. 5. Present a script about sport in front of the class in the form of group using correct intonation and spelling. Writing The students are able to: 1. Match the pictures with the sports correctly. 2. Write the name of the sport based on its equipments using correct alphabet. 3. Write a simple story based on the pictures with group members using correct grammar and spelling. 4. Write a simple script about sport with group members correctly. 5. Write phrases or sentences about what the Continued to page 101 101 Continued from page 100 Unit Topic Indicators students have learnt by answering the questions using correct grammar and alphabet. 5 Transportation Listening The students are able to: 1. Respond the instruction to mention kinds of vehicles correctly. 2. Complete the dialogue read by the teacher using correct words. 3. Answer the questions based on the dialogue read by the teacher correctly. 4. Respond to the instruction to do the quiz of unit 5 correctly. Reading The students are able to: 1. Read the text about types of transportation using correct intonation and spelling. 2. Read the expressions of asking and answering someone how heshe moves from one place to other place correctly. Speaking The students are able to: 1. Practice the dialogue about transportation with friends using correct intonation. 2. Respond to the instruction to discuss the expressions giving and asking direction using correct expressions. 3. Respond to the instruction to ask all people about how they go to school using correct expressions. 4. Describe a kind of transportation in the game with group members using clear description. 5. Guess the name of the vehicle based on the description correctly. Writing The students are able to: 1. Mention the name of the vehicles correctly. 2. Classify the vehicles using correct spelling. 3. Respond to the instruction to write the findings of asking about how the people go to school using correct grammar and spelling. 4. Mention kinds of vehicles using correct spelling. 5. Write phrases or sentences about what the students have learnt from unit 5 using correct Continued to page 102 102 Continued from page 101 Unit Topic Indicators grammar and spelling. 6 Direction Listening The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to discuss asking and giving directions with group members. 2. Respond to the instruction to listen to the teacher about public places. 3. Respond to the instruction to do the quiz of unit 6 correctly. Reading The students are able to: 1. Read the dialogue using correct intonation and pronunciation. 2. Read the situation and direction about direction to play the game using correct spelling. 3. Read the map about direction of a city correctly. Speaking The students are able to: 1. Practice the dialogue about direction in the group using correct expressions. 2. Respond to the instruction to discuss the expressions of asking and giving directions. 3. Repeat the teacher’s pronunciation about public places using correct pronunciation. 4. Give direction to a kind of place on the map in group correctly. Writing The students are able to: 1. Arrange the sentences to make a good dialogue. 2. Complete the question sentences using correct words. 3. Arrange the letters to make good answers on how to give directions. 4. Complete the table about public places correctly. 5. Respond to the instruction to answer the questions about what the students have learnt from unit 6 by drawing a star. 7 Story Listening The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to listen to the story carefully. 2. Complete the story using correct words. Continued to page 103 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 103 Continued from page 102 Unit Topic Indicators 3. Respond to the instruction to answer the questions based on the story with group members correctly. 4. Respond to the instruction to do the quiz of unit 7 correctly. Reading The students are able to: 1. Read the dialogue script about fairy tales using correct intonation and spelling. 2. Read a fairy tales using correct intonation and pronunciation. 3. Answer the questions based on the text using correct spelling. Speaking The students are able to: 1. Act the dialogue script about fairy tales in front of the class with group members. 2. Practice to ask the other students about books or stories they like using correct expressions. 3. Respond to the instruction to discuss about choosing a fairy tale in the group. 4. Perform a role play about a fairy tale with group members. Writing The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to change the sentences into correct forms. 2. Respond to the instruction to make negative sentences correctly. 3. Respond to the instruction to combine two sentences into one sentence using correct conjunction 4. Respond to the instruction to make interrogative sentences correctly. 5. Respond to the instruction to arrange the words into good sentences. 6. Make a list of the books or stories the students like correctly. 7. Write a script of a story according to the story that the students have chosen using correct grammar and alphabet. 8. Respond to the instruction to answer the questions about what the students have learnt from unit 6 by drawing a star. Continued to page 104 104 Continued from page 103 Unit Topic Indicators 8 Our Heroes Listening The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to listen a dialogue read by the teacher carefully. 2. Answer the questions based on the dialogue read by the teacher correctly. 3. Respond the instruction to listen to the text read by the teacher carefully. 4. Complete the text based on the recording using correct words and spelling. 5. Respond to the instruction to do the quiz of unit 8 correctly. Reading The students are able to: 1. Read the text about a hero at school using correct pronunciation and intonation. 2. Read the text about national or international heroes using correct pronunciation and intonation. 3. Find the information from the text about national or international heroes correctly. 4. Answer the questions based on the texts about national or international heroes correctly. Speaking The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to discuss about heroes with group members. 2. Respond to the instruction to compare the result of group work. 3. Respond to the instruction to discuss the sentences about heroes. 4. Present a group work about a hero at school in front of the class. 5. Respond to the instruction to tell other students about the information from the texts about national or international heroes and intonation. 6. Describe the superhero using clear description. 7. Present about the favourite hero in front of the class. Writing The students are able to: 1. Respond to the instruction to write a list of heroes using correct alphabet. 2. Write a simple paragraph about a teacher as a Continued to page 105 105 Continued from page 104 Unit Topic Indicators hero at school with group members using correct grammar and spelling. 3. Take notes the information from the texts about national or international heroes correctly. 4. Write the description of heroes in playing the game with group members using correct grammar and spelling. 5. Write simple phrases or sentences about personal hero using correct grammar and spelling. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI APPENDIX H Syllabus ϭϬϲ Appendix H: The Syllabus SYLLABUS A SET OF INTEGRATED ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS BASED ON A COOPERATIVE LEARNING APPROACH FOR THE SIXTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SD KANISIUS KANUTAN A. Program Description This program is an integrated-skill course for the sixth grade students of SD Kanisius Kanutan. These eight units are designed for 15 meetings. Each meeting is 2x40 minutes in classroom.

B. Competency Standards The competency standards of this course are:

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