Questionnaire Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

43 interview involved some forms of direct contact between people in the sample group and the researcher who presented the questions to each person in the sample group and recorded their responses. Personal interview or face-to-face interview was used in this research. Personal interview meant that the interviewer read the questions to the respondent in a face-to-face setting and recorded the answers Ary et al., 2010. The researcher chose face-to-face interview in order to get the detailed answers from the respondent directly. Stratified random sampling was used in selecting the respondents to be interviewed. Stratified sampling produced more representative and thus more accurate samples. According to Neuman 2010, stratified sampling is a random sample in which the researcher first identifies a set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories, divides the sampling frame by the categories, and then uses random selection to select cases from each category. The researcher chose research participants from three strata, higher-achievement, medium-achievement, and lower achievement. Two respondents were selected from each stratum. So, the total respondents to be interviewed are six participants. Blueprint of the interview guideline can be seen in the appendix G. The researcher made the interview guideline by using Indonesian language because the researcher considered that the respondents had difficulty to answer using English language and it would spend long time to answer the questions. Another consideration was from the result of pilot testing. The researcher concluded that the respondents cannot answer easily using English language for the open-ended questionnaire and they found difficulty in 44 constructing the sentences in English. The respondents understand the statements in close-ended questionnaire because the respondents only read the statements which were easy to be understood and only chose the degree of agreement.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The data of this research were gathered from the questionnaire, the interview, and the observation. In order to analyze data from the questionnaire, the researcher firstly coded the data from close-ended questions. According to Blackstrom and Cesar 1981, all responses must be converted to numbers for tabulating called coding. The researcher used scales to measure how an individual feels or think about something. Likert scales was used in this research by the researcher. Neuman 2011 explains that Likert scales are widely used in survey method. Likert scales are called summated-rating or additive scales because a person‟s score on the scale is computed by summing the number of responses he or she gives. The scale that the researcher used was in a form of numbers, 1 up to 4. The degree of agreement were „strongly disagree‟, „disagree‟, „agree‟, and „strongly agree‟. After that, the researcher tabulated the data into descriptive statistic in a form of percentile rank. Percentile is a measure of dispersion for one variable that indicates the percentage of cases at or below a score or point. Thus, the responses of the respondents presented in a form of percentage. In order to get the percentage of the responses, the researcher summed the total of the respondents who chose the same degree of agreement. Then, the researcher divided it with the total of all respondents and times with 100. This is the 45 formula that the researcher used: Figure 3.1 Percentage Formula Ʃ x: total of the respondents who chose at the same degree of agreement in each statement Ʃ n: total of all respondents The numeric data will be interpreted in a form of descriptive data. This technique was used to analyze data which were derived from close-ended questionnaire. In reporting the results, the researcher used tables that summarize statistical information. According to Creswell 2012, a table is a summary of quantitative data organized into rows and columns. In describing the result of the research, the researcher found the mean of each category to decide whether the category had positive or negative responses as a whole. In deciding the positive or negative responses, the researcher used the mean of the scale. The criteria presented in the following table: Table 3.2 Negative and Positive Criteria Score Class 1 - 2.4 negative 2.5 - 4 positive The data which were derived from the open-ended questionnaire and interview, researcher used different technique in analyzing the data. The researcher tabulated all the answer of the open-ended question. In order to make it Ʃ x x 100 Ʃ n 46 easy in collecting the results, the researcher used note-taking technique in analyzing the data. After all the data that the researcher needed were collected, the researcher made it in the form of paragraphs, therefore the data will be more easier to be understood. The data from the interview were analyzed by coding the interview data. Then, the researcher examined the recording interview and the results were in the form of paragraphs. The last step in analyzing the data was summarizing the results of the interview and the results of the questionnaire, both close-ended and open-ended. Thus, the researcher had the conclusion according to the data that had been analyzed.

F. Research Procedure

The data gathering technique that the researcher used in this research is survey method. The researcher explains the procedure used in this research. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen 2010, there are six basic steps involved in survey method. Those steps are planning, defining the population, sampling, constructing the instrument, conducting the survey, and processing the data.

1. Planning

Survey method begins with a question that the researcher believes can be answered most appropriately by means of the survey method Ary et al., 2010. In this step, the researcher decided the research problem or research questions based on the topic that the researcher chose. There are two research questions in this research, they are: “What is the students‟ perception on the use of group video in speaking practice” and “What is the students‟ perception on the implementation of