Students’ Perception on Speaking

60 Table 4.3 Percentage Distribution of Students’ Perception on Group Video Statements Percentage Distribution SD D A SA 12 46.67 43.33 10 13 6.67 56.67 36.67 14 10 40 50 15 20 33.33 26.67 20 16 3.33 6.67 46.67 43.33 17 6.67 13.33 56.67 23.33 18 3.33 13.33 66.67 16.67 19 6.67 13.33 60 20 20 26.67 66.67 6.67 21 6.67 46.67 46.67 22 6.67 63.33 26.67 3.33 Table 4.3 showed the percentage distribution in each statement in this category. Statement number twelve resulted 46.67 of the respondents strongly disagreed and 43.33 of the respondents disagreed that they rarely used technology in the learning activity. Meanwhile, only 10 of the respondents agreed and none of the respondents strongly agreed that they rarely used technology in the learning activity. It meant that 90 of the respondents used technology in the learning activity and only 10 of the respondents rarely used technology in the learning activity. Almost all of the respondents disagreed that they rarely used technology in the learning activity. In the learning activity, the technology was important enough to support the learning activity. The respondents in the learning activity often used laptop, viewer and also speaker in their presentation. It showed that the respondents could not be separated with technology in the learning activity. The result could be concluded that the 61 respondents often used technology in the learning activity, it made the respondents easier in making the group video project later on. The result of statement number thirteen presented only 6.67 of the respondents strongly disagreed and none of the respondents disagreed that video was an interesting way to practice speaking English. There were 56.67 of the respondents who agreed and 36.67 of the respondents strongly agreed with the statement video was an interesting way to practice speaking English. Therefore, there were only 6.67 of the respondents who thought that video was not an interesting way to practice speaking English and there were 93.34 of the respondents who thought that video was an interesting way to practice speaking English. It was concluded that most all of the respondents agreed that video was an interesting way to practice speaking English. By using group video, the respondents might express their emotion free and they also could develop their creativity. Based on the result, the respondents became enthusiastic to make English group video project because the respondents responsed positively that video was an interesting way to practice speaking English. The result of this statement was strengthen with the data from open-ended questionnaire. There were 28 respondents 93.33 who were interested in this English group video project and only 2 respondents 6.67 who were not interested in this English group video project. Two respondents who were not interested stated that created video project was complicated for them. Those 28 respondents who were interested had many reasons. The researcher grouped the similar reasons into one reason. Most of the respondents stated using 62 Indonesian language and only few of them using English language. The respondents stated that through using group video in speaking practice the students could increase their skills in English, improved their speaking skill, and learned English in a new way that made learning was not bored. Based on those reasons from the respondents, the researcher concluded that the respondents were interested in this English group video project because created group video project using English language was a new way for the respondents in learning English especially in practicing speaking English. This new way of learning English did not make the respondents bored, thus it made the respondents realized that learning English could be easier and interesting. The data was also supported by the data from the interview. The detailed information of the interview results can be seen in the appendix G. All of the six respondents who were interviewed stated that they were interested in group video project. The interviewees explained that the group video project helped the respondents in practicing speaking English. This group video project also helped the respondents in understanding about their past experienced and helped the respondents spoke English fluently. One of the interviewee also got new experience in uploading the group video project which was the first experienced for the respondents. The result of statement number fourteen presented none of the respondents strongly disagreed and only 10 of the respondents disagreed that that was the first experience in creating video project using English language. Meanwhile, 40 respondents agreed and 50 respondents strongly agreed that 63 was the first experience in creating video project using English language. This statement resulted only 10 of the respondents disagreed that it was their first experience in creating video project using English language and 90 of the respondents agreed that it was their first experience in creating video project using English language. The group video project using English language was a new way for the respondents in learning English especially in practicing speaking. This new way made the respondents became curious and interested in creating the video because they wanted to try something fresh in learning English. Statement number fifteen was about the students first experience in creating group video project. Based on the 4.3 it showed that 20 of the respondents strongly disagreed and 33.33 of the respondents disagreed with the statement. 26.67 of the respondents agreed and 20 of the respondents strongly agreed with the statement. It was concluded that 63.33 of the respondents disagreed that it was their first experience in creating group video project and 46.67 of the respondents agreed that it was their first experience in creating group video project. Based on the percentage result, it was not th e respondents’ first experience in creating a group video project. The familiarity of the respondents in creating a group video project was useful in the process of creating the English group video project especially in the mechanism. Thus, the respondents would not find difficulties. The result of statement number sixteen presented only 3.33 of the respondents strongly disagreed and 6.67 of the respondents disagreed that the respondents were interested in creating video project with their group. There were