Defining the Population Sampling

51 statements in the questionnaire. Frequency distribution presented total respondents who chose the same degree of agreement. The researcher got frequency distribution by summing the amount of the respondents who chose in the same degree of agreement. The frequency distribution of the data can be seen in the appendix I.

2. Percentage Distribution

Researcher also presented the data in a form of percentage distribution. The percentage distribution of the data gather ed from the respondents’ response of the statements in the questionnaire. The percentage distribution covered how many percent of the respondents who decided the degree of agreement for each statement. The researcher also presented data in percentage distribution in order to get more detail data. The percentage distribution can be seen in appendix I.

B. Data Interpretation

There were two major discussions in this part, they were students perception on the use of group video in speaking practice and students perception on the implementation of group video. In order to make the data interpretation became easier, the researcher grouped the data into six categories: s tudents’ background, students’ perception on speaking, students’ perception on group video, studen ts’ perception on cooperative learning group work, student’s perception on uploading group video project in Youtube, and the role of group video in speaking practice. The researcher explained the data firstly from each statement in every category and concluded the interpretation of the data in each 52 category as a whole. From the data obtained, the researcher summarized the data by scoring the response of the respondents and summed the score in each category. Meanwhile, the response of the respondents were divided into two categories, they were positive and negative. In order to know the category whether positive or negative, the researcher looked at the mean. The negative criterion was based on the range 1 - 2.4 while the positive criterion was based on the range 2.5 - 4.

1. Students’ Perception on the Use of Group Video in English Speaking

Practice In order to answer the first research question about the students perception on the use of group video in speaking practice, the researcher used data from the questionnaires in five categories: s tudents’ background, students’ perception on speaking, students’ perception on group video, students’ perception on cooperative learning group work, and student’s perception on uploading group video project in YouTube. The researcher also used data from open-ended questionnaire and also from the interview to support and cross check the data.

1.1. Students’ Background

Based on the theory of Altman 1985, perception is the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that they can be meaningfully interpreted. Knowing what kinds of stimulus that form the background of someone’s perception is the best way to decide in what side his or her interpretation is. The mean of the first category was 3.0 for the detailed data please see appendix I. It meant that respondents responded positively for the first category on the background of the students. The respondents had positive background related to