Interview Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

46 easy in collecting the results, the researcher used note-taking technique in analyzing the data. After all the data that the researcher needed were collected, the researcher made it in the form of paragraphs, therefore the data will be more easier to be understood. The data from the interview were analyzed by coding the interview data. Then, the researcher examined the recording interview and the results were in the form of paragraphs. The last step in analyzing the data was summarizing the results of the interview and the results of the questionnaire, both close-ended and open-ended. Thus, the researcher had the conclusion according to the data that had been analyzed.

F. Research Procedure

The data gathering technique that the researcher used in this research is survey method. The researcher explains the procedure used in this research. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen 2010, there are six basic steps involved in survey method. Those steps are planning, defining the population, sampling, constructing the instrument, conducting the survey, and processing the data.

1. Planning

Survey method begins with a question that the researcher believes can be answered most appropriately by means of the survey method Ary et al., 2010. In this step, the researcher decided the research problem or research questions based on the topic that the researcher chose. There are two research questions in this research, they are: “What is the students‟ perception on the use of group video in speaking practice” and “What is the students‟ perception on the implementation of 47 group video ”. The researcher looked into literature review in order to know what other researchers have learned about the topic being discussed in this research.

2. Defining the Population

The next step is defining the population of the research. It is important to define the population in which the research will be conducted. Ary et al. 2010 explain that defining population is essential for identifying the appropriate subjects to select and knowing to whom the results can be generalized. The population that the researcher decided was all students in class VIII D of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. The researcher selected class VIII D because the class had the qualifications that the researcher needed to get better results of the research. The qualifications were, the class were enthusiastic in learning English, the class were enthusiastic in making the video project with their own creativity, and the class were active in following the learning process.

3. Sampling

The researcher needed more data to support the main data that the researcher got from the questionnaire. Interviewing some students from class VIII D was the next step that the researcher did to get the supporting data. According to Ary et al. 2010, it is important to select a sample that will provide similar results to those that would have been obtained if the entire population had been surveyed. The sample must be representative of the population. Therefore, the researcher used stratified sample in order to get data that can be generalized to the population. The class were divided into three strata, higher-achievement, medium-achievement, and lower-achievement. Two students were chosen from 48 each stratum, so there were six participants who were interviewed.

4. Constructing the Instrument

Ary et al. 2010 state that two basic types of data-gathering instruments are interviews and questionnaires. Meanwhile, in gathering the data of the research, the researcher used three research instruments. They are observation, questionnaire, and interview. The researcher used participant observation in this research. Participant observation is used in this research because the researcher observed the situation directly. Face-to-face interview personal interview is selected because the researcher can gathere the supporting data easier and more complete. In a personal interview, interviewer reads the questions to the respondent in a face-to-face setting and records the answers, the interviewer can also press for additional information when a response seems incomplete or not entirely relevant Ary et al., 2010. The researcher chose structured interview that consists of a series designed of elicit specific answers from respondents. Another instrument that researcher used in gathering the data was questionnaire. Based on Vaus 2002, close-ended questionnaire is easier to code and quicker to answer, therefore close-ended questionnaire was selected as the main data gathering technique, although there was also open-ended questionnaire as the data gathering technique to facilitate the respondents proposed their own answer. Neuman 2011 explains that open-ended questionnaire permit an unlimited number of possible answers and help the researcher discover unanticipated findings. Therefore, the researcher used closed-ended questionnaire as the main data gathering techniques and used open-ended questionnaire as the