Definition of Perception Perception

12 3 Psychological Factors The psychological factors refer to the influences on selection. Motivation and personal needs are two factors why people attend to some stimuli and not to others. What people choose to perceive is determined largely by their current level of satisfaction or deprivation. Students will have positive stimuli and it will also create positive interpretation if they have motivation that by using their group video students will get a lot of benefits and students have personal needs to practice speaking English. It is clearly showed that motivation and personal needs influence the stimuli. In this psychological factor there is a subliminal stimulus. A subliminal stimulus occurs below the threshold of people ‟s conscious awareness. Therefore, people sometimes do not realize that the stimuli that they have are influenced by their own motivations and also satisfactions. The second step in perception is organization. People must organize the selected incoming information into patterns and principles that will help them to understand the world. Data is organized in four several ways: form, perceptual constancy, depth, and color. First way is the form. Basic principles of the form are figure and ground, reversible figure, proximity, continuity, closure, contiguity and similarity. Second, the perceptual constancy allows perception of a stable environment even though actual sensory data may be constantly changing. The constancy is based on prior experiences and learning. The types of constancy are size constancy, shape constancy, color constancy and brightness constancy. Third is depth that means the role of experience and learning in the organizations of perceptions is particularly clear. Fourth is color, it is a combination of two theories. 13 They are the trichromatic theory and the opponent-process theory. The trichromatic theory explains about three color systems maximally sensitive to blue, green and red. Those are operated in cones of retina. Opponent-process theory is also about three color systems but each is sensitive to two opposing colors blue and yellow, red and green. It occurs in optic nerve and thalamus. The last step in the perception is the interpretation. The interpretation is influenced by early life experiences, perceptual expectancy, cultural factors, needs, interests and frames of reference. In this step of perception, when people interpret external stimuli and the patterns they form, people are trying to make sense of their world.

2. Speaking Skill

Language is the way how people communicate with each other. In order to communicate, people usually use language in a daily conversation. In using language as the daily conversation and way of communication, people use language through speaking. When people use language in speaking, they should pay attention in the speaking practice because it can help people to be more confidence in using the language especially foreign language that is not their mother tongue and they do not always use it in their daily conversations. According to Hope, Taylor, and Pusack 1984, speaking is person-to-person communication skill that obviously cannot even remotely be replicated on a bare-bones computer that communicates via a keyboard and a screen p. 48. A more advanced technology now reaching the educational market involves computer-generated speech which can take two forms, they are digitized speech 14 and synthetic speech. Digitized speech stores a numeric encoding of a real utterance and regenerates the utterance at playback time. Synthetic speech, which is only beginning to offer acceptable quality on microcomputers, involves rule-based speech production using highly advanced microprocessor circuitry. Bedford 1991 explains that language also can be learned in the education field. As language teachers, people are all in the business of helping learners to gain competence of language as cited in Harmer, 2007, p. 162. A learning part about another person‟s language involves assimilating appropriate speech acts within particular social contexts, appropriate behavior within those contexts, and how to make an effective communication within groups. If people want to be able to speak fluently in English, they need to be able to pronounce phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress and intonation patterns and speak in connected speech. In the education field, asking students to speak in class sometimes can be easy. In a good class atmosphere, students who cooperate with each other and whose English is at an appropriate level will often participate freely and enthusiastically if they are given a suitable topic and task. Harmer 2007 explains that students are often reluctant to speak because they are shy and are not predisposed to express themselves in front of other people, especially when they are being asked to give personal information or opinions. There also a worry about speaking badly and therefore losing face in front of their classmates p. 345. Therefore, practicing speaking with group is a good way to help students to speak confidently. This is related to the use of cooperative learning which is needed to create a good cooperation among the group members.