Video Use in Education

25 sharing. YouTube is a good medium for sharing the result of the video project since YouTube is widely used by the students and easy to be accessed. In this research, YouTube is used as the engine to upload students‟ group video project and also to help the students in finding the appropriate videos example related to the topic of the group video project. Brunner 2013 explains that YouTube is the largest video portal and the second largest video search engine. Terantino 2011 states that in February 2005, Chen, Hurley, and Karim founded YouTube with domain name The site was created as a forum for people to create and share short video clips online. According to Terantino 2011, YouTube offers fast and fun access to language and culture-based videos and instruction from over the globe p. 2. Students and teachers can create videos in YouTube. YouTube also provides students an opportunity to engage the meaningfull target language. According to Berk 2009, the use of videos has been found to help students by connecting to multiple intelligences, both hemispheres of the brain and to the emotional sense of the students as cited in Terantino, 2011. It strengthen the fact that using technology is very beneficial in language learning. Wang 2005 explains that incorporating technology into language learning helps students to connect seemingly abstract foreign language concepts to their actual experiences as cited in Watkins Wilkins, 2011. Leung 2004 also states that incorporating technology into the classroom generates students ‟ autonomy and students language learning as cited in Watkins Wilkins, 2011. However, students as the 26 learner should be responsible in using YouTube to learn language. Brunner 2013 describes some of the quality criteria for using YouTube as an educational tool. First is about the accessibility. People can access YouTube anywhere, anytime, and the interesting part is that it is free of charge. It makes YouTube becomes user-friendly because it allows people easier in uploading videos that people can subscribe into different channels. Second, YouTube is authentic and offers many multicultural contents related to the target culture. Third is about the connectivity. YouTube has easy connection to other social media and it enables cooperation to share videos and communicate when rating and commenting on videos. YouTube is also available in many devices including mobile phone which make it easy to be used in education. Fourth is media agreement. It means that YouTube is the media in which students interact with on in daily basis p. 1. Watkins and Wilkins 2011 state the two primary benefits in using YouTube in the classroom are the exposure to authentic English as well as the promotion of a learning style that is more autonomous and student-centered p.113. Johnson and Swain 1997 also explain that when students regularly use a wide variety of English media, they are achieving a degree of language learning immersion that might otherwise be unavailable outside the classroom as cited in Watkins Wilkins, 2011, p. 114. Terantino 2011 presents several general methods in which YouTube videos can be utilized, they are: a. YouTube for Providing Content and Information YouTube videos serve many purposes for foreign languages. The most 27 important is the uploaded videos are used to provide linguistic, cultural content, and information in the target language. According to Berk 2009 explains that utilizing YouTube videos in an informative manner is also beneficial for illustrating a concept, presenting an alternative viewpoint, stimulating a learning activity, and motivating the students as cited in Terantino, 2011, p. 12. The YouTube videos which are commonly used in language learning are videos for less commonly taught languages and culture-based videos. Some of YouTube videos provide access to spoken samples, instructional units, and reading and writing practice. Moreover, related to linguistic and motivational purposes, YouTube videos deliver the representations of cultural information. b. YouTube for Student-Created Videos YouTube also gives opportunity for students to create their own videos in target language. Through creating their own videos, students can apply the target language into real world situations. By creating their own videos and uploading in YouTube, students are able to develop creativity and freedom of expression, it encourages them to utilize the target language. c. YouTube for Collaboration In addition allowing students to create and edit language-based video clips, YouTube videos provide an opportunity for multiple students to collaborate on a language-based project Terantino, 2011. The projects make the students to create a final linguistic product. YouTube also provides a worldwide venue for the students to share their video projects. Furthermore, the viewers can like or dislike the videos, respond to the videos by posting a text or video response. Through 28 these facilities, students can get real feedbacks. Students and also teachers can subscribe to certain channels maintain by individuals or companies from around the world to keep up with their videos. Skerritt 1984 explains that video project gives students opportunity to experience learning as controlled by themselves and assists students in producing their own recording with the aim of understanding and applying strategies of learning. Mestre and Lian n.d. believe that video is an excellent tool for developing awareness of critical features of the target language and for defining the individual needs of students as cited in Skerritt, 1984. Video project enables the learner to develop their English speaking skill through a broad range of possible activities and a sensitivity to the critical or elements of communication. Successful language learning occurs in people who have the ability to recognize patterns and to re-create patterns in short time. Therefore, working with the video project provides learners with the opportunity of becoming aware of the framework of the target language and to develop and modify them according to the demands of the target language. Furthermore, students can observe their own current English oral proficiency and discover ares they need to improve. Cooper 1991 explains that when students are using video cameras by themselves they are given the potential to create something memorable and enjoyable as cited in Harmer, 2007, p. 282. Cooper also believes that video projects can provoke creative and communicative uses of the language. Through video project, students help themselves experience new things in English. Video provides better feedbacks when students can watch themselves and evaluate their 29 performances. Harmer 2007 states that one of the main benefits of video project or video-making for the students is the chance to display what they have done and get feedback from the classmates or from the teachers. It can be achieved in several ways according to Harmer 2007; class feedback, teacher feedback, video installation, and individual and library copies. In class feedback, students show their video in front of the class and their classmates can vote for the best video or they can record the successful and less successful examples of the video that they already made. This way will be more useful if different students take charge of different areas such as effectiveness, clarity, grammar, vocabulary, production, face expression, and voice quality. Meanwhile, in the teacher feedback the teachers respond to each video, saying what the teachers liked about it, correcting mistakes, and giving suggestions about how it might be improved. The general point of view is that students should learn from their mistakes so that they are able to develop their ability to speak English Hartford Harlig, 2004, as cited in Dal, 2010. The implementation of video project has a number of benefits for students. Hafner and Miller 2011 state that video project provides a social context within which students are able to interact with one another as cited in Procedia, 2014. Students can capture and playback their own performances to reflect on their speaking English. Hafner and Miller 2011 conclude that video project motivates the students since the students‟ comments on the video projects to reflect on their learning as cited in Procedia, 2014. Hafner and Miller also state that video project is novel, fun, challenging, and meaningful. In addition, 30 video project creates students autonomy and enables students to practice the target language in a collaborative, enjoyable, and comfortable atmosphere. As emphasized by Nikitina 2009, students have a chance to practice the target language in a more meaningful way and to develop useful strategies that can ease their learning process as cited in Procedia, 2014. Moreover, Masats, Dooly, and Costa 2009, state video project as an effective learning tool since it engages students in a cooperative project which is provided an opportunity for integrating all members in the group as cited in Procedia, 2014. Besides that, it is suggested that video production should be used as an integrative learning tool. Therefore, video project that the students made in this research was as an integrative English learning tool.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section synthesizes all major relevant theories which are already reviewed by the researcher above. The use of those theories is intended to help the researcher to conduct a research to solve the research problems. In this research, the researcher attempts to answer two research questions. First is about the students‟ perception of the use of group video in speaking practice. Second is about the role of group video in speaking practice. The researcher employs the theory of perception for the first research question. The researcher needs to know the definition of perception in order to acknowledge what perception is. According to Altman 1985, perception is the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that they can be meaningfully 31 interpreted. The way the students perceive on something, whether it is in positive or negative way influences the students‟ behavioral responses p. 85. The behavioral responses can be positive or negative. It depends on the students‟ perception. If the students perceive the use of group video positively, they will have positive perception and the students‟ behavioral responses will positive too. The positive behavioral responses of the students will motivate the students more to use group video in speaking practice. On the other hand, negative behavioral responses of the students will make the students have less motivation in using group video to practice speaking. Huffman 2000 states three steps in perception. They are selection the stimuli, organization, and interpretation p. 108. Related to this research, the students should be aware in selecting the stimuli towards the use of group video. Students have to look at the importance of using group video in speaking practice, so that the students will get the stimuli to use the group video. After the students selected the stimuli, the students should organize the stimuli into patterns which can help the students to understand the use of video project in their speaking practice. The last step is the interpretation. The students interpret the patterns that they have after organizing their stimuli and resulted their own perception toward the use of group video in speaking practice. In order to answer the second research question, the researcher applies the theories of video project, speaking practice, YouTube, and cooperative learning. Video is widely used to support the language learning. Video is commonly used in language learning because video is an excellent tool for 32 developing awareness of critical features of the target language and for defining the individual needs of students Mestre Lian, n.d., as cited in Skerritt, 1984. The use of video in language learning become more meaningful in form of video projects because through video project, students can learn the language authentically. According to Hafner and Miller 2011, video project provides a social context within which learners are able to interact with one another, students can capture and play back their own performances to reflect on their speaking English as cited in Procedia, 2014. By making video project and using it as a tool in practicing speaking English, students are able to reflect on their own performances in that video. Therefore, they know in what areas of their speeches which are needed to be improved. It is strengthen with the theory from Harmer 2007 that one of the main benefits of video project or video-making for the students is the chance to display what they have done and get feedback from the classmates or from the teachers. Therefore, students can publish their video by uploading it in YouTube. The project based learning outcome of the video project was treated as a public product, which will be uploaded to YouTube for sharing. YouTube is an appropriate media for the students to upload their video product. Brunner 2013 states the four quality criteria for using YouTube as an educational tool: easy to be accessed, authentic media, easy to connect to other social media, and students interact with on in daily basis. In this research, the video project is in a form of group video in which students work in a group p. 1. Work in a group is more beneficial and effective for the students. Slavin 1995 explains that cooperative 33 learning can increase student achievement, acceptance of academically handicapped classmates, and increased self-esteem. Moreover, Harmer 2007 explains that cooperation among the group members or groupwork brings the advantages for the students p. 11. The advantages that the students can get are increases the amount of talking for individual students, personal relationships are usually less problematic, there is also a greater chance of different opinions and varied contributions. It encourages broader skills of cooperation and negotiation, and it promotes learner autonomy by allowing students to make their own decisions in the group. Therefore, creating video project to practice speaking English in a form of group will be more meaningful than make it individually. 34


This chapter presents a rationale for the method of research and analysis. The researcher described the method of research and analysis, outlined the procedure in gathering and analyzing the data and revealed the boundaries of the research. This chapter divides into six parts: the research method, the research setting, the research participants, the instruments and the data gathering technique, the data analysis technique, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

Since this research is aimed to find out the students‟ perception on the use of group video in speaking practice for the second grade of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati, researcher used quantitative research. According to Creswell 2014, quantitative research is the process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and writing the result of the study. Quantitative research emphasizes on collecting and analyzing information in the form of numbers. The data were collected in a form of quantitative data. The researcher gathered the data by using survey method. The survey is the most widely used social science data-gathering technique. Neuman 2011 explains survey method as the quantitative research in which the researcher systematically asked a large number of people the same questions and then recorded their answer.