38 p. 212. Moreover, Creswell also states that observation is the process of gathering open-ended firsthand information by observing people and places at a research site. Observation requires good listening skills and careful attention to visual detail. Hammersley and Atkinson 1995 state that observation also requires management of issues such as the potential deception by people being observed and the initial awkwardness of being an outsider without initial personal support in a setting as cited in Creswell, 2012, p. 214. Observation also has the advantages and also the disadvantages. The advantages of observation are an opportunity to record the information, study the actual behavior, and study the individuals who have difficulty in verbalizing their idea. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of observation are the researcher may have difficulty in developing the information, individuals and the researcher will also be limited to those sites, and situations where the researcher can gain access. In this research, the researcher used participant observation. Based on Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun 2012, researcher actually participates in the situation or setting which is being observed. The researcher should interact as natural as possible. Participant can be overt or covert. Overt observation means that the researcher is easily identified and the subjects know that they are being observed. While covert observation means that the researcher disguises the identity and acts just like other participants. The researcher implemented the covert observation in this research in order to produce more valid observations of what really happens. It also offers opportunity to see experiences from the views of participants. According to Creswell 2012, there are ten general processes in doing 39 the observation. First is selecting a site to be observed that can help in understanding the central phenomenon. Second is put into the site slowly by looking around. Third is identifying who or what to observe and when and how long to observe. Fourth is determining the respondents. Fifth is initialling the researcher ‟s role as an observer. Sixth is conducting multiple observations. Seventh is getting time to obtain the best understanding of the site and the individuals. Eight is designing some means for recording notes during an observation. Ninth is considering what information the researcher will record during an observation. The last is recording descriptive fieldnotes events, activities, and people and reflective fieldnotes personal thoughts.

2. Questionnaire

In gathering the response of the respondents related to their perception on using group video, researcher distributed questionnaire in collecting the data. According to Best and Kahn 1986 questionnaire is one of the data gathering instruments in which the respondents answer several questions or respond in a form of writing. In this research, the researcher used two types of questionnaire, both close-ended and open-ended. According to Neuman 2011, open-ended question is a type of survey method that allows respondents free to offer any answer they wish to the question. While close-ended question is a type of survey method in which respondents must choose from a fixed set of answer. There were 39 close-ended questions and 2 open-ended questions. In gathering the data from the close-ended questionnaire, the researcher used Likert scale which presented the degree of agreement. Neuman 2011 states