Students’ Background Students’ Perception on the Use of Group Video in English Speaking

56 6.67 of the respondents disagreed that they were enthusiastic in learning English from internet. The respondents could get a lot of information and also many sources to learn English from the internet. Related to the previous statement, being enthusiastic to learn English from internet made the respondents did not feel bored in uploading the group video project in YouTube later on.

1.2. Students’ Perception on Speaking

The mean of this category was 2.7, it meant that the respondents responded positively toward speaking. The conclusion of this category also showed that the respondents had positive perception on speaking. The respondents generally enjoyed speaking English and were not ashamed to speak English because they had higher intensity in using English in speaking. Table 4.2 Percentage Distribution of Students’ Perception on Speaking Statements Percentage Distribution SD D A SA 7 3.33 36.67 53.33 6.67 8 10 63.33 26.67 9 20 73.33 6.67 10 3.33 66.67 23.33 6.67 11 40 50 10 Table 4.2 presented the percentage distribution of the students’ perception on speaking. According to Harmer 2007, students are often reluctant to speak because they are shy and are not accustomed to express themselves in front of other people, especially when the students are being asked to give personal information or opinions. The result of the statement number eleven 57 presented 3.33 of the respondents strongly disagreed and 36.67 of the respondents disagreed that they like speaking English. Meanwhile, 53.33 of the respondents agreed and 6.67 of the respondents strongly agreed that they like speaking English. The conclusions were 40 of the respondents did not like to speak English and 60 of the respondents like to speak English. It was clear that the respondents like to speak English. Therefore, the respondents would be interested to practice speaking English more often because the respondents like to speak English. Statement number eight was about the intensity of practicing speaking English. The result showed that 10 of the respondents strongly disagreed and 63.33 of the respondents disagreed that they rarely practiced to speak English. There were 26.67 of the respondents agreed and none of the respondents strongly agreed that they rarely practiced to speak English. It was concluded that 73.33 of the respondents disagreed that they rarely practiced to speak English and only 26.67 of the respondents agreed that they rarely practiced to speak English. Based on the result of this statement, the intensity of the respondents in practicing speaking English was higher. Related to the previous statement that the respondents like to speak English and also the result of this statement that the respondents had higher intensity to practice speaking English, the respondents would have better ability in speaking English. The result of the statement number nine presented none of the respondents strongly disagreed and 20 of the respondents disagreed that through speaking practice they could learn English easily. 73.33 of the respondents 58 agreed and 6.67 of the respondents strongly agreed that through speaking practice they could learn English easily. Almost all of the respondents 80 of the respondents agreed that through speaking practice they could learn English easily. The respondents believed that more often they practiced to speak English, they could get many knowledge about English itself. It would be easier later on for the respondents in understanding English and also the respondents used English in speaking more often. Statement number ten resulted 3.33 of the respondents strongly disagreed and 66.67 of the respondents disagreed that they were not confident speaking English. However, 23.33 of the respondents agreed and 6.67 of the respondents strongly agreed that they were not confident speaking English. The conclusions of this statement were 70 of the respondents were confident to speak English and 30 of the respondents were not confident to speak English. The respondents became confident to speak English. When they were confident, it made the respondents were not shy to give their opinion or idea in learning English. The last statement in this category, the statement number eleven resulted none of the respondents strongly disagreed and 40 of the respondents disagreed that they were ashamed to speak English in front of others. 50 of the respondents agreed and only 10 of the respondents strongly agreed that they were ashamed to speak English in front of others. Totally there were 40 of the respondents disagreed that they were ashamed to speak English in front of others and 60 of the respondents agreed that they were ashamed to speak English in 59 front of others. Those who did not ashamed to speak English in front of others were familiar to use English in speaking and the intensity to speak English more often than those who were ashamed to speak English in front of others. The conclusion of this statement was that the respondents were ashamed to speak English in front of others. This situation would make the respondents more often in practicing speaking English using group video because the respondents in the group video would cooperate with the group in front of the camera. Therefore, the respondents would not feel ashamed when they spoke in front of others.

1.3. Students’ Perception on Group Video

Smaldino 2011 explains that video has a big potential in building students personal and social life. The respondents in this category were asked about their experiences in using group video. In this third category, the mean was 2.8. It was clear that the respondents had positive response about this category. The respondents had positive perception toward group video. The positive perception on the respondents about group video based on the theory from Smaldino 2011 that video has potential in building personal and social life. Therefore, the respondents’ personal and social life had positive changes such as the respondents became more confident and they were not ashamed to speak English in the group video project. This following table presented the percentage distribution of each statement in this category related to the students’ perception on group video. 60 Table 4.3 Percentage Distribution of Students’ Perception on Group Video Statements Percentage Distribution SD D A SA 12 46.67 43.33 10 13 6.67 56.67 36.67 14 10 40 50 15 20 33.33 26.67 20 16 3.33 6.67 46.67 43.33 17 6.67 13.33 56.67 23.33 18 3.33 13.33 66.67 16.67 19 6.67 13.33 60 20 20 26.67 66.67 6.67 21 6.67 46.67 46.67 22 6.67 63.33 26.67 3.33 Table 4.3 showed the percentage distribution in each statement in this category. Statement number twelve resulted 46.67 of the respondents strongly disagreed and 43.33 of the respondents disagreed that they rarely used technology in the learning activity. Meanwhile, only 10 of the respondents agreed and none of the respondents strongly agreed that they rarely used technology in the learning activity. It meant that 90 of the respondents used technology in the learning activity and only 10 of the respondents rarely used technology in the learning activity. Almost all of the respondents disagreed that they rarely used technology in the learning activity. In the learning activity, the technology was important enough to support the learning activity. The respondents in the learning activity often used laptop, viewer and also speaker in their presentation. It showed that the respondents could not be separated with technology in the learning activity. The result could be concluded that the