Data Analysis Technique RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

48 each stratum, so there were six participants who were interviewed.

4. Constructing the Instrument

Ary et al. 2010 state that two basic types of data-gathering instruments are interviews and questionnaires. Meanwhile, in gathering the data of the research, the researcher used three research instruments. They are observation, questionnaire, and interview. The researcher used participant observation in this research. Participant observation is used in this research because the researcher observed the situation directly. Face-to-face interview personal interview is selected because the researcher can gathere the supporting data easier and more complete. In a personal interview, interviewer reads the questions to the respondent in a face-to-face setting and records the answers, the interviewer can also press for additional information when a response seems incomplete or not entirely relevant Ary et al., 2010. The researcher chose structured interview that consists of a series designed of elicit specific answers from respondents. Another instrument that researcher used in gathering the data was questionnaire. Based on Vaus 2002, close-ended questionnaire is easier to code and quicker to answer, therefore close-ended questionnaire was selected as the main data gathering technique, although there was also open-ended questionnaire as the data gathering technique to facilitate the respondents proposed their own answer. Neuman 2011 explains that open-ended questionnaire permit an unlimited number of possible answers and help the researcher discover unanticipated findings. Therefore, the researcher used closed-ended questionnaire as the main data gathering techniques and used open-ended questionnaire as the 49 supported data gathering technique.

5. Conducting the Survey

This step also included training the users of the instrument, interviewing subjects or distributing questionnaires to the subjects, and verifying the accuracy of the data gathered Ary et al., 2010. In conducting the survey, the researcher distributed questionnaire to all of the students in class VIII D and interviewed six students out of thirty students from that class using stratified sampling. In order to verify the gathered data, the researcher conducted pilot survey.

6. Processing the Data

Processing the data was the last step in this research procedure. According to Ary et al. 2010, in processing the data researcher used coding data, statistical analysis, interpreting the results, and reporting the findings. The researcher interpreted the data in form of percentage and frequency distribution. 50


This chapter presents the data gathered by the researcher from the questionnaire and the interview. The researcher divides this chapter into two parts: the data presentation and the data interpretation. The first part of this chapter presented the data in forms of frequency distribution and percentage distribution. Meanwhile, there are two major discussions in the second part. The first discussion is about the students’ perception on the use of group video in speaking practice. Then, the second discussion is ab out the students’ perceptions on the implementation of group video.

A. Data Presentation

The data were obtained from the questionnaires which were distributed to the 30 students in the second grade of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati as the respondents. The questionnaire contains thirty nine close-ended questionnaire and two open-ended questionnaire. Meanwhile, to support and clarify the data, the researcher also interviewed six students in second grade of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. In this part, the researcher presented the data which were obtained in forms of frequency distribution and percentage distribution.

1. Frequency Distribution

In this section, the researcher presented data gathered in a form of frequency distribution. The frequency distribution covered the frequency of all