Abstract 3: Analisis Tema pada Pantun Melayu: Suatu Kajian Fungsional Abstract 4: Interferensi Gramatika Bahasa Karo dalam Bahasa Indonesia Abstract 5: Suatu Kajian Pragmatik tentang Slogan Signatural Iklan


4.2.2 Abstract 2: Struktur Percakapan dalam Bahasa Alas.

1. The findings indicate that the structure of conversation in bahasa Alas has disruption and not always linear. It is concluded that the structure of conversation in bahasa Alas is unique and suggested that the research of conversation in bahasa Alas is continued. The word it refers to the findings.

4.2.3 Abstract 3: Analisis Tema pada Pantun Melayu: Suatu Kajian Fungsional

Sistemik. 1. The arrangements Pantun verses are beautifully presented by the creator and its content contains advices, suggestions, criticism, and education. 2. On this study the pantun is interpreted and discussed adopting an LSF theory in the aspect of context of situation, the analysis of thematic structure and its utterance function of Malay poetry. 3. Referring to the findings above, it is suggested that those teachers are urged to adopt this study as material in teaching about literature as local value particularly in the literary products of North Sumatra Province. Moreover, it suggested that the Malay poetry should be made for medium communication media presented by government for official ceremonies. Universitas Sumatera Utara xxxiv In 1, its refers to the arrangements Pantun verses; in 2 its refers to the pantun; in 3 it refers to the findings.

4.2.4 Abstract 4: Interferensi Gramatika Bahasa Karo dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Tulis Murid Kelas 6 Sekolah Dasar Kabupaten Karo. 1. The result of this analysis also finds that there are some similarities and differences between Karonese and Indonesian morphemes. And that is why on a certain aspect Indonesian students get some difficulties in using those morphemes. 2. The result of this analysis also finds that there are some similarities and differences between Karonese and Indonesian morphemes. And that is why on a certain aspect Indonesian students get some difficulties in using those morphemes. The similarities also found between Indonesian and Karonese vocabulary but there are also some forms that are the same but different in meaning. These are suspected as the cause of lexical interferences. In 1, those refers to Karonese and Indonesian morphemes; in 2 these refers to some similarities and differences.

4.2.5 Abstract 5: Suatu Kajian Pragmatik tentang Slogan Signatural Iklan

Kosmetik. Universitas Sumatera Utara xxxv 1. The objectives of the analysis are to identify the forms of signature slogans of cosmetics advertisement, to describe their informative and communicative intentions, the presumptions of their optimal relevances, the interpretation of their optimal relevances. 2. From the analysis, it is discovered that firstly… 3. Secondly, the informative intentions of signature slogans of cosmetics advertisements are communicators’ intentions to make manifest or more manifest to the audience that they have some sets of assumptions. 4. Thirdly, the communicative intentions of signature slogans of cosmetic advertisements are to make them mutually manifest to audiences and communicators that they have these informative intentions, namely, the information found in the signature slogans of cosmetic advertisements. 5. Thirdly, the communicative intentions of signature slogans of cosmetic advertisements are to make them mutually manifest to audiences and communicators that they have these informative intentions, namely, the information found in the signature slogans of cosmetic advertisements. In 1, their refers to signature slogans of cosmetics advertisement; in 2 it refers to the analysis; in 3 they refers to the informative intentions of signature slogans of cosmetics advertisements; in 4 them and they refer to the communicative intentions of signature slogans of cosmetic advertisements; in 5 these refers to the information found in the signature slogans of cosmetic advertisements. Universitas Sumatera Utara xxxvi

4.2.6 Abstract 6: Pemerolehan Genre Tulisan oleh Pembelajar Indonesia Studi