Abstract 5: Suatu Kajian Pragmatik tentang Slogan Signatural Iklan Abstract 6: Pemerolehan Genre Tulisan oleh Pembelajar Indonesia Studi

xlviii why on a certain aspect Indonesian students get some difficulties in using those morphemes. 6. The similarities also found between Indonesia and Karonese vocabulary but there are also some forms that are the same but different in meaning. In 1, and originates additive conjunction; in 2 and also originates additive conjunction; in 3 and originates additive conjunction; in 4 and originates additive conjunction; in 5 also and and originate additive conjunction; in 6 also and and originate additive conjunction and but originates adversative conjunction.

4.5.5 Abstract 5: Suatu Kajian Pragmatik tentang Slogan Signatural Iklan

Kosmetik. 1. …to describe their informative and communicative intensions,… 2. Sperber’s and Wilson’s relevance theory 1986, 1995 is used in the analysis. 3. From the analysis, it is discovered that firstly, there exists 34 thirty four signature slogans… 4. Secondly, the informative intentions of signature slogans of cosmetic advertisements are communicators’ intentions to make manifest or more manifest to the audience… Universitas Sumatera Utara xlix 5. Thirdly, the communicative intentions of signature slogans of cosmetic advertisement are to make them mutually manifest to audiences and communicators… 6. Fourthly, the presumptions of the optimal relevances and the ostensive stimulus of the signature… 7. Fifthly, the interpretations of the optimal relevances of signature slogans of cosmetic advertisement…. In 1 and originates additive conjunction; in 2 and originates additive conjunction; in 3 firstly originates temporal conjunction; in 4 secondly originates temporal conjunction and or originates additive conjunction; in 5 thirdly originates temporal conjunction and and originates additive conjunction; in 6 fourthly originates temporal conjunction; in 7 fifthly originates temporal conjunction.

4.5.6 Abstract 6: Pemerolehan Genre Tulisan oleh Pembelajar Indonesia Studi

Kasus pada Komposisi Siswa Sekolah Dasar Harapan 1 Medan. 1. The fact that it is not easy for students either of primary school or universities ‘to write’ has become the background of the study. 2. The data analyzed in this research are compositions of students of Sekolah Dasar Harapan 1 Medan which are grouped into two different setting- controlled and free. 3. Systemic Functional Linguistics has been applied as the theoretical framework and the analysis is conducted… Universitas Sumatera Utara l 4. Based on the analysis, it has been found out that the respondents taken from Year III up to VI may produce four kinds of written genre, i.e. recount, report, description, and exposition. 5. It is the fact that male students tend to write in the forms of exposition and those of female tend to choose narrative writing. In 1 or originates additive conjunction; in 2 and originates additive conjunction; in 3 and originates additive conjunction; in 4 and originates additive conjunction; in 5 and originates additive conjunction.

4.5.7 Abstract 7: Proses Morfemis dalam Bahasa Arab.