Abstract 1: Analisis Penerjemahan dan Pemaknaan Istilah Teknis: Studi Abstract 2: Struktur Percakapan dalam Bahasa Alas.

xxxi 9. Hubungan Logis dalam Bahasa Jepang. 10. Analisis Kesalahan Leksikal di dalam Karangan Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris pada Piliteknik Immanuel Medan. The analysis begins with reference, followed by substitution, ellipsis and conjunction.

4.2 The Analysis of Reference

Reference occurs when something signalled for retrieval. It can only be interpreted with reference either to some other parts of the text. Here are the analyses of reference taken from the chosen abstracts:

4.2.1 Abstract 1: Analisis Penerjemahan dan Pemaknaan Istilah Teknis: Studi

Kasus pada Terjemahan Dokumen Kontrak. 1. There are six contract documents translation products as the source of data in this analysis. It can be identified that the terms used in the document are mostly related to economical terms. 2. In reading a text as a product of translation, it can be found some problems to understand the content of the text. 3. In reading a text as a product of translation, it can be found some problems to understand the content of the text. This is caused by some factors, for example, the different culture between writers and readers, Universitas Sumatera Utara xxxii which consequently can cause the different view of the word concept that is intended by the writers. 4. Translators may choose two methods of translating, namely direct or literal translation borrowing, calque, literal translation, and obligue translation transposition, modulation, equivalence, adaptation. So, in analyzing the products of translation, the writer focuses the analysis on these items of the method. 5. The results of analysis show that there are some complexities in understanding the translation procedures and methods that should be mastered. Those that are related to ways of terms identification, the application of translation method with its various problems, such as direct or literal translation, and obligue translation, and translating the foreign terms, need to be observed. In 1, It refers to six contract documents; in 2 it refers to text as a product of translation; in 3 this refers to some problems to understand the content of the text; in 4 these refers to direct or literal translation borrowing, calque, literal translation, and obligue translation transposition, modulation, equivalence, adaptation; in 5 those refers some complexities in understanding the translation procedures and methods Universitas Sumatera Utara xxxiii

4.2.2 Abstract 2: Struktur Percakapan dalam Bahasa Alas.

1. The findings indicate that the structure of conversation in bahasa Alas has disruption and not always linear. It is concluded that the structure of conversation in bahasa Alas is unique and suggested that the research of conversation in bahasa Alas is continued. The word it refers to the findings.

4.2.3 Abstract 3: Analisis Tema pada Pantun Melayu: Suatu Kajian Fungsional