Abstract 9: Hubungan Logis dalam Bahasa Jepang.

lii grammatical sentences, and in semantic requisition they more tended to use the denotative meaning. In 1, and originates additive conjunction; in 2 and originates additive conjunction; in 3 and originates additive conjunction; in 4 or originates additive conjunction; in 5 however originates adversative conjunction, and originates additive conjunction and then originates causal conjunction.

4.5.9 Abstract 9: Hubungan Logis dalam Bahasa Jepang.

1. …discover the most dominant logical relations and in what context they occur. 2. Of the ten variables of logical relations observed, 151 expansion units and 18 projection units are discovered. 3. Hypotaxis elaboration and hypotaxis locution are found out to be the most dominant types. 4. The hypotaxis elaboration occurs as the most dominant type because the description of the five discourses are described repeatedly with different words and sentences yet, they have the same meanings. 5. The hypotaxis locution occurs as the most dominant type because the authors of the discourse have interpreted the meanings of the expression from the sources language user based on their ideas or consideration. 6. Meanwhile, the pattern of projection relation has the configuration… Universitas Sumatera Utara liii In 1, and originates additive conjunction; in 2 and originates additive conjunction; in 3 and originates additive conjunction; in 4 and originates additive conjunction and yet originates adversative conjunction; in 5 or originates additive conjunction; in 6 meanwhile originates temporal conjunction. Abstract 10: Analisis Kesalahan Leksikal di dalam Karangan Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris pada Piliteknik Immanuel Medan. 1. …to describe the lexical frequency which was dominant to use, and to explain the causes why the errors of the lexical usage occurred. 2. The theory used in this research is the 5 lexical principles by Blum and Levenston, namely lexical principles of usage of Superordinate terms, Approximation, Synonymy, Transfer and Circumlocution or Paraphrase. 3. The result of this thesis showed that the lexical principle of Transfer was most dominant one, it is 61,23, then Synonymy 18,11, Approximation 10,14, Circumlocution or Paraphrase 9,78 and the fewest is the usage of Superordinate terms 0,72. This can be interpreted the students tented to use Transfer that was influenced by their mother tongue. 4. The lack of vocabulary in the target language and the inability of the students to master the difference of the word meaning were also as factors that caused them in difficulty to use a correct word in a correct context effectively and efficiently. 5. Besides, the students also had a little practice for using the words. Universitas Sumatera Utara liv In 1, and originates additive conjunction; in 2 and and or originate additive conjunction; in 3 then originates causal conjunction, or and and originate additive conjunction; in 4 and and also originate additive conjunction; in 5 besides and also originate additive conjunction. THE PERCENTAGE OF CONJUNCTION No. Reference Total 1 Abstract 1 10 9.7 2 Abstract 2 15 14.6 3 Abstract 3 15 14.6 4 Abstract 4 14 13.6 5 Abstract 5 10 9.7 6 Abstract 6 5 4.8 7 Abstract 7 6 5.8 8 Abstract 8 10 9.7 9 Abstract 9 7 6.8 10 Abstract 10 11 10.7 Total 103 100 Based on the data analyzed, it is found that the total number of conjunction that existed in the chosen abstracts are 103. Abstract 1 consists of 10 ten data of conjunctions, Abstract 2 consists of 15 fifth teen data, Abstract 3 consists of 15 fifth teen data, Abstract 4 consists of 14 four teen data, Abstract 5 consists of 10 ten data, Abstract 6 consists of 5 five data, Abstract 7 consist Universitas Sumatera Utara lv of six data, Abstract 8 consists of 10 ten data, Abstract 9 consist of 7 seven data, and Abstract 10 consists of 11 eleven data.

4.6 Discussion