The Definition of Abstract

xxiii The party got to the summit and had their lunch. And they had time for a rest afterwards. Here the first and coordinates the propositions the party got to the summit and had their lunch. The second and, however, introduces a supplementary idea. Adversative conjunction is explained as introducing an item of information which is ‘contrary to expectation’. The expectation may be derived from the content of what is being said, or from the communication process, the speaker-hearer situation. For example, All the figures were correct; they’d been checked. Yet the total came out wrong. Causal conjunction marks the relationships of reason, consequence and purposes. He didn’t pass this time, so he will have to resit. Temporal conjunction specifies the time sequence relationship which exists between sentences. First he forgot his money, then he forgot his keys. Previously he had never absent for a day.

2.1.3 The Definition of Abstract

An abstract is a brief but accurate representation of the contents of a document. A true abstract, while it may include words occurring in the document, is a piece of text created by the abstractor rather than a direct quotation from the author Lancaster 1998:94. It means that an abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review or any in depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s Universitas Sumatera Utara xxiv purpose. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a document, acting as the point of entry for any given scientific document or paper. An abstract is a self contained, short, and powerful statement that describes a larger work. Components vary according to discipline; an abstract of a social science or scientific work may contain the scope, purpose, results, and contents of the work. An abstract of a humanities work may contain the thesis, background, and conclusion of the larger work. An abstract is not a review, nor does it evaluate the work being abstracted. While it contains key words found in the larger work, the abstract is an original document rater than an excerpted passage There are two types of abstract: indicative sometimes called descriptive and informative. They have different aims, so as a consequence they have different components and styles. Lancaster 1998:95 says that indicative abstract simply describes indicates what the document is about, whereas the informative abstract attempts to summarize the substance of the document, including the result. That is, an indicative abstract might mention what types of results are achieved in a study but the informative abstract would summarize the result themselves. Cremmins in Lancaster 1998:96 explains that indicative abstracts may contain information on purpose, scope, or methodology but will not present results, conclusions, or recommendations. On the other hand, the informative abstract may include information on purpose, scope, and methods but must also contain results, conclusions, or recommendations. For some purposes, a good informative abstract might act as a reasonable substitute for reading a document. Universitas Sumatera Utara xxv An indicative abstract is unlikely to serve as a substitute in this way. Its main purpose would be to indicate to readers of the abstract whether or not they would be likely to want to read the original. For obvious reasons, informative abstract tend to be longer than indicative. They are also more difficult to write. Indeed, while it will usually be possible to write an informative abstract for an experimental study, it may be almost impossible to do so for a theoretical study or an opinion piece. For this reason, informative abstracts occur more frequently in science and technology than they do in the social sciences or humanities.

2.2 Applied Research Review

The idea on writing this thesis based on some linguistics books that supply relevant information to the topic. The writer refers to some related analysis based on the cohesion in discourse. 1. Kunto 2009 has analyzed cohesion on editorial of “Deutschland’s” magazine. He found the existence of grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion in the magazine. Grammatical cohesion is classified into four kinds; they are reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. The reference consists of 82 sentences 68.33, substitution consists of 4 sentences 3.33, ellipsis consists of 2 sentences 1.66, and conjunction consists of 32 sentences 26.66. Lexical cohesion is classified into four kinds; they are repetition, synonymy, hyponymy, and antonymy. Repetition consists of 21 sentences 17.5, synonymy Universitas Sumatera Utara