Reduction Transposition The Translation Techniques in the Translation of English Novel into

25 the suburbs, an hour outside the city. daerah pinggiran, satu jam dari Manhattan. I34 A little while after we formed the club , Principal LaCosta announced there was going to be a contest the day of the first school dance. Tak lama setelah Cupcake Club terbentuk , Kepala Sekolah LaCosta mengumumkan aka nada perlombaan pada hari pesta dansa sekolah. I309 It has weird flowery wallpaper , like something you’d find in an old lady’s house. Kertas dindingnya bemotif bunga- bunga yang aneh , seperti yang kau lihat di rumah nenek-nenek. The point of view that changed in the data number 6 is the changes of the sentence from passive into active. On the contrary, in data number 34, the change is from active into passive. Meanwhile the change in the data number 309 is the change in the focus of the sentence. In source text the focus is “it” that means the room. It means that the room has weird flowery wallpeaper, while in the target text; the focus is the wallpaper kertas dinding that has a weird flowery motif. This technique in the translation of MTM into MCG is applied in 23 numbers: 6 34 48 86 146 211 286 309 17 40 71 109 176 255 289 400 21 41 72 110 182 270 304 Reduction

Reduction is to suppres a ST information item in the TT. This technique in the translation of MTM into MCG is applied in data number 81 and 360. Data Source Text Target Text I81 But you could wear a sweater or a jacket and any shoes, so you could get pretty creative with it and not look gross on a daily basis. Namun kau bisa pakai jaket dan sepatu apapun, jadi kau bisa berkreatif-ria mengakalinya dan nggak terlihat menjijikkan setiap hari. I360 The way my room is decorated isn’t the only thing I don’t like about it. Kamarku bukan satu-satunya hal yang tak kusukai. Universitas Sumatera Utara 26 In data number 81 and 360, the translator suppresses information of the source text by reduces “a sweater” in data 81 and translates “the way my room is decorated” as “kamarku”. This decision is changed the meaning of the text, but it’s not too influential for the meaning. Transposition

Transposition is to change a grammatical category. This technique in the translation of MTM into MCG is applied in 17 numbers: 11 38 106 150 163 207 280 307 372 36 45 128 154 166 244 285 355 For more detail, the grammatical categories that changed in the translation of MTM into MCG are: Data Source Text Target Text GC Type I36 We hadn’t really planned on participating in the fund-raiser, but then this other group in our class, the Popular Girls Club, kept telling everyone they were going to win. Kami sebenarnya tak punya rencana untuk ikutan dalam penggalangan dana itu, tapi ada kelompok lain di kelas satu, Popular Girls Club, yang terus berkoar-koar kepada semua orang kalau mereka akan menang. V – N I38 It’s not like we’re rivals or anything, but once we heard that, we decided to enter the contest too. Bukan berarti kami ini bersaing atau apa lah, tapi begitu mendengarnya, kami putuskan untuk ikut perlombaan juga. N – V I45 I know it’s not a huge deal or anything, but it fells really good to win. Aku tahu ini bukan hal besar atau apa lah, tapi rasanya gembira banget jadi pemenang . V – N I106 Nobody makes loud burping noises either, like Wes Kinney does every single day in the back of the school bus, which is extremely disgusting. Enggak ada yang bersendawa dengan suara keras, seperti yang dilakukan Wes Kinney setiap hari dari belakang bus sekolah, dan itu menjijikkan banget. N – V I128 Katie grabbed it to get a closer look . Katie mengambilnya untuk melihat lebih dekat. N – V I150 Sydney is the one who started Sydney adalah salah satu V – N Universitas Sumatera Utara 27 the Popular Girls Club. pembentuk Popular Girls Club. I154 They say she’s always making mean comments to them. Katanya, Sydney selalu berkomentar jelek tentang mereka. N – V I163 Callie gave me a smile when I sat down. Callie tersenyum saat aku duduk. N – V I166 I thought I saw Sydney give Callie a glare. Sepertinya aku melihat Sydney melotot pada Callie. N – V I207 “This is seriously disappointing,” I said with a sigh . “Ini benar-benar menyebalkan,” kataku sambil menghela napas . N – V I244 “But it’s a nice bag,” Emma said, giving Alexis a look. “Tapi tasnya bagus, kok,” kata Emma, sambil melihat ke arah Alexis. N – V I280 Mom’s starting up her own fashion consulting business, so she works out of the house, which is nice. Mom sedang merintis bisnis konsultan fashion-nya sendiri, jadi dia bekerja di rumah dan itu adalah hal bagus. Pro – Conj I285 Your mom had to go into the city for a meeting. Ibumu harus meeting di kota. N – V I307 I walked up the stairs to my room, and Milkshake and Tiki followed me. Aku menaiki tangga menuju kamar dengan Milkshake dan Tiki mengikutiku. Conj – Pre I355 Which she promises to do soon. Dan Mom berjanji akan segera melakukannya. Pro – Conj I372 I pressed play on my iPod, and a song by my favorite singer filled my ears—but I swear I could still see the walls shaking . Kutekan play pada iPod lalu sebuah lagu dari penyanyi favoritku terdengar, tapi aku bersumpah aku masih melihat dinding yang bergetar. V – Adj We could see that in the translation of MTM into MCG the change of grammatical categories is more various than in the translation of LP into TRT, i.e. Noun to Verb 9 times 56.25, Verb to Noun 3 times 18.75, Pronoun to Conjunction 2 times 12.5, Conjunction to Preposition 1 times 6.25 and Verb to Adjective 1 6.25 times. Universitas Sumatera Utara 28

4.1.2 The Translation Techniques in the Translation of Bahasa Indonesia

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