e. in data number 22 and 30: Data Source Text

34 Data Source Text Target Text II68 Suaranya berat selayaknya orang yang tertekan batinnya . Her voice was grave, normal for someone with a sinking heart . II69 Akhirnya, waktu habis karena telah pukul sebelas lewat lima dan jumlah murid tak juga genap sepuluh. Finally, time was up. It was already five after eleven and the total number of students still did not equal ten. II70 Semangat besarku untuk sekolah perlahan-lahan runtuh . My overwhelming enthusiasm for school dwindled away. There are many data that the translator decides to applied the established equivalent technique as in the data number 69 which word “genap” is translated as “equal” instead “exactly enough”. This technique in the translation of LP into TRT is applied in 53 numbers 2 26 46 75 95 117 130 146 185 3 29 62 77 98 120 131 158 186 21 30 68 82 107 123 132 171 190 22 34 69 84 109 127 135 176 191 23 40 70 85 112 128 136 177 196 25 41 74 88 115 129 141 182 Generalization

Generalization is to use a more general or neutral term. It is in opposition to particularization. In the translation of LP into TRT, this technique is applied twice

i.e. in data number 22 and 30: Data Source Text

Target Text II22 Lebih mudah menyerahkannya pada tauke pasar pagi untuk menjadi tukang parut atau pada juragan pantai untuk menjadi kuli kopra agar dapat membantu ekonomi keluarga. It would have been much easier to send me to work as a helper for a Chinese grosery stall owner at the morning market, or to the coast to work as a coolie to help ease the family’s financial burdens. II30 Pagi ini mereka terpaksa berada di sekolah ini untuk menghindarkan diri dari celaan aparat desa karena tak menyekolahkan anak atau sebagai This morning they were forced to be at this school, either to avoid reproach from government officials for not sending their children to Universitas Sumatera Utara 35 orang yang terjebak tuntutan zaman baru, tuntutan memerdekakan anak dari buta huruf. school, or to submit to modern demands to free their children from illiteracy. In data number 22, “tukang parut” is translated as “a helper” and “kuli kopra” is translated as “a coolie”. In data number 30, “aparat desa” is translated as “government officials”. “Tukang parut” is one of helper’s works, because there are other works of helper especially in a grosery. “Kuli kopra” is one kind of “coolie” because there are other kind of coolie such as kuli bangunan, kuli pelabuhan etc. “Aparat desa” is one of “government officials” because “aparat desa” is titled for a government official in a village. Linguistic Amplification

Linguistic Amplification is to add linguistic elements. It is in opposition to lingu istic compression. Below, some examples: Data Source Text Target Text II7 Kosen pintu itu miring karena seluruh bangunan sudah doyong seolah akan roboh. The door frame was crooked. The entire school, in fact, leaned as if it would collapse at any moment. II51 “Kita tunggu sampai pukul sebelas,” kata Pak Harfan pada Bu Mus dan seluruh orangtua yang telah pasrah. “We will wait until eleven o’clock,” Pak Harfan said to Bu Mus and the already hopeless parents. II140 Energi yang berlebihan di tubuhnya serta-merta menjalar padaku laksana tersengat listrik. The over abundance of energy in his body spread over to mine, stinging me like an electric shock. Since linguistic amplification is the most dominant technique beside established equivalent, we could say that the translator tends to add linguistic elements in her translation. Like in data number 7, the translator adds “at any moment”, in data Universitas Sumatera Utara 36 number 51, the translator adds “will” and in data number 140, the translator adds “stinging me”. This technique in the translation of LP into TRT is applied in 53 numbers: 7 22 43 76 110 122 144 166 185 9 26 45 78 111 130 145 168 187 15 32 51 89 112 132 157 171 188 17 35 61 90 113 134 158 173 193 20 38 66 95 114 140 159 174 196 21 39 75 99 118 142 161 183 Linguistic Compression

Linguistic compression is to synthesize linguistic element in the TT. It is in opposition to linguistic amplification. Below, some examples: Data Source Text Target Text II5 Hari itu adalah hari yang agak penting: hari pertama masuk SD. It was an important day: the first day of elementary school. II19 Aku cemas karena melihat Bu Mus yang resah dan karena beban perasaan ayahku menjalar ke seluruh tubuhku. Anxious because of the restless Bu Mus, and because the sensation of my father’s burden spreading over my entire body. II50 Kenyataan bahwa beliau hanya memerlukan satu siswa lagi untuk memenuhi target itu menyebabkan pidato ini akan menjadi sesuatu yang menyakitkan hati. The fact that he only needed one more student would make this speech even more painful to give. In data number 5, the translator translates “hari yang agak penting” as “an important day” which a little bit change the meaning that if we translate back to the source language, it will be “hari yang penting”. Also in data number 50, the translator doesn’t maintain the phrase “untuk memenuhi target itu” since without the phrase, the meaning of the text is already clear. Universitas Sumatera Utara 37 This technique in the translation of LP into TRT is applied in 28 numbers: 5 19 43 50 86 102 129 162 179 189 7 26 45 62 92 111 136 171 187 11 27 47 67 95 117 143 178 188 Literal Translation

Literal translation is to translate a word or an expression word for word. Below, some examples: Data Source Text Target Text II8 Di mulut pintu berdiri dua orang guru seperti para penyambut tamu dalam perhelatan. In the doorway stood two teachers, like hosts welcoming guests to a party. II13 Ia berulang kali menghitung jumlah anak-anak yang duduk di bangku panjang. She kept counting the number of children sitting on the long benches, II31 Aku mengenal para orangtua dan anak-anaknya yang duduk di depanku. I knew all of the parents and children sitting in front of me— Some data is translated word for word i.e. in 15 numbers: 1 10 18 42 71 83 138 180 8 13 31 52 81 96 167 Modulation

Modulation is to change the point of view, focus or cognitive category in relation to the ST. Below some examples: Data Source Text Target Text II28 Setiap wajah orangtua di depanku mengesankan bahwa mereka tidak sedang duduk di bangku panjang itu, karena pikiran mereka, seperti pikran ayahku, melayang-layang ke pasar pagi atau ke keramba di tepian laut membayangkan anak lelakinya lebih baik menjadi pesuruh The face of each parent showed that they weren’t really sitting on those long benches. Their thoughts, like my father’s, were drifting off to the morning market as they imagined their sons better off as workers. Universitas Sumatera Utara 38 disana. II165 Tapi pandangan ayahku menyuruh mereka bungkam , membuat perut mereka kaku. One look from my father was enough to silence them . II194 Buku bersampul biru itu bergaris tiga . It had a dark blue cover and was three lined . The change in the data is the change in the focus. As in the data number 28, in the source text, the focus of word “setiap” each is for word “wajah” face while in the target text, the focus is for the word “parent”. This technique in the translation of LP into TRT is applied in 15 numbers: 24 33 61 124 139 162 170 194 28 44 63 133 160 165 183 Particularization

Particularization is to use a more precise or concrete term. It is in opposition to generalization. Particularization technique is only applied in data number 40. Data Source Text Target Text II40 Pertama, karena sekolah Muhammadiyah tidak menetapkan iuran dalam bentuk apa pun, para orangtua hanya menyumbang sukarela semampu mereka. The first, Muhammadiyah Elementary didn’t require any fees, and parents could contribute whatever they could afford whenever they could do so. Since particularization technique is in opposition to generalization technique, the technique the translator uses in translates “sekolah” as “elementary” is called particularization technique because “sekolah” is the general term for “elementary”. Reduction

Reduction is to suppres a ST information item in the TT. Below, some examples: Data Source Text Target Text II49 Maka diam-diam beliau telah mempersiapkan sebuah pidato pembubaran sekolah di depan para orangtua murid pada kesempatan so he secretly prepared a school closing speech. Universitas Sumatera Utara 39 pagi ini. II79 Wajahnya tampak putus asa. ---------------------------------- II181 Tapi Borek bacanya Bore’, “e”- nya itu seperti membaca elang, bukan seperti menyebut “e” pada kata edan, dan “k”-nya itu bukan “k” penuh, Anda tentu paham maksud saya dan Kucai didudukkan berdua bukan karena mereka mirip tapi karena sama- sama susah diatur. But Borek and Kucai were seated together not because they looked alike, but because they were both difficult to control. In the data number 49, the translator suppreses information from the source text by reduces “di depan para orangtua murid pada kesempatan pagi ini”. This decision could be understood since a speech is read in front of a lot of people and from the previous information in the novel, the reader has already known that there are some parents of children in that morning. Also in data number 79 that the translator reduces the sentence, there is information before in the novel that Pak Harfan is looked devastated and both of them have a close meaning. Meanwhile, in data number 181, the information suppressed is about spelling. Since the spelling of bahasa Indonesia and English is different, the translator’s decision to reduce that information could be understood. This technique in the translation of LP into TRT is applied in data number 49, 79, 105, 118, 130, 165, 172, 181 and 184. Transposition

Transposition is to change a grammatical category. This technique in the translation of LP into TRT is applied in 33 numbers; 12, 21, 37, 43, 72, 108, 170 and 195. And the grammatical categories that changed in the translation of LP into TRT are: Data Source Text Target Text GC Type II12 Wajahnya tegang dan gerak- Her face was tense and N - V Universitas Sumatera Utara 40 geriknya gelisah. twitching nervously. II21 Aku tahu beliau sedang gugup dan aku maklum bahwa tak mudah bagi seorang pria berusia empat puluh tujuh tahun, seorang buruh tambang yang beranak banyak dan bergaji kecil, untuk menyerahkan anak laki- lakinya ke sekolah. I knew he was nervous, and I was aware that it wasn’t easy for a 47 year old miner with a lot of children and a small salary to send his son to school. V – N II37 Kami bertetangga dan kami adalah orang-orang Melayu Belitong dari sebuah komunitas yang paling miskin di pulau itu. We were neighbors, and we were Belitong Malays from the poorest community on the island. V – N II43 Bu Mus yang semakin khawatir memancang pandangannya ke depan jalan raya di seberang lapangan sekolah berharap kalau-kalau masih ada pendaftar baru. Bu Mus, who was growing increasingly fretful, stared at the main road, hoping there would still be another new student. N – V II72 Sahara menangis terisak-isak mendekap ibunya karena ia benar-benar ingin sekolah di SD Muhammadiyah. Sahara sobbed in her mother’s embrace because she really wanted to go to Muhammadiyah Eementary School. V – N II108 Bu Mus mendekati setiap orangtua murid di bangku panjang tadi, berdialog sebentar dengan ramah, dan mengabsen kami. Bu Mus went up to each parent seated on the long benches, striking up friendly conversations with them before taking roll call. V – N II170 Melihat anaknya demikian bergairah ia tersenyum getir. watching his son grow increasingly excited, with a bittersweet smile. V – N II195 Bukankah buku semacam itu baru akan kami pakai nanti saat kelas dua untuk pelajaran menulis rangkai indah? Wasn’t that the kind of book we would use in second grade when we learned how to write in cursive? N – V The grammatical categories changes in the translation of LP into TRT are Noun to Verb 3 37.5 times and Verb to Noun 5 times 62.5.

4.2 Findings

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