Findings Translation Techniques Between The Translation Of English Novel Coco Simon’s Cupcake Diaries 2: Mia In The Mix Into Bahasa Indonesia And The Translation Of Indonesian Novel Andrea Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi Into English

40 geriknya gelisah. twitching nervously. II21 Aku tahu beliau sedang gugup dan aku maklum bahwa tak mudah bagi seorang pria berusia empat puluh tujuh tahun, seorang buruh tambang yang beranak banyak dan bergaji kecil, untuk menyerahkan anak laki- lakinya ke sekolah. I knew he was nervous, and I was aware that it wasn’t easy for a 47 year old miner with a lot of children and a small salary to send his son to school. V – N II37 Kami bertetangga dan kami adalah orang-orang Melayu Belitong dari sebuah komunitas yang paling miskin di pulau itu. We were neighbors, and we were Belitong Malays from the poorest community on the island. V – N II43 Bu Mus yang semakin khawatir memancang pandangannya ke depan jalan raya di seberang lapangan sekolah berharap kalau-kalau masih ada pendaftar baru. Bu Mus, who was growing increasingly fretful, stared at the main road, hoping there would still be another new student. N – V II72 Sahara menangis terisak-isak mendekap ibunya karena ia benar-benar ingin sekolah di SD Muhammadiyah. Sahara sobbed in her mother’s embrace because she really wanted to go to Muhammadiyah Eementary School. V – N II108 Bu Mus mendekati setiap orangtua murid di bangku panjang tadi, berdialog sebentar dengan ramah, dan mengabsen kami. Bu Mus went up to each parent seated on the long benches, striking up friendly conversations with them before taking roll call. V – N II170 Melihat anaknya demikian bergairah ia tersenyum getir. watching his son grow increasingly excited, with a bittersweet smile. V – N II195 Bukankah buku semacam itu baru akan kami pakai nanti saat kelas dua untuk pelajaran menulis rangkai indah? Wasn’t that the kind of book we would use in second grade when we learned how to write in cursive? N – V The grammatical categories changes in the translation of LP into TRT are Noun to Verb 3 37.5 times and Verb to Noun 5 times 62.5.

4.2 Findings

The table below shows the comparison of translation techniques applied between the translation of English novel Coco’Simons “Cupcake Diaries 2: Mia in the Mix” Universitas Sumatera Utara 41 into its translation in bahasa Indonesia “Cupcake Diaries 2: Mia dan Cupcake Galau” and the translation of Indonesian novel Andrea Hirata’s Laskar Pelangi” into its translation in English “The Rainbow Troops”. Table 34: The comparison between the translation techniques applied in both translations No. Translation Techniques English – Bahasa Indonesia MTM – MCG Bahasa Indonesia – English LP – TRT Number Percentages Number Percentages 1 Adaptation 2 Amplification 1 0.22 33 12.60 3 Borrowing 51 11.18 26 9.92 4 Calque 1 0.38 5 Compensation 14 3.07 13 4.96 6 Description 1 0.22 1 0.38 7 Discursive Creation 4 1.53 8 Established Equivalent 130 28.51 53 20.23 9 Generalization 2 0.44 2 0.76 10 Linguistic Amplification 19 4.17 53 20.23 11 Linguistic Compression 100 21.93 28 10.69 12 Literal Translation 96 21.05 15 5.73 13 Modulation 23 5.04 15 5.73 14 Particularization 1 0.38 15 Reduction 2 0.44 9 3.44 16 Substitution 17 Transposition 17 3.73 8 3.05 18 Variation Total 456 100 262 100 In the translation of English novel into bahasa Indonesia MTM into MCG, the most dominant technique applied is established equivalent 28.51 and followed by linguistic compression 21.93, literal translation 21.05, borrowing 11.18, modulation 5.04, linguistic amplification 4.17 transposition 3.73, compensation 3.07, generalization and reduction 0.44 and amplification and description 0.22. Adaptation, calque, discursive creation, particularization, substitution and variation aren’t applied. Universitas Sumatera Utara 42 In the translation of Indonesian novel into English LP into TRT, the most dominant translation technique applied is established equivalent and linguistic amplification 20.23 and followed by amplification 12.60, linguistic compression 10.69, borrowing 9.92, literal translation and modulation 5.73, compensation 4.96, reduction 3.44, transposition 3.05, discursive creation 1.53, generalization 0.76, and description, calque and particularization 0.38. Adaptation, substitution and variation aren’t applied. The application of the translation technique in the translation of LP into TRT is more various than in the translation of MTM into MCG. In the translation of LP into TRT, there are 15 from 18 techniques applied while in the translation of MTM into MCG there are only 12 from 18 techniques applied. Although established equivalent technique is the most dominant technique applied in both translations, the percentage is quite different. It means that the application of established equivalent technique in the translation of LP into TRT is not as dominant as the application in the translation of MTM into MCG. Linguistic amplification technique is applied more often in the translation of LP into TRT while linguistic compression technique is applied more often in the translation of MTM into MCG. Linguistic amplication technique is the most dominant technique in the translation of LP into TRT beside established equivalent technique i.e 20.23 while in the translation of MTM into MCG, it is only 4.17. Meanwhile, linguistic compression technique in the translation of MTM into MCG is 21.93 and become the second most dominant technique while in the translation of LP into TRT, it is only 10.69. This shows that the translator of LP tends to add linguistic elements while the translator of MTM tends to synthesize linguistic elements. Universitas Sumatera Utara 43 Both amplification and reduction which is in opposition are applied more often in the translation of LP into TRT. The percentage of amplification in the translation of LP into TRT is 12.60 while in the translation of MTM into MCG is 0.22. These percentages show that the translator of the LP tends to introduce details that are not formulated in the source text while the translator of the MTM does not. Meanwhile, the percentage of reduction in the translation of LP into TRT is 3.44 while in the translation of MTM into MCG is 0.44. The fact that the translator of LP uses reduction technique more often than the translator of MTM shows that the translator of LP tends to suppress some source text information in the target text, besides, just like the writer said before, she also tends to introduce details that are not formulated in the source text. The percentage of literal translation in the translation of MTM into MCG is 21.05 96 numbers while in the translation of LP into TRT is 5.73 15 numbers. The percentage of the application of this technique is quite different in both translations; the percentage in the translation of MTM into MCG is higher than in the translation of LP into TRT. The percentage of borrowing technique in the translation of MTM into MCG is a little higher than in the translation of LP into TRT. In the translation of MTM into MCG, the percentage is 11.18 while in the translation of LP into TRT the percentage is 9.92. There is a similarity of the application of borrowing technique in both translations. Every honorific is translated with this technique. In the translation of MTM into MCG, we could see in data number 14: Data Source Text Target Text I14 Five days of Mrs. Moore’s hard math quizzes. Lima hari untuk kuis matematika Mrs. Moore yang sulit. Universitas Sumatera Utara 44 And in the translation of LP into TRT, we could see in data number 9, 11, 17, 19, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51, 64, 74, 76, 90, 97, 101, 104, 108, 119, 124, 168 and 176. Data Source Text Target Text II11 Namun, senyum Bu Mus adalah senyum getir yang dipaksakan karena tampak jelas beliau sedang cemas. Yet Bu Mus’ smile was a forced smile: she was apprehensive. II17 Pak Harfan menatapnya kosong. Pak Harfan stared at her with an empty look in his eyes. Beside the similarity, there are also some differences of the using of this technique. The first, in the translation of MTM into MCG, almost words “Mom” and “Dad” are translated using this technique while in the translation of LP into TRT, all of words “Ibu” and “Ayah” is translated literally. Data Source Text Target Text I9 On the weekends I visit my dad, he drives me back to my mom’s house late on Sunday nights. Pada akhir pekan aku mengunjungi Dad , dan Dan mengantarku kembali ke rumah Mom pada minggu malam. Data Source Text Target Text II71 Aku melepaskan lengan ayahku dari pundakku. I took my father’s arms off of my shoulders. The second, in the translation of MTM into MCG “Middle School” is translated with this technique while in the translation of LP into TRT, the same case does not. Data Source Text Target Text I44 At the dance that night, Principal LaCosta gave us our prizes: four Park Street Middle School sweatshirts. Dalam pesta dansa di malam harinya, Kepala Sekolah LaCosta menyerahkan hadian kepada kami: empat baju hangat Park Street Middle School . Data Source Text Target Text II38 Adapun sekolah ini, SD Muhammadiyah, juga sekolah kampung yang paling miskin di As for this school, Muhammadiyah Elementary School , it too was the poorest village school in Belitong. Universitas Sumatera Utara 45 Belitong. The third, in translation of MTM into MCG, the words that are borrowed is more various than in the translation of LP into TRT. The words that are borrowed in the translation of MTM into MCG are “Mom”, “Dad”, “Cupcake”, “Fashion”, “Highlite”, “Mrs”, “Legging”, “Peep Toe”, “Flat”, “Chic”, “Middle School”, “Salad”, “Heavy Metal”, “Play” and “Bye”. Meanwhile, in the translation of LP into TRT the words that are borrowed are “Ibu”, “Bapak”, “Bu”, “Pak”, “Pak Cik”, “Pamanda Guru”, “Cunghai”and “Bapak Guru”. The percentage of transposition technique in the translation of MTM into MCG is a little higher than in the translation of LP into TRT. The percentage of transposition technique in the translation of MTM into MCG is 3.73 while in the translation of LP into TRT 3.05. In the translation of MTM into MCG the change of grammatical categories is more various than in the translation of LP into TRT, i.e. Noun to Verb 9 times 56.25, Verb to Noun 3 times 18.75, Pronoun to Conjunction 2 times 12.5, Conjunction to Preposition 1 times 6.25 and Verb to Adjective 1 6.25 times. While in the translation of LP into TRT are Noun to Verb 3 37.5 times and Verb to Noun 5 times 62.5. The change of Noun to Verb in the translation of MTM into MCG is more often than the change of Verb to Noun while in the translation of LP into TRT, the change of Noun to Verb is fewer than the change of Verb to Noun. The percentage of compensation and modulation in the translation of MTM into MCG is lower a little than in the translation of LP into TRT. In the translation of MTM into MCG, the percentage of compensation is 3.07 while in the translation of LP into TRT, the percentage is 4.96. The percentage of modulation in the Universitas Sumatera Utara 46 translation of MTM into MCG is 5.04 while in the translation of LP into TRT 5.73. Description and generalization in the translation of MTM into MCG and in the translation of LP into TRT is only applied a few times. In the translation of MTM into MCG and in the translation of LP into TRT, description is only applied once while in the translation of LP into TRT, this technique is applied twice. Discursive creation, calque and particularization are only applied in the translation of LP into TRT and only applied a few times. Discursive creation is only applied four times, calque once and particularization once. Universitas Sumatera Utara 47 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS

5.1 Conclusions

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