Relevant Research Studies Conceptual Framework

33 comprehension ability. The implementation of this technique can improve student’s ability in making sense of text. Based on all of the findings above, the researcher believes that the use of the Multiple Intelligences-based techniques can improve students’ reading comprehension. Thus, the researcher will conduct a research related to the use of the Multiple Intelligences-based techniques in improving the students’ reading comprehension.

C. Conceptual Framework

Reading is an important skill in the English teaching and learning process. Students should be able to gather a lot of information to make their learning much easier to be understood. Reading skill helps them to gain a lot of information and also broaden their way of thinking if they can comprehend the given text. However, students of SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta have difficulties in mastering this skill especially in comprehending the given text. Each student is different. Various factors can lead to these differences. One of the factors is student’s intelligence. Intelligence is related to someone’s strength, interest, weaknesses and the ability to learn. The theory of Multiple Intelligences proposed by Gardner has clearly explained that there are eight human intelligences. Therefore, there should be various activities which base their activities on different types of intelligences that would help the students understanding the text based on the way they learn the text. Reading comprehension activities will be varied by the use of the Multiple Intelligences-based techniques. The different types of intelligence can provide a 34 lot of teaching techniques. The various kinds of activities can gather student’s attention because they may feel being challenged in doing the activities and may do better to show that they can do the tasks. There are many activities can be used to improve not only the teaching and learning process, but also the student’s skill to comprehend the text. 35


A. Research Type

This study is an action research study. Tomal 2003:5 proposes action research as a systematic process to solve educational problems and to make improvements. This kind of research can be used to solve practical problems that is faced a teacher in teaching and learning process by using a strategy. This type of study, according to Kemmis and McTaggart as quoted in Koshy 2005:4, includes four stages of planning, acting, observing and observing. Figure 1. Steps of Action Research according Kemmis and McTaggart in Koshy 2005:4 The researcher discovered some problems that occurred in the English teaching and learning process. The problem was related to the students’ reading comprehension. Then, the researcher planned a possible solution to solve this problem and to make some improvement of students’ reading comprehension. The researcher applied and observed the action and reflected on the result of the action. 36

B. Research Setting

This study was conducted at SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta. This school is located in Minggiran, Suryodiningratan, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta. There is a Minggiran field in front of the school. The school building consists of 12 classrooms, a school principal’s room, a teacher’s room, an administration room, a counseling room, a computer laboratory, a language laboratory, a library, and a mosque,. There are 12 classes at SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta and each grade consists of four classes. The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta in the academic year of 20132014. It was conducted on Oktober until November 2013. It was conducted based on the schedule of the English teaching and learning process in VIII A. The students attend the English class twice a week. Each meeting is conducted 2x40 minutes. The materials are taken from some books, especially “Let’s Talk: Grade VIII for Junior High School”.

C. Subjects of the Research

The subjects of this study were the students of SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta, especially of class VIII A in the academic year of 20132014. The VIII A consisted of 34 students. This class has been chosen in recommendation of the English teacher who stated that this class had problems in reading comprehension.