B. Research Setting

This study was conducted at SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta. This school is located in Minggiran, Suryodiningratan, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta. There is a Minggiran field in front of the school. The school building consists of 12 classrooms, a school principal’s room, a teacher’s room, an administration room, a counseling room, a computer laboratory, a language laboratory, a library, and a mosque,. There are 12 classes at SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta and each grade consists of four classes. The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta in the academic year of 20132014. It was conducted on Oktober until November 2013. It was conducted based on the schedule of the English teaching and learning process in VIII A. The students attend the English class twice a week. Each meeting is conducted 2x40 minutes. The materials are taken from some books, especially “Let’s Talk: Grade VIII for Junior High School”.

C. Subjects of the Research

The subjects of this study were the students of SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta, especially of class VIII A in the academic year of 20132014. The VIII A consisted of 34 students. This class has been chosen in recommendation of the English teacher who stated that this class had problems in reading comprehension. 37

D. Procedure of the Research

Using the model of Kemmis and McTaggart as quoted in Koshy 2005:4, this study consisted of four stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Those were explained as follows:

1. Determining the Thematic Concern - Reconnaissance

In the beginning of this stage, the researcher did reconnaissance steps. These steps were aimed to find out information concerning the teaching reading comprehension in class VII A. First, the researcher did a classroom observation. The result of the observation described the real teaching and learning activities and problems that were found regarding to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The researcher also interviewed both the teacher and some student that are chosen randomly. The researcher gathered information from the teacher about the students’ achievement in the English teaching and learning process, especially their achievement in reading class. The students were also interviewed to know their opinion about the English teaching and learning process. Finally, the researcher gave pre-test for the students. This test was aimed to know students’ achievement in reading. Based on the problems found in teaching and learning process, the researchers determined the topic of this research. Meanwhile, the researcher also reviewed the literature to supports the solution. The solution the researcher proposed guided the researcher to plan some action to improve the students’