Delimitation of the Problem Formulation of the Problem


E. Research Objectives

The objective of this study is to improve the reading comprehension of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta through the use of the Multiple Intelligences-based techniques.

F. Significance of the Research Study

The writer expects that the research will give some theoretical and practical significance to some readers, such as the English teacher and the school in which the research was conducted. Besides, the researcher should also take the advantages of conducting the research. 1. Theoretical Significance This research may contribute for further understanding of the role of the Multiple Intelligences-based techniques in improving reading comprehension ability especially in the junior high school. 2. Practical Significance a. Teachers can make use of the research findings to enrich their teaching methods and techniques. b. The researcher can make use the experience for her future as a professional teacher. c. Through this study, it is expected that Grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 13 Yogyakarta can improve their reading comprehension. 6


A. Theoretical Review

1. The Nature of Reading

a. Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the four major skills in mastering English. Many definitions are given to the reading skill. Spratt et al. 2005:21 claim that reading is a receptive skill. It means when a person read a text, that person tries to respond to the text, rather than producing it. To respond to a text, a reader should make sense of the text. The reader needs to understand the language of the text at word level, sentence level and whole-text level. To understand the language of the text at word level, sentence level and whole-text level, readers have to develop their reading skills by practicing. Johnson 2008:4 emphasizes that reading is a constantly developing skill. Reading practice holds important role for a reader in developing their reading skill. Reading practice can make a reader get better at reading texts. Through reading practice, the reader can learn a lot of unfamiliar words and can be exposed to a lot of new concepts and ideas. Gradually, they can learn and understand the language of the text at word level, sentence level and whole-text level. The central purpose of reading is to understand a text. Consequently, Grabe 2009:14 defines reading as a comprehending process. Readers read to comprehend what the writer intended to convey in writing. They also want try to figure out about the text and what information they can get from the text.