The Research Cycles Procedure of the Research

39 after the teaching and learning process. The students and the English teacher were the source of information to tell their opinions, feeling and perceptions about the teaching and learning process.

c. Reflection

The researcher and the English teacher, based on the result of the observation, evaluated all that happens during the action in teaching and learning process. The researcher made a depth conclusion about the effectiveness of the action and the problems occurred while the action was being implemented. The result of this evaluation affected the decision that need to be taken in the next cycle. If the action were considered successful, the researcher continued to the next cycle. However, if the action were unsuccessful, the next cycle was implemented with the consideration of the previous reflection. Finally, the researcher used this stage as the consideration in writing the research report.

E. Data Collection Technique

This research used the qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. In order to attain the data, the researcher used several data collection techniques, namely:

1. Observation

During the teaching and learning process in classroom, the researcher observed the teaching and learning activity. Researcher observed several aspects in the teaching and learning process. They included how the teacher teaches reading, students’ behavior, and the learning materials. 40 The purpose of this technique was to get information about the teaching and learning activity. The result were used to identify the problems in the reconnaissance stage before the action, which determined the planning stage. While in the acting and observing stage during the action, the results were used to assist the research members in describing the students’ and the teacher’s behavior and the problems that occured in the classroom during the implementation of the action. The results of observation were described in the form of field notes.

2. Interview

The type of interview that was used in this research is the semi-structured interview. The researcher developed some specific questions, but the researcher allowed for some flexibility according to how the interviewee responded. Teacher and students were individually interviewed before and after the teaching and learning process. This technique was used to discover the response of teacher and students about the teaching and learning process. The researcher asked students’ and teacher’s perceptions, thoughts and opinions about the teaching and learning process. The responses were transcribed from audiotape.

3. Questionnaire

A questionnaire was also used in this research. The questionnaire was used in the reconnaissance stage. The purpose of using this technique was to find out students’ multiple intelligences. To implement the Multiple Intelligence-based technique, the researcher must know the students’ intelligences. The result of this