Free Writing Types of Classroom Writing Performance

21 Fabb 1997, p. 165 defines macro-structure of narratives as one of the aspects of narrative form whose basic element is from developing complication to final resolution of that complication. The complication is generally called as conflict of the story that may successfully catch the readers‟ attention while reading narrative text. While after coming to the conflict, the resolution of that conflict that is called resolution is expected to be included in the story. In addition, Labov and Waletzky 1967 find that there are various components that supplement the storyline of narrative. as cited in Fabb, 1997, p. 165. They are namely Abstract, Orientation, Complication, Evaluation, Resolution and Coda. Those components are common to be considered as narrative writing requirements while writing a story. Besides, Labov and Waletzky 1967 state that “not every narrative will have every component, though at least the complication and resolution are usually present because these make up the basic storyline.” as cited in Fabb, 1997, p. 166. In this study, from those three of six narrative macro-structures are focused by considering the level of 8 th grade junior high school students. Those three macro-structures of narratives are Organization, Complication, and Resolution. c. Requirements of Narrative Writing Since the use of digital storytelling belongs to narrative writing that tells stories to the students as audiences, there are some requirements needed in narrative writing. According to Bram 1995, Kammer 1949, McCrimmon 1984, and Cali n.d, there are five requirements in narrative writing as follows: 22 1 Unity Bram 1995, p. 20 explains unity as “oneness”. The whole sentences in a paragraph should focus in one unity. This will be achieved if a paragraph has a clear topic sentence. The clear topic sentence in a paragraph will help the readers understand the information from the writing. He also suggests the writers to put a clear topic sentence in the very beginning of the paragraph. The topic sentence must be explained by supporting sentences. The writers ‟ job is to explain and clarify “the problem” found in the topic sentence to the whole paragraph. The writing should be understandable and interesting to read by the readers so that the readers do not need to solve the message of the writing by themselves. In line with Bram 1995, Kammer 1949, p. 175 argues that “unity guides the writer in putting those things together that belong together and keeping those things apart that should be kept apart.” From this statement, the writer has the right to decide which sentences should be kept together or kept apart in order to see the unity of the paragraph. 2 Coherence According to McCrimmon 1984, p. 209, a paragraph can be considered as coherent when the reader can move easily from one sentence to another and read the whole paragraph than in each separate sentence. In this case, coherence has related to the connection in each sentence the writer makes. The paragraph that does mot connected between each sentence will be confusing to read. Bram 1995, p. 21 states that coherence plays a crucial role in making paragraph well-constructed. To achieve coherence, the writer needs some