Language Use Student with Two Narrative Writing Skill Improvements in the Aspects of Content and Language Use


b. Mechanics

S1 had a very poor mechanics aspect on the first narrative writing task with score 2. He had some improvements on the second and third narrative writing task. He got 4 that means his mechanical writing was on the level of good to average. In the first narrative writing task, in which he did not put capitalize on the whole first letters in the beginning of each sentence. He might not pay attention to the use of capital letter in the beginning of the sentences. He might think whether he used capital letter or not, it would never affect to the sentence meaning or construction, whereas they were became totally big mistakes on the mechanical aspect of writing. His structure of sentence was not in a good order because he provided additional word above the sentence in order to revise into good sentences. His bad handwriting also became a problem in order to understand the content of the story. For that reason, he got a really poor score in the first writing task. While in the second and third narrative writing task, he started to write in a good handwriting. The reader could easily read the content of the story better than the first writing task story. He also made improvements in the use of capital letter in the beginning of the sentences. He applied what was being instructed and explained by the teacher. 72

B. Research Results and Dis cussion of Students’ Perception through the Use

of Digital Storytelling Questionnaire data are used in order to answer the second research question. The purpose of the questionnaire is to identify the students’ perceptions of the use of digital storytelling in teaching-learning activity. The questionnaire consisted of two types of questions. There were 20 close-ended questions and 2 open-ended questions. In the close-ended questions, the students were given options to confirm their statements in scale one to four. The scale one represented that they strongly disagree with the statements. The scale two represented that they disagree with the statements. The scale three represented that they agree with the statements. The scale four represented that they strongly agree with the statements that were provided in the questionnaire. While in the open-ended questions, they were given chances to give their opinions and suggestions related to the use of digital storytelling in the classroom teaching-learning activity. Based on the result of the questionnaire given by the writer, there were 35 students in class 8A. From those 35 students of the class, there were 5 students who did not do the questionnaire. As the final result, there were 30 students who finished the questionnaires. Table 4.4 shows the results of the questionnaire on the next page. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 73 Table 4.4 The Result of Questionnaire in percentages Question Number Answer Types 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 1 10 43 47 2 3 50 47 3 10 43 43 3 4 20 67 13 5 10 30 47 13 6 17 63 20 7 7 67 27 8 10 80 10 9 37 57 7 10 13 73 13 11 7 80 13 12 7 73 20 13 13 67 20 14 7 67 27 15 10 67 20 16 10 77 13 17 7 70 23 18 10 73 17 19 17 63 20 20 10 57 33 Averages 1 17 64 18 Based on the tabl e 4.4, the students’ perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class could be seen in each question on the most left of the table. The scales from one to four were shown in percentages. In addition, the averages of those per centages of students’ perceptions were also provided on the bottom of the table 4.4. From the averages, it could be seen that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 74 the lowest percentage was on the scale one that was strongly disagree. In order to make it clear, the students’ perceptions of the use of digital storytelling are shown in the Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Digital Storytelling Based on the Figure 4.1, the students had good perceptions of the implementation of Digital Storytelling as a learning activity in the class. It was proven by the percentage of the questionnaire results. 64 of the students agreed and had good perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class. Then, 18 of the students strongly agreed and had good perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class. However, 17 of the students disagreed and did not have good perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class. While the rest, there were 1 of the students who strongly disagreed and did not have good perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class. The percentages of the students 1 17 64 18 Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree