The Process of Writing

18 be worried about their spelling, punctuation and grammar while they are doing free writing. Even when they run out of things to write, they are allowed to continue writing whatever comes into their minds. Those are allowed to help the students to focus on generating ideas. In contrary with Brown 2000, another expert Reid 1993, p. 25 argue that in free writing “free was essentially misnomer, however; in general, the freedom was guided.” The free writing is limited to structuring sentence and the result of which looked like. Usually , free writing is limited to the teacher‟s topic then the students may write based on the topic that is given to them. Based on those explanations, free writing is defined as a technic that is used to help the students to generate their ideas. It is usually applied in the beginning of the study. Since its name is free, the teacher cannot limit the students‟ work because it inhibits the free flow of their ideas. Besides, the theme or topic of the writing is decided by the teacher.

4. The Reasons of Teaching Writing

As it is mentioned in “How to Teach English” by Harmer 1998, p. 79, there are four reasons of teaching writing to students, namely: a. Reinforcement Some students usually think that the most important way of learning language is by learning orally, but Harmer 1998, p. 79 states that people will get more benefit by seeing the language written down. It is proven by the usefulness of learning new language in written form by the students who have studied it. 19 b. Language Development The process of writing included the activity in order to get a proper written texts is also the process of learning experience. The writer can develop the language by arranging words into a good writing. c. Learning Style Writing is suitable for those who need a little longer time to produce a language. It also becomes a quite reflective activity compared to direct communication done by looking and listening through something to produce the language. d. Writing as a Skill Writing is as important as other skills like listening, speaking and reading. By writing, students can develop their abilities to write letters, put written reports together and use electronic media appropriately. In this case, writing becomes a very important skill because the writer needs to know some writing conventions like punctuation and paragraph construction.

5. Narrative Writing

The activities that are used in this research deals with narrative writing. They are used to see the students‟ improvements. In order to support the activities, the writer provides the explanation of narrative writing taken from some experts.

a. The Nature of Narrative Writing

Dumais 1988 states “narrative is a kind of writing which tells a story – a series of connected incidents, or an action - process of an action .” as cited in Kristanti, 2002, p. 20. From his explanation, the incidents are seen as serial of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 events. By those connected events, the problems are clearly found in the story. They affect to the focus of the story which is sequence of actions. In line with Dumais‟ statement 1988, Hudak 2008 argues that “a narrative paragraph is a group of sentence that tells what happens, how the action happens, and in what order the events occur.” as cited in Yantu, 2013, p. 8. The detailed of sequencing events should be clearly described in narrative writing. They are used to enrich the reader in understanding the story. Derewianka 1990 explains the purpose of narrative is more than just to entertain the readers. The basic purpose of narratives is to entertain, that is to gain and hold the readers interest in a story. But narratives may also seek to teach or inform, to embody the writer ‟s reflections on experience, and to nourish and extend the readers‟ imagination. as cited in Kristianti, 2002, p. 20. Thus, based on those explanations above, it can be concluded that a narrative writing is an activity of writing story that includes serial of connected events in it. The connected events should be written in details by telling the readers how the events happen and solve. Moreover, the narrative writing has purposes not only to entertain the readers, but also to deve lop the writer‟s experience in a written form.

b. The Macro-Structure of Narratives

Every kind of text has its own structure. The structure of the text is used to differentiate kind of texts. For example, the structure of descriptive text is different with narrative text. Since the focus of this research is narrative, the structure that is often called “Macro-Structure” of narrative text is described in this part. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI