which means that it was in the level of excellent to very good mechanics.


5. Student with Two Narrative Writing Skill Improvements in the Aspects of Content and Language Use

Different with other students, S24 turned out to have two narrative writing skill improvements that are shown in the pictures below: S24 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 66

a. Content

In the first narrative writing task, the content of S24 was given the score 22. After doing the second narrative writing task, he got 27 and finally he got 29 on the third narrative writing task. From the findings of S24, the improvement could be seen from the good to average content level. It improved to excellent to very good content level of writing. Based on the result of the first narrative writing task, the whole content of the story was categorized on the average level. The story he wrote actually had a good content, but he did not mention the characters who were involved on the story. He just wrote “some animals” without mentioning what kinds of animals involved in the story. One of the important points that he missed was in the introductory sentence that should be put in the beginning of the first paragraph. While in the second narrative writing task, it could be seen that he had already developed the story in detail. From the beginning part to the end, he could deliver every single sequence of events in the detailed story. He also wrote all characters who were involved and the setting of the story in a good way. On the third narrative writing task result, he did not miss any important sequence of events of the story. The whole content of the story was relevant to the assigned topic. That was why he got score excellent to very good content for the second and third narrative writing task. 67

b. Language Use

S24 got score 17 in the first narrative writing task that was on the level of fair to poor language use. Then in the second narrative writing task, he got 19 which means the language use score improved from fair to poor to the level of good to average. On the third narrative writing task, the language use was given the score 23 that means in the level of excellent to very good. From the result of the first narrative writing task, S24 made mistakes on the language use such as article, word spelling, pronouns, word function and also tenses agreement. It could be seen in the first paragraph in which he did not even provide the introductory sentence in the beginning of the paragraph. He started writing “A old woman was cooked a gingerbread.” From this sentence, the writer could find two mistakes which were on the use of article “a” that should be changed into “an” and also the use of passive form of sentence. The words “was cooked” should be changed into “cooked” because the subject who did the action was the old woman. He might still feel confused on the use of active and passive sentence. On the second paragraph, the writer found that there was misspelling word in the sentence “Suddenly, the gingerbread became a lived…”. The words “a lived” should be “alive”. He might not pay attention to the piece of paper consisting of some vocabulary used in the digital storytelling video provided by the writer. The mistakes on the third paragraph were about the tenses agreement. The word “chase” should be written in the simple past tense that was “chased”. Other PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 68 mistakes were also found in the fifth paragraph. The mistakes were still about passive sentence and pronoun. The word “was” in the sentence “gingerbread was reached a river…” should be omitted to change it into active sentence. The last mistake in the first writing task was found in the use of pronoun “him” in the sentence “gingerbread was reached a river and stopped him running.” It would be better if he omitted “him” in front of the word “running”. In the second narrative writing task, the mistakes were found on the use of tenses agreement. It could be seen on the third paragraph that he forgot to use simple past tense for the word “sit”. Since the simple past tense is used in narrative writing, he should pay attention to the use of it. Moreover, the list of verbs in simple past tense was provided by the writer in a piece of paper. The students were expected to use those lists of verbs in simple past tense in order to minimize the mistakes in term of tense agreement. The same case was found in the fourth paragraph. The word “go” should be written in the simple past tense. The improvement of the language use in the second writing task was found in the use of article and pronouns. He did not make mistake on the use of article and pronouns that was different with the first writing task. That was why he got 21 in the language use in the second narrative writing task. After analyzing the third narrative writing task of S24, there was no mistake found in the language use aspect. The improvement was clearly found on the third writing task. He already understood in the tenses agreement, pronouns and article. He learned from the previous two writing tasks. 69 6. Student with Two Narrative Writing Skill Improvements in the Aspects of Language Use and Mechanics Here is the other example of student whose narrative writing skill improved in the aspects of language use and mechanics: S1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI