Mechanics Student with Two Narrative Writing Skill Improvements in the Aspects of Content and Language Use

75 who strongly agreed and disagreed were slightly different, however the percentages of students who strongly agreed were higher than the percentage of the students who disagreed and did not have good perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class. The questions of the questionnaire were classified into two parts considering the theory of writing process by McCrimmon 1984, p. 10-11: 1. Planning According to McCrimmon, planning is a series of strategies related to how students start thinking about the topics or ideas they want to write. From those 20 questions, there were 5 questions that could be classified into Planning. Those 5 questions were described in table 4.5 as follows: Table 4.5 The Questions that belong to Planning in percentages Question Number Answer Types 1 StronglyDisagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 6 17 63 20 7 7 67 27 10 13 73 13 16 10 77 13 17 7 70 23 Average 11 70 19 From the table 4.5, there were 70 of the students who agreed and 19 of the students who strongly agreed that digital storytelling helped them plan activities. Those plan activities were divided into activities like preparing outline, arranging ideas, remembering the plot of the story and improving the 76 comprehension of the story. On the contrary, there were 11 of the students who disagreed and nobody strongly disagreed that digital storytelling helped them plan activities of writing. 2. Drafting The process of developing idea in writing is called drafting. The writer has to see the topic from their perspective in order to develop it into some sentences in a paragraph. In contrast with planning, the questions that could be classified to drafting process were more than the questions in Planning. Table 4.6 shows the percentages of 8 questions of the questionnaire that belong to Drafting. Table 4.6 The Questions that belong to Drafting in percentages Question Number Answer Types 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 4 20 67 13 8 10 80 10 9 37 57 7 11 7 80 13 13 13 67 20 14 7 67 27 18 10 73 17 20 10 57 33 Average 14.25 68.5 17.5 As in the table 4.6, there were 68.5 of the students who agreed and 17.5 of the students who strongly agreed that digital storytelling helped them draft activities. Those draft activities were divided into activities like making them easy to organize ideas, helping them listen to the story, developing their ability to arrange the sentences from jumbled into the well-arranged one and helping them PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI