Research Results and Dis cussion of Students’ Perception through the Use

76 comprehension of the story. On the contrary, there were 11 of the students who disagreed and nobody strongly disagreed that digital storytelling helped them plan activities of writing. 2. Drafting The process of developing idea in writing is called drafting. The writer has to see the topic from their perspective in order to develop it into some sentences in a paragraph. In contrast with planning, the questions that could be classified to drafting process were more than the questions in Planning. Table 4.6 shows the percentages of 8 questions of the questionnaire that belong to Drafting. Table 4.6 The Questions that belong to Drafting in percentages Question Number Answer Types 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 4 20 67 13 8 10 80 10 9 37 57 7 11 7 80 13 13 13 67 20 14 7 67 27 18 10 73 17 20 10 57 33 Average 14.25 68.5 17.5 As in the table 4.6, there were 68.5 of the students who agreed and 17.5 of the students who strongly agreed that digital storytelling helped them draft activities. Those draft activities were divided into activities like making them easy to organize ideas, helping them listen to the story, developing their ability to arrange the sentences from jumbled into the well-arranged one and helping them PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 77 better especially in narrative writing. From the results, it could be seen that the number of students who strongly agreed were less than the number of students who agreed that digital storytelling helped them draft narrative writing activities. Those 17.5 of the students also strongly agreed that digital storytelling help them draft in other draft activities. Those other draft activities could be in forms of arranging the sentence based on the sequence events of the story, helping them to use some new words appropriately based on the theme and introducing a new merrier way of learning narrative writing rather than reading the students’ workbook. Besides, there were 14.5 of the students who disagreed and nobody strongly disagreed that digital storytelling helped them draft the process of narrative writing. From the research results and discussion, two research questions could be answered. The use of digital storytelling improved 8 th grade students’ narrative writing skill of SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. Their improvements could be seen in terms of four writing aspects: content, organization, language use and mechanics. The 8 th grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta also had good perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class. They were agreed that digital storytelling helped them in Planning and Drafting activities. This research proved Kestha’s research 2013. The use of digital storytelling could raise the students’ interests in following class activity. Due its benefits, the implementation of digital storytelling in classroom teaching-learning activity got positive feedback from the students. Besides, the difficulty in implementing digital storytelling was on the available of time. 78


In this chapter, two major sections are discussed. The first section presents the conclusions of this research. The second section provides recommendations for the English language teachers who want to use digital storytelling and also other researchers who want to conduct the same topic as this research.

A. Conclusions

This research aimed to find the improvements of 8 th grade students’ narrative writing skills of SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. There were two major questions in this research: 1 to what extent the use of digital storytelling helps the 8 th grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta to improve their narrative writing skill 2 how the students’ perceptions on the use of digital storytelling in learning activities in class are. Observation, questionnaire and results of the students’ narrative writing tasks were use d as research instruments. The writing scoring rubric was used to give scores to their narrative writing tasks. Those students’ narrative writing tasks was analyzed and compared to find out the improvements. In this case, their narrative writing skill improvements were concluded. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 79 In conducting this research, classroom action research was used as a method of the research. There was only one cycle that consisted of three meetings. The students were asked to do writing task in every meeting by using digital storytelling. The different topics are taught in every meeting. In the first meeting, parts of narrative text followed by the content and the organization of narrative text were explained. The process of the teaching-learning activity in the first meeting ran well. Based on the observation, the students really had interest in following the free writing in the beginning of the activity given by the writer. They also paid attention to the digital storytelling. Based on the results of the first narrative writing tasks, some of the students really need to learn introductory sentence in the very beginning of the story. The students were still asked to do free writing on the second meeting but in a small group in order to stimulate their ideas to do the second narrative writing task. There were a lot of questions from the students while the writer observed the class. In the second meeting, the focus of the study was on the language use in narrative writing. The structure of simple past tense was reviewed and explained to the students. As the result of second narrative writing tasks, most students started to understand the use of simple past tense in narrative writing. It was proven by few mistakes they made in the second narrative writing task. The learning activity was made to be merrier in the third meeting. The students listened to one song whose lyric consisted of simple past tense. Guiding by the writer, the students analyzed the tense structure of the lyrics. It was really fun knowing they were curious about the meaning of the lyric. The focus of the 80 third meeting was on the mechanics writing. The use of punctuation such as full stop, comma, capital letter and apostrophe were explained. As the results, the improvement could be seen from the first to the third narrative writing task. It was proven by the scores that the students got on the third narrative writing task. By those students’ narrative writing task results, the use of digital storytelling was concluded that it could improve the 8 th grade students ’ narrative writing skill in SMP Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. They made good improvements limited by four aspects in writing such as content, organization, language use and mechanics. Based on the questionnaire results, it showed the students’ perceptions on the use of digital storytelling. They agreed that the use of digital storytelling could help them better understand the stories, arranging the sentences, remembering the sequence of events of the stories and developing ideas. The learning activity using digital storytelling was also merrier for the students. They suggested the writer and the teacher to always use digital storytelling to help them understand the story and improve their writing skill. It could also raise the students’ interest in following the teaching-learning activity in class.

B. Recommendations

The second part of this chapter is about recommendations. The recommendations are directed to the English teachers, students and other future researchers who want to conduct the same type of research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 81 1. English Language Teachers After knowing that the use of digital storytelling could improve students ’ narrative writing skill, English language teachers are recommended to apply the use of digital storytelling as an approach in the learning class activities. It is more effective than using LKS as a workbook. It can raise students’ interest to follow the activity. The students will pay more attention to the video than read material from workbook. On the other hand, the English language teachers should be more creative to make a set of lesson plans to be applied in teaching-learning activity in class. The creativity of the teacher will affect to the students’ interest in following the learning activity in the class. It is better to find another merrier way of learning the structure of simple past tense such as us ing or analyzing a song’s lyric. In addition, the topic of digital storytelling should be chosen appropriately based on the students’ level. A story that has many characters or complicated problems will be more difficult to understand. In contrast, the students will get bored easily while watching a video for kids if the level of the story is not suitable. As a consequence, they will be busy with themselves, activating or playing games with their mobile phones during the teaching-learning activity in class. 2. Students The students’ participation has already been good in following teaching- learning activity in class. Most of the students can give their best attention to watch the video shown by the writer. Some of them are still not confident to come 82 in front of the class to read what they wrote to other students. They tend to suggest other friend to change their turns to come to the front of the class. They are not confident enough to perform in front of their friends. They need more activities such as collaborative learning then present it to other friends in front of the class. It will improve their confidence and teamwork in solving problems. 3. Future Researchers There are many aspects that should be prepared before implementing the digital storytelling. First is the importance of electricity. The video of digital storytelling will not work if the electricity does not work well. Sometimes, the researchers cannot predict what will happen in the field when doing the research. It is better for the researchers to provide a hard copy of the story for the students. The hard copy of the story will help in such urgent unexpected situation. Second, the researchers should not be panic in facing some unexpected problems related to the activity of using digital storytelling in class. For example, the researchers should be patient when solving the problem of the speaker in the class that does not work. It is better to bring built-in speaker so that if the researchers find such problem, they can solve it patiently by using built-in speaker. Third, the researchers are expected to make a good relation with the students who become the research respondents. A good relation with the students can be built from the outside of teaching-learning activity in class, for examples by sharing, having good conversation, asking them about their hobbies and music. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI