Student’s Improvement in the Aspect of Language Use

61 S11 got score 3 in the first narrative writing task. It was on the level of good to average. Then in the second narrative writing task, she got 4 that was on the level of good to average. Then on the third narrative writing task her score was

5, which means that it was in the level of excellent to very good mechanics.

Mistakes were found on the capitalization in the first narrative writing task. She did not use capital letter in the beginning of the second paragraph. Another mistake was found in the fourth paragraph that dealt with the capitalization agreement in the beginning of the paragraph. While in term of writing conversation as seen on the third and fourth paragraph, she did it with a good use of punctuation and full stop in the end of the sentences. Besides, t here was a mistake found on the word “Said” that should not be capitalized. In the fifth paragraph of the first narrative writing task, there should be a comma after the sentence “When the gingerbread man arrived in the river,…” to separate two activities at once. In the beginning of the sixth paragraph, the word “finally” should be capitalized. There was a mistake found in the last word of the sixth paragraph. She capitalized all letters in the word “DIED”. She might have done this because she wanted to insist that her writing was actually done. In the second narrative writing task, there were mistakes on the first p aragraph. She wrote “Her name is goldilock because her hair gold colored.” From this sentence, the mechanism mistake was on the use of capitalization, spelling and punctuation. The word “goldilock” should be written “Goldilocks”, starting with capital and ending with “s” letter just like the title of the story. The “be” “is” should be put before the words “gold colored”. Then the hyphen also 62 should be put between “gold-colored”. Other mistakes were on the sentence of the fifth paragraph. She wrote, “when three bear’s looked to the bedroom and saw there was a girl.” There were mistakes on the capitalization, punctuation and grammar. The beginning of the sentence should be started with capital letter, so it should be “When…”. Then the word “bear’s” should not use apostrophe “s” because it did not define someone’s ownership. The preposition “to” should be changed into “at the bedroom”. Other mistakes were found on the connector “and” that should be omitted and added a comma followed by the sentence …they saw a girl.” Nevertheless, the third narrative writing task was already good. She did not make mistakes on the use of capitalization. She tried to pay attention on the first letter in the beginning of sentences to be capitalized. Meanwhile, the mistakes were less than the two previous narrative writing tasks. The mistakes were still on the use apostrophe “s” in the wrong order. In this case, the improvements might not cover all the previous mistakes she made, but they were proven by the less mistakes compared with two previous narrative writing tasks. It meant that she learned something from the previous mistakes to improve her narrative writing skill. Overall, the whole third narrative writing task was in a good mechanism order. 63 S25 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI